RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (Full Version)

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Mordred -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/25/2010 3:20:27)

I actually lol'ed at ultrapowerpie's. It was great! It combined an original idea with stereotypes to create a piece of work that's as much to make fun of our ideas as it is to tell us a short story. Unless I'm wrong, which I could be. it could have just been to be funny. And he was right in saying it was a funneh story. Excellent work!

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/25/2010 16:51:17)

That's Pie for you.

His stories for The Book project are like that. Hopefully will get one or two more up tonight.

Hope to see more.

jerenda -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/25/2010 23:03:24)

I've got one submitted. Very bleak, very dark, very off my normal theme. For balance, I'm working on a positively themed story, but I don't know what direction I want to take it in yet and if it'll get done before the deadline. Cross your fingers. If the happy one fails, then don't judge me. >_> But feel free to go look at my works!! XD Links are in my siggy.

Red Blizzard -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/26/2010 0:03:53)

Pie surpassed himself with his story. OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!! I want that book now XD Just to say its name over and over to anyone who happens to pass by.

And my story is up ^_^ I look forward to reading more stories!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/26/2010 14:07:30)

I'm so glad that you all loved that story. I had the idea for the story ever since Darkness got announced. I don't know if I'll ever be able to top myself. XD

I enjoyed everything uploaded thus far, can't wait to read more :D

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/26/2010 15:50:54)



How quaint. Can't wait to read it.

Any feedback on my story? I'm wondering if I should write Darkwing, though I don't have much free time.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/26/2010 21:39:24)

Entry 58 by Cowface

I am one who thrives in darkness by Shreder

Two more

Red Blizzard -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/27/2010 0:54:50)

[quote=Reaper0001]How quaint. Can't wait to read it.

Any feedback on my story? I'm wondering if I should write Darkwing, though I don't have much free time.[/quote]

Your story was short, but it was a tantalizing tidbit of what could be a greater background. I loved everything up to the moment where the guy said his name. I mean, Darkwing's all great and everything, but the name just didn't seem to fit the moment. I was expecting something latin or something german... you know? scary languages. Names aside, I loved the way suspense was built up so effectively in such a short amount of time. And the way the hemlet and the face were contrasted...beautiful.

Btw, any critique on mine? :P

On to other critiques.

I loved Entry 58. It's a morbid, yet scarily true reflection of society, like so many of Cow Face's past pieces. But the way the very last line grabbed me made me want to simultaneously laugh, cry, and stare blankly in open shock. "Why did they have to be blue?" And he's called a demon for that...the irony bites.

Shreder's poem, I am the one who thrives in the darkness, was short, but sweet. There are some familiar themes though...angels and darkness seem to become ever more closely linked by the we saw in A Heart of Darkness. At least, that's what I interpreted the black feathers to mean. At the stanza refering to the moonlight, I almost thought you were referencing this whole thing to night rather than darkness, but the overall theme seems to head in a different direction. Well done.

Shreder -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/27/2010 1:07:20)

I actually meant the whole poem, in particular the black-feathered wings bit, to refer to a raven, which is the persona I take on these forums.

But interpret it how you will... [;)]

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/27/2010 4:24:08)

Thanks, Red. Maybe I'll add a bit more to the last bit of dialogue. I always felt it was a little short. I'll read your in a bit. I'm up at 4:00 A.M., due to the fact I fell asleep at around 6:00 P.M. yesterday. I'll get started on Darkwing soon. One week off next week.

EDIT: Got around to reading Pie's and Red's stories.

Pie's....Well, it was certainly Pie's. His stories are the ones that are difficult to describe. The only thing I can say with complete certainty is that the title fits, and that it was good.

Red, I happened to read yours during a dark and stormy morning. It's probably going to give me nightmares. The way the eyewitness accounts were all both sad and scary at the same time was great. The army of living and talking dolls...*shivers*

BadHulk -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/31/2010 8:48:44)

Can't make the deadline. Will make an short story of it.

