=AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (Full Version)

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Ultrapowerpie -> =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (1/3/2011 16:50:58)

Yes, for some reason the old Anouncements thread has somehow disapeared and I am dreadfully sorry that a new one hasn't been made. So here's a new one for everyone to post Paxia Announcements for all!

sacchi -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (2/8/2011 18:43:12)

I'm gonna impose myself as the new leader of Igneus through democratic means. Awesome. For me.


Edit: Achieved. I'm new leader of Igneus. OBEY ME

masterwolfie -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/29/2011 15:38:18)

The Second annual celebration of all that is Lucian in the year 2011.

Last year I think was a success and due to that it shall make a return this year.

The Lucian Armed forces day is almost three months away.

The mentions shall return.
The yearly Lucian cross ceremony.

Also new this year is the cross clan award. A great warrior respects other warrior's abilities. Nominate your favorite non-lucian to take part in this years rewards.

Take this time to nominate people from the present or the past and explains your reasons to why they should receive the Lucian Cross, the highest award in the Lucian Clan. Only One this Year shall receive this honor and those who didn't get chosen will be in the honorable mention which will happen each days onward to the actual celebration day.

The same rules applies for the Cross-Clan nominations. Choose your non-lucian who have committed much to the Paxian scene.

So that's it. September the 23rd. Here we go.

((Remember to PM me your nomination.))

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (8/12/2011 23:53:24)

Ahem, in case people aren't already aware of this, I'm hosting a new gaming project called Paxia Ultimate Conquest. We're only on round 3, so there's still time to turn the tables and proudly prove that your clan is the better competitor (or simply if you want to have fun with other players).

Clicky linky!

dethhollow -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (1/7/2012 16:39:52)

hey, is there an official list of leaders of Paxia clans? if not, I can start one. I am DETERMINED to become the dictator Prezident of Nautica.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (2/25/2012 1:19:36)

I am going to be away this weekend with no computer access. If an issue emerges that requires the attention of the Geoto Clan Head please post or pm me and I will deal with it when I return.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/9/2012 21:48:38)

Gentlemen this thread has a new announcement that is important:

We need people coming back from the Private Forums *eyes Lucian and Dynami* and coming back here so we can raise activity. We're currently in the middle of a massive overhaul. We need your input on this to help improve the forums.


Mortarion -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/9/2012 21:57:54)

Soo, in what does this affects us? And I'll make an account in DInamy right now

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/9/2012 22:00:03)

It's effecting everyone. We're essentially overhauling everything, and SCAKK is asking forumites for their ideas. So if you have ideas on how to make Paxia more fun/active (like reviving the pet threads), please post. That way we get more people back here and we won't be so dead.

Mortarion -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/9/2012 22:03:13)

ahh ok, thought it affected us in a negative way, sorry I misunderstood

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/9/2012 22:10:35)

No, this is good change, but if you want it, we need your suggestions. :P

Mortarion -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/9/2012 22:22:24)

ah okay

DigDog -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/9/2012 23:54:57)


We need people coming back from the Private Forums *eyes Lucian and Dynami*

There's not really anybody active left on the private forums. There's only so much activity you can keep without actual new ingame content. I'm gonna post it on the PPF though, there are one or two people who are still bothering to visit.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/10/2012 8:41:31)

I understand that, I'm just trying to "rally the paxians" so we can make some improvements. I have ideas myself but would like to hear your ideas too.

Tuss -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/10/2012 10:35:55)

Maybe your ideas are better than, or the same as, ours, or can help us think of our own.

Sarriya -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/10/2012 12:54:17)

Well as nice as some more lax (and maybe some more consistency between AKs) rules would be the real issue still amounts to in-game content.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/10/2012 14:29:47)

Since Forum staff are seperate from in-game staff, nothing we can do there. Some of my ideas require some hammering out so I can't really post them, but if anyone remembers some of the old old threads that were allowed before the Third Mod Intervention (when the pet threads were banned and such), that'd be great.

DigDog -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/10/2012 14:39:45)


I understand that, I'm just trying to "rally the paxians" so we can make some improvements. I have ideas myself but would like to hear your ideas too.

I understand that, but there just aren't many Paxians left to rally. We could have used these changes a year ago.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/11/2012 1:10:17)

Unfortunately DigDog is right, still doing nothing won't improve the situation.

when the pet threads were banned and such

Didn't know they had been banned, the Geoto one is still going and FAQed, so it doesn't disappear due to inactivity.

DigDog -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/11/2012 11:39:49)

Is there a way to lift or at least soften the "no sub-divisions" rule on Paxia? I think that was the first and main reason people started making private forums.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (6/11/2012 19:10:07)

@Dig- To be blunt, a year ago there wasn't that many forumites here anyways as there was today, it would have been needed earlier.

You'd have to explain what you want to me via PM or something on that one as it's a bit of the touchy issue.

skydrite -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (8/6/2012 22:36:26)

hey all

Just thought you'd want to know: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=20578280

So if you notice some of the open threads losing their FAQ or stickied status, the reason is in that thread.

DigDog -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (8/19/2012 22:04:32)

We all know you've been waiting for it: a new issue of The Charlatan finally arrived!

You can read it over here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=20623437

skydrite -> RE: =AK= The New Paxian Announcements thread (8/20/2012 15:49:34)

This deserves an announcement since you will be getting new board descriptions: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=20616241


Here are the winners for our write your description contest:

For Aerodu: Dragonnightwolf
For Dynami: Spanish Inquisition
For Geoto: Oliver Bell
For Igneus: Ryu Viranesh
For Lucian: Enzeru
For Nautica: Rising Darkness
For Nocturu: Dread_Shadow_Max

There was only one entry for Glacius and we decided that it will not be fair to choose the winner by default. Their board description will stay as it is now.

Congrats to the winners and thanks again to everyone who joined.

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