[DA][GIMP][PS]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (Full Version)

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Zodiak 15 -> [DA][GIMP][PS]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 10:32:05)



Thread 17..were gettin old

Request Forms:


Type(Sig, Banner, Avvy):
Render(planetrenders.net for best results):
Render Placement:
Font(dafont.com if you want something special):
Text Placement:
Text Color:
Other(Style? Feel? etc?):
Pm when Done?


Colors(pick two)


1. All AE Forum rules apply
2. Dont hassle the artist who is doing your work. Because of real life events some requests may not get done as fast as you like. If that is the case respectfully ask another artist to do it or you can try another shop
3. Do not criticize the artists efforts. If you do not like the art you may ask for changes or for another artist. Both Artists and customers will respect each other
4. Deviant art and certain google images will not be accepted without proof of permission that the image may be used.
5. Artists reserve the right to deny a request or refuse to do a remake
6. Enjoy your signatures and come back to us!

Hiring Form

Activity Level:
Note: Please post your application in link form


Name: Zodiak, Mr. Z, Z, Z15, Zodders, whatever you wanna call me =p
Experience: 3 years
Programs: Gimp/Photoshop
Makes:Sigs, Banners, Avvys, Userbars
Broken Promises

Name(s): Thor3
Experience: 1+ years
Programs: Gimp
Makes: Everything
Green Abstract

Name(s): Reeper66, Reepz
Experience: 1 year(s)
Makes: Signatures, Avatars, Banners, and user bars(in the near future possibly plushies)

Name(s): Maxi Speed/Rocketeer
Experience: 6 months
Programs: Gimp
Makes: Signatures, Banners

Name(s): Matt
Experience: Just over a year now
Programs: PS
Makes: Pretty much anything, not weapons and stuff though
Examples: My Comment Thread (I tend to post new art in there)
My Showcase has my other stuff

Name(s): Shadowdraognshadow, Shadowdragon, SDS, and Shadow
Experience: about 6 months or more
Programs: Flash, Gimp, PS, and inkscape
Makes: sigs, banners, avatars, and will flash already made weapons, just like Ixa did.

Name(s): ]{haos or Errormacro
Experience: A Year or Two
Programs: PS, and Blender (N00b)
Makes: Anything & Everything
Activity Level: 5-8

Name(s):The Reaper 99, Reaper, R99
Experience: approximately a year
Programs: Gimp, learning Flash and PS
Makes: sigs, banners, possibly some avatars

Name(s): IXA
Experience: 1 year or so
Programs: PS (Photoshop)
Makes: Signatures, Avatars, Fanbars/Userbars, Banners, Rendering

Name(s): Skywee955 or sky
Experience: i own my own plushie Shop/I.d shop/Siggy shop
Programs: Ms paint Gimp
Makes: Siggys

Support Sigs/Gifts

To be the best sig shop on the forum and provide excellent artwork for our happy customers. =)

Shop Partners/Affiliates


Red -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 11:59:26)

Good luck on your newest shop!


Zodiak 15 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 13:14:08)

Thank you red[:)]

IceCold -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 13:57:13)

Good luck.

SonicTbear -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 14:48:39)

Good luck on 17th shop! [:)] (Yes you're getting old.) :P

IceCold -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 15:06:25)

First request on yer 17th shop xD

Type(Sig, Banner, Avvy): Sig
Maker: Zodiak 15
Size: 500x120
Render(planetrenders.net for best results): http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=four05
Render Placement: Left
Text: It's not a matter of luck, it's just the matter of time
Font(dafont.com if you want something special): Most Wasted, Frazzle Defused, whichever looks best.
Text Placement:On the whole sig
Text Color: Green
Background: This pink thing because tough men wear pink xD
Border: Nope
Other(Style? Feel? etc?): Nope
Pm when Done? Nope

Zodiak 15 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 17:15:54)

thanks all[;)]

Icecold: okie doke i gotya

reeper66 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 20:12:32)

Woot! Shop 17!

2046808 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 20:18:29)

Nice Z, congratz. Once again, hope I'll catch up to you :)

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 22:34:27)

good luck with your goal zorbie you deserve it

Orphic -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/14/2011 23:25:57)

Type(Sig, Banner, Avvy):clan banner
Maker:someone good
Size:(specified in other/ect)
Render(planetrenders.net for best results):nah
Render Placement:no render
Text:Crimson Death
Font(dafont.com if you want something special):Some text similar to the link
Text Placement:middle like the linky
Text Color:same as linky
Background:same as linky
Border:if you wants to
Other(Style? Feel? etc?):kinda like this http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/2374/orphicrequest.gif but i want it to be equal or less than 200kb
Pm when Done?yesh please

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 0:41:35)

Type(Sig, Banner, Avvy):
i want something spacial for my art shop but paint cant give it to me (no anamtions) soooooo... i was wondering if you would do this for me

Size:as big as allowed
Render: http://i52.tinypic.com/2eeby8i.png
Render Placement:i kinda like how it looks i just need an anamiton
Text:this is what is importen part that i want animated if its not to much: frist: draco's art shop then: siggys below: added below plusies then added below: Banners then added below: avvvs then added below: renders Next they all go away and are replaced by: we will do it all THEN :order now
Font:idc somthing bold and epic
Text Placement:right next to the pic
Text Color:the same blue color as the hands
Background:wight, or what ever you have in mind
Border:just a plain line around it the color of the eyes
Other(Style? Feel? etc?):did i mention that the words are should be animated and first its (draco's art shop) then the list of what i do that pop up under each other then is replaced by WE DO IT ALL then ORDER NOW NOW. if you don't mind making this
Pm when Done? YES
i am not advertising my shop i am requesting from yours i want to animate my banner but i only use paint soooooooo
if you dont mind making my banner for me

earth breather -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 3:53:32)

Hey zod. Will i need to re-post my collab request? oh yeah congratz on the new shop. -gives every staff member a cookie.

