mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (Full Version)

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mechquestlord -> mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (9/30/2010 16:30:15)

well here i will be giving you my idea on a mecha that YOU get to request. but heres a few starters.

CDPA-a nice mecha with a goo dbunch of effects. quite powerful for both offencive players and defencive. 8/10.
frankenmecha-quite a strong mecha for an nsc but it wavers a bit for sc people. 7/10.
adv runehawk-nice mecha with good designs. a little too reliant on its ep though. 6/10.
adv wolfblade-strong dmg dealer with a good spechial weapon. but the problem is that the head weapon holds it. 5/10. (limited custom)
adv mystraven-a great mecha if fortune is on your side. powerful for an sc but a little unreliable. 7/10.
kurosawa series-powerful mechas but they lack in hp. more then made up for by the head and supreme mater glitch. 9/10.
supreme master-not enough attacks and an nsc/sc with little ngs cannot do much except pray in a fight. 7/10. (unchoosable setup)
dragon spirit-strong mecha with a large variety of attacks. lots of crits and strong dmg on the fa. 9/10.

DragonYugi -> RE: mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (9/30/2010 16:38:05)


a little too reliant on its ep though

Wait... what? Tell me at least 3 weapons that don't use EP. LOL. This point is just plain wrong and bad in sooo many ways.

And how is this a guide? This seems more of an Reviewing thread.

And with bad reviews too. I mean... you need to run it through a spell-checker, rephrase it entirely and to not use acronyms ("CDPA", "dmg", "crits", "fa"). Also, could you be a bit more detailed please? Maybe even make some videos with you in those mechas testing them for us?

mechquestlord -> RE: mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (9/30/2010 16:41:18)

i dont have youtube OR download stuff AND the adv RH has a sc energy shield. a little too reliant on its ep. see?

DragonYugi -> RE: mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (9/30/2010 16:54:59)

The EP shield is meant to save the mecha's butt. How long have you been playing MechQuest? Don't you know how important EP is? The Advanced RuneHawk Mecha uses the power of EP to resist longer in battle. It is as simple as that. It isn't "too reliant on its ep.".

Making a YouTube account is free. Downloading the trial of Hypercam is free. Making videos is free.

Making a good guide needs more than just short and bad comments with no basis on giving points to it.

Do you know how a good point system works? Like this:

HP: 0/10 points.
EP: 0/10 points.
Effects: *insert comments about each and every effect of the mecha* 0/10 points.
Special Features (SC/NG): *insert comments about those special features* 0/5 points.
Type (Defensive, Offensive, Balanced): *insert comments on why and how with solid proof* 0/10 points.

After that, the mecha would have an x number of points out of a maximum of 45. Yeah... It's as simple as that.

mechquestlord -> RE: mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (9/30/2010 17:15:37)

well you could have said in your LAST post not your POST AFTER MY SECOND POST!

forumlogin -> RE: mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (9/30/2010 22:01:41)

Except that generally you should think through this sort of thing first. :P

And you seriously need a spellcheck. Unreadable guides=useless.
Also, I see you almost completely ignored the NSC side of things.
Not only that, but you only went through 8 mecha in the whole game. :/

Denolth -> RE: mechquestlords powerful mecha guide (10/12/2010 14:36:12)

Hi, mechquestlord!

First, thank you very much for making a guide and trying to help the community. We really appreciate that. But, before you start writing a guide, I'd like to show you The Guidewriter's Manual to Excellence. Following this manual is very important when writing a guide, believe me! ^-^'

After reading the manual linked above, please check a few guides in the MQ Guides forum. Those are good examples of what a guide should look like.

I will leave this thread locked, but feel free to write your guide after following the above instructions! =) Thank you once again for trying to help!

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