Balu -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/31/2010 16:02:10)

Been a bit busy with things lately. But I did have the time to come up with a submission for the book of darkness, something I wanted to put down on paper way before knowing about this project. PMed it to Eukara. I really must read all of the pieces posted here. Probably tomorrow.

BadHulk -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/31/2010 17:22:37)

Pie forced me D:

I really liked his story a lot... Humoristic as always ;D

Mordred -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/31/2010 18:05:58)

I hope some more are added today!

Xplayer -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (10/31/2010 23:56:44)

Holy crap. I finished with 5 minutes to spare. Wow. I won't procrastinate this badly next time; I swear! :D Hopefully the story turned out halfway decent considering how rushed it was.

I actually finished the story a week ago, but alas, it was only in my head. Actually writing it down was an entirely different matter.

Mordred -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/1/2010 0:56:29)

Procrastination is the foe of all.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/1/2010 2:58:08)

Roomies by monstermike9000

Alone in the Dark by Torn

The Darkness Within by Alexmacf

Mordred -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/1/2010 3:25:08)

My God, the Darkness Within is so macabre... I love it!

MonsterMike9000 -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/1/2010 3:48:34)

Wow, Im glad I read The Darkness Within. It cuts me deep whenever I hear stories about victims of domestic violence being denied help that they deserve. I sympathize with the main character's problem, not being believed because his victimizer is a woman and he a man.
Good story.

Xplayer -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/1/2010 16:09:09)

Since my critiquing skills need work, I'll make comments on the prose posted in the book so far (sorry poets, my poetry critiques don't say much more than "I liked it").

A Heart of Darkness by Tiriel: A very interesting spin on angelic warfare! At first I didn't even notice the angelic elements, since I assumed the descriptions of Anariel to be metaphorical. Although when I realized the nature of the story, it was easy to predict how it ended. Still, the descriptions and details of thought provided throughout made the whole read worthwhile. At times I felt it could have been a little longer, but by the end, I found that the length was perfect and adding more would drag the pace of the story more than it would legitimately contribute to its expansion.

Darkwing by Reaper0001: Hmm...what to say about this piece...It's a nice frame of a story. The best thing I could compare it to is a "snack" from Literature Girl, a fragment of a greater whole. I was disappointed though that since the description was nicely written that the characters were totally undeveloped. That's just personal preference; I'd rather see a good character than a good story. Still, an interesting idea in trying to change what a "conventional story" is.

The NecrOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMicron by ultrapowerpie: As others have stated already, it's certainly classic pie work. Fourth wall painting, fourth wall climbing, and fourth wall smashing were great in this piece. It was nice to read a humorous, change of pace work in the book of darkness. All these, well, dark works seem to bend into each other after a while. This one truly stands out.

Will read more later.

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/1/2010 19:58:51)

Between the Shadows and the Soul by Alex Shiveran

Sounds in the Dark by superjars

Two more!

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/2/2010 17:02:59)

Intermission: Falls by superjars

The Lone One by Mordred

Shadows of the Heart by Jerenda

Letters to No One by Clyde

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/3/2010 15:18:22)

Solitude by Micosil
How can light keep away the darkness, for in the end...

Pomegranate Seeds by Wildroses
Ever wonder what Greek myth was like in an alternative universe? How about Persephone...

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/4/2010 15:26:26)


I was disappointed though that since the description was nicely written that the characters were totally undeveloped.

I didn't want to develop the characters. For two reasons: it would take too much space, and it is meant to be an opening, not a story in itself. But all critique is welcome.

No time to read, for now. Too much homework I've been putting off. :/

Eukara Vox -> RE: Book of Darkness Discussion thread (11/4/2010 22:35:54)

Dream Doll by Eukara Vox
Warning: Morbid and creepy. I was trying to be as macabre and dark as possible, while staying within the rules.

Darkness is (not) Your Friend by Xplayer1
Could you stand being the one without blessing?

Me, Myself and I by balubamboto
When it all comes down on you, do you take that last step?

Nightmares by Dragonnightwolf
Darkness only gets to come out once, and for a brief time.

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