Beta Evolution 1.0.7a - Friday February 19, 2010 (Full Version)

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Dax -> Beta Evolution 1.0.7a - Friday February 19, 2010 (10/30/2010 2:47:35)


The Faction Wars continue! EpicDuel Beta 1.0.7a is coming tonight around 6 pm EST and will introduce some more features to increase the excitement of Faction Wars!

EpicDuel Beta 1.0.7a Includes the following updates:

New Features
  • FACTION WARS CONTINUED! With this update we are introducing three more capture points.
  • Improved Faction chat! See who's online and who's not in your Faction.
  • Hourly tax will be increased to 25 Battle Tokens on each capture point for the top 3 flag controllers.
  • Battle Boosters! Double your Battle Tokens for a limited time with these booster available from all VendBots across Delta V.
  • 30 New Styles! Change your look with 5 new styles per gender per class.
  • Battle Captcha added to prevent botting.


    Performance Improvements
  • Greatly reduced data sent for each player entering the screen

    Bug Fixes
  • FIXED - Style change glitch in which other players failed to see style change updates
  • FIXED - "Standing on buildings" bug
  • FIXED - 2v2 turn skip bug when two players are left and one is stunned
  • FIXED - Several more dangerous/annoying bugs, cheats, hacks, and exploits

    Coming VERY Soon

  • Valestra's Arcade opens next week! There you'll have the opportunity to win a color-custom Hoverbike!
  • Item Upgrades! We understand there's a lot of anticipation over this feature, but we don't want to release it until it's done right.
  • Faction Headquarters
  • Items for player housing and Faction Headquarters
  • Character Pages

    Notice Regarding Elites:

    I am sad to announce that due to new game mechanics involving consumable varium items, we can no longer offer unlimited Varium to Elites. This privilege, although generous, prevented us from developing new features that would make Elites infinitely powerful, such as boosters, consumable buffs, Varium to credit conversion, and item enhancements. However, we still want to reward Elites for their crucial early support of the game by granting them 20,000 Varium + they will be the first to receive the Hoverbike in the next update for free. We understand if you feel slighted, this was not a decision we made lightly, but it is in the best interest of the game and a matter of fairness to the community at large to discontinue the unlimited Varium offer. It simply became a nearly impossible design challenge to build every new Varium feature around a few hundred players when there are now 500,000 registered accounts. This may, no doubt, be disappointing to some Elites, but, ultimately, Varium, achievements, or any other baubles we can award you in-game are paultry trinkets when it comes to thanking you for supporting us during those shaky early days of EpicDuel. We are genuinely grateful for your support, and we definitely would not be here today without you. We appreciate your continued loyalty, and hope you continue to duel with us as EpicDuel grows and evolves.

    For a recap, here is a list of all that Elites have received/will receive:
    Elite Achievement
    Founder Achievement
    Founder Armor
    Beta Weapons
    Three months of unlimited Varium
    Color-Customizable Hoverbike

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