Founder Armor - Stacking AE Upgrade Cards! - January 6th, 2010 (Full Version)

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Dax -> Founder Armor - Stacking AE Upgrade Cards! - January 6th, 2010 (10/30/2010 2:00:36)


Hello fellow duelists!

Until we get the Master Account Points system working we have a temporary solution in place that will allow you to get the Founder Duel Master Armor before the offer expires!

1. Just purchase two smaller packages $19.95 each using two AE Upgrade Cards.
2. Contact the help team here and explain that you have bought 2 separate packages and would like the Founder Duel Master Armor!

The help team will award you with your Founder armor, and some additional Credits and Varium to make up the difference. In the future we will have a point system in place where players can more easily stack "multiple AE cards".

If you have already purchased multiple upgrades but have not received the Founder Duel Master armor, feel free to contact the help team and they will help you out.

Please understand that each Founder Duel Master Armor will be awarded manually for the time-being so it may take a day or so before your transactions are processed and your armor is awarded. Thanks for patience!

Hope this helps for now!


Just remember to contact the help team and explain the situation so they can help you. Also remember that the armors are being awarded manually so the processing time may take a little extra time. In the future we will have a Point system that will allow you to stack cards and other payment options together to complete purchases ... all in good time :D

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