Igneus Level Tracker! (Full Version)

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DarkEternal -> Igneus Level Tracker! (9/25/2010 2:32:00)

Welcome to the Igneus level tracker


When posting use this format: Character Name - Forum Name - LV - build (Optional) - Date added

If updating your level use this format: Character Name <old LV> - <new LV>

Use code tags if you want it to link to your character page: [image]http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c220/The_Other_Guy_27/codetags.jpg[/image]

So this DarkEternal - DarkEternal - 91 - 9/25/10 shows up as
[link=http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=5278772]DarkEternal - DarkEternal - 91 - 9/25/10[/link]
in your post! Then I copy and paste that here and it shows up linkified! Then everyone knows you're smarter than the people who don't use code tags.

*If you're like me and you don't know your Build, please leave that spot blank, that's what I did.*

The List





Kirana Starbrow - Starbrow - 80 - Annihilation Sorceress - 10/14/11

DarkEternal - DarkEternal - 91 - 9/25/10

Half-Drakel Warrior - Cow Face - 95 - Balanced Hybrid - 10/21/09

Sacchi - Sacchi - 100 - Hybrid - 10/25/09

perryhuang12 - pwnagecod - 101 - Guardian hybrid - 8/5/10

http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=55060178-Loki The Wizard Assassin-A.loki64-108-Pure Mage-2/24/10

NightBane-Lord Momo-107-Beast Warrior

awesomeman167 - pyrotian - 109 - beast warrior - 1/26/10

Chad - Chadrizard - 108 - Beastmage - 11/30/2009

1stClassGenesis - ZerueI - Level 111 - 12/28/2009

Scythe of Asgard - The_Other_Guy_27 - 120 - Annihilator Beastwarrior - 10/20/09

Ubear- ubear - 136 - Pure warrior - 2/27/2010

Level 136 (Wall of Fame)

Nightshadow the Gothic Skunkwolftaur - Nightshadow99 - 136 - High INT Tank Warrior - 9/23/10

Ubear- ubear - 136 - Pure warrior - 2/27/2010

Last updated: 10/5/2010

Thanks to The_Other_Guy_27 for holding on to this while I was away, and for keeping it running and starting from scratch.


Pinned ~Baron

Lord Momo -> RE: Igneus Level Tracker! (10/2/2010 5:15:55)

NightBane Level 99-Level 107

Starbrow -> RE: Igneus Level Tracker! (10/14/2011 0:54:47)

Kirana Starbrow - Starbrow - 80 - Annihilation Sorceress - 10/14/11

Golden Emperor -> RE: Igneus Level Tracker! (10/24/2012 23:13:44)

Golden Emperor - LVL 150 - Pure Warrior - 10/25/12

Ubear -> RE: Igneus Level Tracker! (6/26/2013 15:40:48)

Ubear - Ubear - 150 - 26/06/13

doomas -> RE: Igneus Level Tracker! (7/11/2013 21:45:25)

Matthias - Doomas -Lvl 150 - Pure Warrior - 7/11/2013

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