Verteroche Crossing (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Verteroche Crossing (12/17/2010 20:15:25)

Verteroche Crossing

Access Point: Travel Map (Books 1 and 2) -> Verteroche Crossing -> Take me there!
Requirements: None
Release Date: December 17th, 2010

Quests Available
Song of the Worms


Escort From Verteroche
Escort to Dragesvard
Old Scrolls


Lauren's Clothing Shop

Marlon's Book Shop

Lovely Time Shop


Dahari: 'Ey dere. Welcome to Verteroche Crossing, mon ami.

Lauren's Clothing Shop

Lauren: Allo! What can I do for vous?

  • Quest!
    Lauren: Allo, 'ero! Vous 'ave arrived at ze right moment!
    Lauren: Vous see... ze clothes I make are made using ze finest silk and I ran out.
    Lauren: Zis silk is spun by a particular kind of jungle worm zat only spins ze silk when it is listening to certain sweet melodies!
    Lauren: I 'ave a music box with ze right melody, but I can't leave my store unattended... (And I don't want Ralph to be in charge...)
    Lauren: Could vous be kind to 'elp? (Vous might also need to be ze silk out of zem)
  • Talk
    <Character>: Hi. What exactly do you sell here?
    Lauren: *shocked* What? Zis is only ze most famous clothing boutique in ze land!
    <Character>: Oh.
    Ralph (thinking): *sigh* *(I suppose that ze likes of zis one might not 'ave 'eard of us.)*

  • Shop
    <Character>: I'd like to take a look at the clothing you have for sale, please.
    Ralph: Hmph, yes I suppose that she would. Look at zese hideous rags she is wearing.
    Lauren: Umph, please forgive my assistant. 'e is a bit of a.. 'ow you say? A jerk.
    Lauren: Just let me know when you are finished wis'ze merchandise.
  • Done


    Aalis: Hi! Bonjour! You muz' be new 'ere.


    Maurice: 'Ey what? Come on and leave moi in peace. Vas!
    Maurice: Oh, actually.. Do you 'appen to 'ave somezing to read?
    Maurice: ...
    Maurice: ..Allo?


    <Character>: Hello!
    Faramonde: What.
    <Character>: Um...
    Faramonde: I'm a busy man. Either you're here to work or you're here to waste my time. If it's the latter, then you can just go now.

    Faramonde: I don't have time to waste. There are bandits all over the roads and I need to make sure my caravans arrive. Cargo intact.

    Faramonde: Are you up to the task, <Class>? I have a caravan ready to go now.

    Aurelle: Come on, Jaques. You have been tying zis bag for long time!

    Unguard: Dere is so many bandits on le road zese days.

    To open locked door you need to pick the lock:

    Wiggle - Nick - Nick - Jab - Wiggle - Tap

    Inside there is a chest with Ham n Turkey sammich

    Sleepy Goblin Inn

    Marlon: Eh, so you look like you might juz be ze adventurer I'm looking for, eh?
    <Character>: Oh?
    Marlon: Oui. I 'ave zis book, you see? It has been in my family for a long time, and it is probably worth some gold.
    Marlon: However, I have no use for zis book. It is.. a little boring. But to the right person I am sure it would be an excellent read.
    Marlon: What do you say, eh?

    Elene: Allo! Welcome to ze Sleepy Goblin Inn & Tavern. You muz' be weary from travelling. Would you like a room for ze night?

    If you're trying to go to the second floor via the stairs:
    Elene: Pardon, the second floor is for patrons only.

    Glenn's Chartering

    Leanie: Welcome to Glenn's Chartering service. Would you like a complimentary honeyed fried frog leg?

  • Eww, no.
    <Character>: Um, no thank you.
    Leanie: Ok, suit yourself.

  • Sure!
    <Character>: Yum! I sure do!
    Leanie: Oh, actually we're all out. Wow, nobody's ever said yes before. Hah.

  • Talk
    <Character>: So, this is the same sea that Falconreach is connected to, right?
    Leanie: Yep. It is... And there are quite a few interesting fishing spots out there, as well as a couple places only accessible by boat.
    <Character>: ...Really? Ok, I'll bite. What's out there?
    Leanie: Oh... let's see. Siren's Anchorage, Isle of Vraaxis, and Ironcliff to name a few.
    • Let's go!
      <Character>: Oh wow, my adventure sense is off the charts! So, when can we leave?
      Leanie: Glenn is actually out deep sea fishing at the moment. But, if you stop in when he gets back we'll be able to take you out there.
      Leanie: For a price, of course. *grin*

    • Nah..
  • Charter?
    Leanie: Glenn is actually out deep sea fishing at the moment. But, if you stop in when he gets back we'll be able to take you out there.
    Leanie: For a price, of course. *grin*

  • CulinExtraordinary!
    Leanie: Welcome <Character>! Good to have you here! I hope you're hungry! I was about to prepare a famous Verteroche dish!
    Leanie: However I need a few ingredients to prepare everything. Could you get me the following ingredients?
    Leanie: Flames of fire elementals, legs of frogzards, leafs of seedspitters, slime of slimes and...
    Leanie: ... one BIG Enormescargot, the small ones just won't do!
    <Character>: .....
    Leanie: Are you ok? You look a little green.
    • I'm fine! Let's do this! - begins CulinExtraordinary quest.
    • Gross, no! I'll be back... later.
  • Leave


    Cronix: Ah, <Character>, we meet again... or have we even met yet?
    Cronix: No matter, I've come to watch the sunset on the waters of the Bay... and I have some new items you might be interested in.

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