RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (Full Version)

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helloguy -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/12/2011 12:26:55)

that Ed is lagging badly

Arcanis -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/12/2011 12:35:35)

that "lagging badly" is understatement?

Sageofpeace -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/13/2011 9:06:53)

that the update of epicduel don't have a specific time

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/23/2011 1:26:26)

Did you notice now you need at least 50 faction wins before donating?

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/29/2011 16:30:01)

that all skills but field medic of all classes get raised at 20, 40, 61 and 100 stat points ?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/29/2011 16:32:16)

that im the only one on all time juggs below a 90%

MrBones -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/29/2011 21:06:38)

Did you notice that Naomi doesnt sell anything anymore ?

Edit: Did you notice that we don't see much BearBikes around ?

I guess they are stuck with a bunch of posters now...

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forums lol -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/31/2011 6:31:04)

Did you notice that Donna Matrix is 1000 wins (and counting) less than Dax? She could catch up!

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 15:47:15)

Did you notice they now show your 2vs1 wins on character page.

5rr5 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 15:48:44)

No, they don't.

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 15:50:18)

Take look at character page

5rr5 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 15:51:22)

I did and you can't see 2 vs 1.

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 15:56:46)

Well I see yours you have 51 wins. I don't have any cause I haven't brought card and for now not plan too.

5rr5 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 15:59:37)


skeletondude -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 16:01:48)

wow u can really see jugg battle record maybe u hav to clear cache

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 16:09:47)

Try that 5rr5

Master Volcon -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 16:41:50)

Clearing it shows Jugg battles now.

5rr5 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/3/2011 16:44:11)

Yay it works now :D

od -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/19/2011 0:20:58)

1- That no npc uses a sword (except maurauder hulk and slayer, and the lawman)
2- that ultimate skills will always kill a kneeling opponent
3- That although npcs use multishot and sometimes plasma rain, none of them use artillery
4- other skills that npcs don't use: stat buffs, stat debuffs, ultimate skills, poison, none of the 3 new skills and no energy drain skills.
5- venom strike although it only hits 70% damage from my experience it always hits atleast 5
6- that you can redebuff a debuffed debuff
7- that there are teleporter pods all accross the map now

pinoy idols -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/19/2011 0:49:17)

That Mercs and the Warrior class in Dragon Fable have similarities (in skills)?

Double Strike-Double Attack
Berzerker-Triple Attack
Intimidate-Strength Strike
Atom Smasher-Mana Strike
Artillery Strike-Multi Strike
bunker Buster-Throw

Aegis Omega -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/19/2011 23:41:45)

Did u notice that NPC's don't reply to ya if their guns were deflected?

@Above yeah the Mercenary weapon skills and multi-hit are pretty similar to the Warrior Class's Skills but the B.B is diff. to Throw , since Throw has added damage but Bunker Buster crits.

5rr5 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/20/2011 8:13:07)

DId you notice that mage with high hp and high support is OP now?

yuchen1234 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/20/2011 13:46:50)

Did u notice that the frostbane looks like the frost mourne from world of warcraft

Drakadh -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/20/2011 14:34:13)

Did you noticed everyone is jumping to conclusions about the Delta classes being OPed O.o


Larcell -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (6/20/2011 15:34:02)

Did you notice that Max Hybrid Armor only gives +12 instead of +13?

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