hulgana -> RE: Is mechquest dying? (9/8/2010 13:14:20)
I haven't played Mechquest that long, so I cannot comment if the recent SCMMs are copies of older mechas, but I think it's rather unfair to say "there hasn't been anything really new besides Yokai". Yokai is currently the main storyline, isn't it? And it is an awesome planet IMO. I mean seriously, that's like that scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian: "But apart from better sanitation and education and medicine and public safety and roads ... what have the Romans ever done for us?" Also, there were many new things released besides Yokai this year. Just from the top of my head, they introduced the storyline checklist, that I find very helpful (it's easier to follow than DF's storyline), and there were lovely holiday events (Valentine's day and 4th of July were definitely not copies of older releases, I still have both of the awesome minigames from these events as arcade games and play them a lot). I will not deny that MQ does not have as much staff and it does not have as many players as the other games. But it is still doing fine. I find it really strange that whenever there's a couple of smaller releases, people start with another round of doomsday prophecies. I have seen several threads on this topic die, while MQ is still alive and well I said except for Yokai. Besides, Yokai wasn't as cool as Necryptos. The release of Valentine's day included last year's stuff,and only one mini-game as an update. Same with Friday the 13th. Nothing new,just a few new stuff. As for the people who are saying that MQ isn't dying, explain it. Just saying that MQ isn't dying can't prove anything. Compared to last year, the releases got smaller and smaller, and all recent SCMM's were mere copy of past mechas as i said. They all were similar in specials, and the models looked as if the staff could not find any good idea for new model; and therefore they brought different parts of past mechas together and formed something. I feel as if the staff is considering SCMM monthly as a nuisance, and not paying much attention to it. Now, I am not saying MQ is vanish anytime die soon, but if the staff don't do anything about it,MQ is losing its players slowly but steadily. Since most players reached lvl 40 a year ago, leveling up has no meaning anymore. Rare collectors check the game once in a week and buy anything thats rare, and logs out. I used to play MQ actively until i reached the maximum lvl, and completed all the mission. But after completing everything,the game got boring. Weekly releases don't have much to do,probably something i can finish in 20minutes. So, my idea is that staff needs to do something about it, or MQ will end up losing most of its players.