Beta Evolution 1.0.5e - Performance Update - January 10, 2010 (Full Version)

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Omni -> Beta Evolution 1.0.5e - Performance Update - January 10, 2010 (10/30/2010 2:01:55)


Beta Evolution 1.0.5e is LIVE!

This update includes the following:

* Over 20 New Weapons!
* New in-game moderator features - introducing temp bans, chat block, warnings, and more!
* Improved system security during battle
* Significant performance improvements during battle (less lag!!!)
* NPC AI speed improvements (they think faster!)
* The chat log no longer scrolls to the bottom when a new message is added
* FIXED - Battles that "Fail to Start" no longer count as runs or losses in your battle record
* FIXED - Eliminated battle hang issues related to AOE attacks when targets disconnect or leave battle
* FIXED - In rare cases, daily leaderboard leaders were not receiving awards
* FIXED - Space Pirate Armor for females
* FIXED - Chat Filter improvements

Other features to look forward to soon!

* More Payment options - PayByCash, Cherry Credits, SMS (We will have these before Founder Offer expires!)
* More website Improvements
* Character Pages on the website (show off your achievements to your friends)
* Weapon Upgrades
* Faction Headquarters (meet in central location, communicate more easily, post notes, hold meetings)
* Improved Faction Management (founder step down feature, player activity details)
* Player Housing (purchase custom items to decorate your home and showcase your achievements)
* Improved retraining system (retrain backwards as many levels as you like!)
* New Battle Modes - survival mode, 2vs1 boss battles (possible drops)
* Tournaments for rare prizes!
* And lots lots more!

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