Star Dragon! (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Star Dragon! (12/18/2010 1:01:38)

Star Dragon!
Quest Location: The Bridge > Admiral Amada > MISSIONS > TARVAS NUKES
Quest Given By: Admiral Amada
Requirements: Level 45

Amada: It's good to see you again, WarpForcer! Fleet Intelligence has just reported several alarming bursts of radioactivity in the Tarvas System. Not alarming because of the scale of the bursts--
Amada: -- There are many much larger sources of radiation in space-- but alarming because of the apparent regularity. It's as though someone is going around the system and demolishing every object orbiting its sun.
Amada: I need someone I can trust completely to go into the Tarvas System and investigate these incidents fully. Report back to the Alteon with your finding.
  • To Tarvas!
  • Back

    «Scene: The Alteon flies along in space and your fighter flies out of the Hangar Deck and to the Tarvas System.»

    «You»: Alteon, I've arrived in the Tarvas System. Scanning for local radio signals...

    «Scene shifts to the inside of the fighter.»

    «You»: There is a lot of background radiation here from recent nuclear explosions.
    «You»: Okay-- I'm picking up some radio transmissions! I'm recognizing them... Yep. They're Network languages, alright!
    «You»: The transmissions are coming from several barren planets and asteroids in the system. Sounds like they're coordinating another round of nuclear blasts.
    «You»: I'm going to pay them all a visit and toss a monkeywrench in their plans...
  • Go!

    1 BATTLE
    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal
    1 BATTLE

    Full Heal
    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal
    1 BATTLE
    Full Heal

    «You»: «You» here again, Alteon. I encountered several Network camps in the system and neutralized them.
    «You»: Their nuclear devices are disarmed, and so far I don't see any signs of more of them.
    «You»: We're going to need the Alteon to enter the system to do complete scans. Should be safe enough now...

    «Scene: Engineering Deck»

    Amada: Good work, «You». I was just talking to Gravlax in Engineering about some unexplained readings...
    Gravlax: Kuggelux! More like unexplainABLE readings! I've never seen anything like this.
    Gravlax: According to our long-range scans of the system so far, the nukes were all set off with precise timing.
    Gravlax: Every time the Tarvas sun flared, a nuke went off exactly 150 milliseconds later. There was a very exact rhythm being orchestrated by the Network in this system...
    Gravlax: ... but there is no phenomenon in any database I can find that would be created by such a process or require it in any way.

    «Scene: Your fighter»

    «You»: I'm sure you'll find something once you get closer. Hmm... I'm getting another radio transmission. There's someone on one of the larger asteroids! I'm going down there.
    Admiral Amada: (on radio) We'll be at your location in a few minutes!

    «Scene: An asteroid.»

    ???: Ahhh... I was wondering how long it would take you to notice me!
    «You»: You were trying to get my attention? Who are you?
    Serrakin: I'm Serrakin... from Lore. And you are, as well, eh? WarpForce. Hmf. Just you, eh? I would have thought there would be MORE.
    «You»: Oh, they're coming. Don't try anything funny. What are you doing here, working with the Network??
    Serrakin: I was an archaeologist back on Lore... but after the Network made contact with us I was stricken with an unquenchable urge to explore further than any other Drakel had before.
    Serrakin: I learned as much as I could. What intrigued me most, however, was something far beyond what I normally thought of. TRAVEL. Specifically, modes of space travel.
    Serrakin: The first mode of space travel developed was chemical rockets. Very slow, and very inefficient. Fusion and antimatter came next--
    Serrakin: -- allowing civilization to travel significant percentages of lightspeed. Still quite slow when you're dealing with distances in the billions of miles.
    Serrakin: Then, using a combination of fusion, antimatter, and gravitoelectromagnetic toroidal launchers, starships were able to be propelled to over 99 percent lightspeed.
    Serrakin: Great, right? But no... They were still looking at travel times of YEARS from one star system to the next.
    Serrakin: Not to mention that traveling at near-lightspeed causes you to go back in time-- meaning that you arrive at your destination in the past.
    Serrakin: Relativity, therefore, got in the way of practicality.
    Serrakin: Until at last, the WARP DRIVE was perfected, which stretches spacetime behind a ship while shortening it ahead of the ship. Starships can now simply GO from one place to another--
    Serrakin: -- without pesky side effects like traveling in time.
    «You»: So you became interested in physics?
    Serrakin: I was still an archaeologist... But the ultimate fantasy of an archaeologist is to be able to study old civilizations BEFORE they die out.
    Serrakin: And time travel causes too many problems. Knowing that I COULD time travel but that if I did, I would be long forgotten to my contemporaries due to time dilation, basically ruined my dreams.
    Serrakin: Oh, yes... So instead, I decided to become a merchant and build a fortune in trading warp power sources.
    Serrakin: Most of them, like standard WarpCrystals, are non-renewable. A renewable power source is always best, and I've recently discovered one. The Network financed my little expedition to this system.
    Serrakin: Ever heard of Crystallized Dragon's Breath? Many warp drives existing now require warpcrystals combined with magical power to move a ship. CDB is basically magical warpcrystal.
    «You»: The nukes. Why are you setting off nukes? Trying to make Crystallized Dragon's Breath? Because I can tell you one thing... you can't make it.
    Serrakin: Hmf. Right-- You need a Dragon. And a Lorian dragon... such a small thing. You'd need to raise them like bees to get enough CDB. But now-- STAR DRAGONS--
    Serrakin: -- they're a DIFFERENT story!
    Serrakin: Star Dragons cocoon themselves within asteroids rich in water-ice for several centuries as they approach adolescence.
    Serrakin: During those centuries, as the dragon grows in size 100-fold and matures into an adult, its biology also transforms from carbon-based to hydrogen-based.
    «You»: What? Solid hydrogen is only possible at a temperature of ABSOLUTE ZERO.
    Serrakin: Yes, that is true. It is the dragon's inherent magical properties that allow this. A strong force field forms around its body, like a second skin, to protect its body from absorbing any heat.
    Serrakin: This shielding, and having a hydrogen-based biology, allow a Star Dragon to actually feed off of suns!
    Serrakin: An adult is the size of a small city... And can make more CDB over the course of a single year than a thousand Lorian dragons could make in a century!
    «You»: ........ So you FOUND one? Here?
    Serrakin: Ohhhh yes. And the nuclear devices, detonated in a pattern with Tarvas's solar flares, were planned to WAKE IT UP a few years prematurely.
    «You»: Well, I interrupted you. So I guess your plan's finished. How were you going to control such a thing, anyway?
    Serrakin: My Network friends had some kind of net they wove out of superstrings... I think it's invisible. It has to be around here somewhere. Anyway, you didn't mess up my plan.
    Serrakin: See the planetoid behind me? There's one last nuke there, and it's about to blow right--
    Serrakin: -- NOW.