BadHulk -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 4:46:05)

Gz on the new shop!

Reeper, did you get the oppertunity to resize the image to the requested size?

reeper66 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 7:26:25)

I can get on that, just PM me the size.
Yours is a bit unclear...

You never told us what you want, a Sig, Banner, or avatar...that would help a lot [;)]
Wait got it, nvm. All I can do for animations is a pulsing affect...

Double posting is against the rules. Be sure to read all the AE Comprehensive Forum Rules. If you have something to add to a post, please use the "Edit" button. ~ Alpha Atom

Zodiak 15 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 9:09:32)

^^gratz on your AKship alpha i had no idea! now i feel ancient lol.
EB: pm me exactly what you want to happen with your sig im still unclear as to exactly what you want
and thanks all =]

xxDestroyer_of_Lightxx -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 14:12:41)

Gratz on the new thread. Alrighty guys ima throw some request at ya.
Maker:zoddy or thor
Text:none as it is a wallpaper
Render:whatever looks good
Render placement:whatever looks good
Text color: none
Text placement:none
Background:something military themed. Preferably army navy or marines or all.

Render:something military related such as marines or army
Placement of the render:whatever looks good
Text:PV2 K. Kirk 82nd Airborne Charlie Troop
Text color:whatever looks best
Text placement: if you could have it placed wherever it looks good id be happy
Font:whatever looks good
Theme:something warfare related.

Thanks guys and zodders when ever I rank up on the clan youll need to change the sig so keep an xcf of it. Ill just say if you could change the text. Thanks guys

Zodiak 15 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 16:40:36)

iight cool ill hold on to the .xcf then just let me know whenever a change needs to be made

random fun 12 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/15/2011 16:49:01)

Gratz on your new shop

SoulWing -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/16/2011 0:26:13)

Type(Sig, Banner, Avvy): Avatar
Maker: Zodiak
Size: 24x24
Render(planetrenders.net for best results): http://www.clker.com/cliparts/f/4/5/8/1206561540403447674Rocket000_emblem-spade.svg.hi.png
Render Placement: Center
Text: 'R' and 'S'
Font(dafont.com if you want something special): http://www.dafont.com/visitor.font
Text Placement: R in top left corner, S in bottom right corner
Text Color: White with Black stroke
Background: Transparent
Border: None
Other(Style? Feel? etc?): If possible, can I have like some glitter shiny things on the spade?
Pm when Done? Yes please

Type(Sig, Banner, Avvy): Avatar
Maker: Zodiak
Size: 24x24
Render(planetrenders.net for best results): http://truepotentialcounseling.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/600px-yin_and_yang_svg.png
Render Placement: Middle
Text: 'E' and 'B'
Font(dafont.com if you want something special): http://www.dafont.com/visitor.font
Text Placement: 'E' in top left corner, 'B' in the bottom right corner
Text Color: White with black stroke
Background: Transparent
Border: none
Other(Style? Feel? etc?): none
Pm when Done? Yes

Zodiak 15 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/16/2011 10:22:32)

All requests for me will be done by tomorrow night. thank you[:)]

Orphic -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/16/2011 23:05:13)

alright i found its

Sig, Banner, Avatar:Banner
Render (use planetrenders.net please):http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?album=2&pid=13487#top_display_media
Render Placement:Left and Right facing eachother
Text:Crimson Death (with flames behind)
Text Color:Dark Crimson red
Text Placement:Middle
Font (Use Dafont.com please)Somethin that fits the name
Animated?(blinking):text fades in and then suddenly comes back
Maker:the most experienced person
Background: Crimson Lightning
Other:if u can do the animation and the image is under 1200kb just loose the animation

Under 1200kb plz

xxDestroyer_of_Lightxx -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/20/2011 21:50:51)

zodiak no rush but if you could sorta finish up those requests id love you :D

earth breather -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/21/2011 5:22:34)

Can a userbar be used as a signature? If soo:

Render: [img]http://i53.tinypic.com/qpnm93.jpg[img]
Colors(pick two) Green and black
Text: To Plasma Or not to plasma? that is the question
Font: Adonais Please.
Other: Hmm Can you make it look Space-y if you get me? and if you dont like my colour choice feel free to change it!
PM? Yes Please

Zodiak 15 -> RE: [GIMP][PS][Flash]Shattered Art Shop Thread XVII (1/21/2011 9:29:34)

Sorry guys the weekend is more of my domain to get things done.

DoL: your wallpaper
Its big so leaving it in link form. starting your siggy now. ill keep an .xcf on hand. Forgot to keep one for the wallpaper. but if you want changes let me know

Edit: Sig done

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