    «Scene shows a nuclear detonation on the planetoid.»

    «You»: !!! You just showered me with more rads than I'd normally get in a year out here!! Grrr...
    Serrakin: Now THAT should do the trick.
    «You»: So where is your Star Dragon?
    Serrakin: He's one of those floating rocks out there. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to make you disappear so there are no witnesses to my scheme...
    «You»: I-- don't think I'll be excusing you.
    Serrakin: Nice knowing you.
  • Fight!

    1 BATTLE
      Level 45-55: Serrakin (45)
      Level 56-75: Serrakin (65)
      Level 76-95: Serrakin (85)
      Level 96+: Serrakin (105)
    Full Heal

    «You»: Alteon-- We may have a problem...

    «Scene: The Bridge»

    Queen Pra'Mithia: «You»! Welcome back aboard. I trust your anti-radiation cleansing went well.
    «You»: Thank you, Queen. I do feel a little... cooler. Admiral, the Network was trying to wake up a STAR DRAGON out here. We need to be on the lookout for--
    Captain Daian: We've already been watching for anomalies, and we found one... An asteroid with a weird wobble, according to Gravlax.
    Admiral Amada: And we're closing in on it now.

    «Scene: Outside the Alteon, an asteroid with blue crystals emits brief bursts of light and then explodes, releasing a Star Dragon.»

    «You»: That's a big dragon.
    Admiral Amada: He doesn't look very happy.
    «You»: The Network woke him up early.
    Admiral Amada: General Stormfront! Launch a fighter squad and have them hold for my orders! Gravlax-- Get ready to give us maximum power shielding!

    «Scene shows a brief skirmish between warpfighters and Star Dragon.»

    «You»: He seems to be... angrier.
    Admiral Amada: Gravlax... Shields. Maximum. Please.

    «Outside, the shields go on. Afterwards, the dragon breathes on the Alteon.»

    «You»: Looks like he's only going to understand force. Admiral?
    Admiral Amada: Take the helm... She's all yours!

    Your Race becomes "Lore SpaceShip," your Class becomes "Warp Class," and your Clan becomes "WarpForce." Your Level is 100, your Combat Defenses 42, your Elemental Modifiers 59% each, and your spells are replaced with Repair Systems and Miracle Work. Your Stats become STR 175/DEX 125/INT 50/END 100/CHA 0/LUK 50.

    Admiral Amada: «You», you saved our hides!
    Queen Pra'Mithia: It's a pity such a majestic creature had to meet an early end.
    «You»: I agree... But this wasn't our fault. The network just doesn't give up when it comes to causing mayhem on a grand scale.

    «Scene shows the Alteon racing away while an Unaga ship enters.»

    ???: Someone killed a Sacred One here... This is quite unfortunate.
    Mission Debriefing:

    Thanks to you, the Alteon survived an encounter with one of the largest organisms anyone has ever come into contact with. I wish it was under different circumstances. It's likely the Star Dragon was in a confused state after being awakened from its centuries-long slumber. Perhaps Star Dragons are just as intelligent as the dragons of Lore. If so, maybe one day we will be able to communicate with them.

    Now that we know such powerful beings exist out here, I can say this for certain: We've just entered a race to see who can become allies with the Star Dragons first!

  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Parching Dragon Scythe
    Parching Dragon Scythe Z
    Guardian Parching Dragon Scythe
    Enhanced Parching Dragon Scythe

    Heavy Dragon Battlesuit (60)
    Heavy Dragon Battlesuit Z
    Guardian Heavy Dragon Battlesuit
    Heavy Dragon Battlesuit (80)
    Heavy Dragon Battlesuit (100)

    Parching Dragon Fist Z
    Parching Dragon Fist (55)
    Parching Dragon Fist (75)
    Guardian Parching Dragon Fist

    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf

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