[MS Paint, Gimp] - Drillworks Plushies Shop!- [Drilling your avatar to life!] [Desperately Hiring!] (Full Version)

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Trogar the Boss -> [MS Paint, Gimp] - Drillworks Plushies Shop!- [Drilling your avatar to life!] [Desperately Hiring!] (1/16/2011 11:15:48)


Drillworks Plushies!


[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/avatars/EpicDuel/NPCs/ed95mort.jpg[/image] Trogar the Boss ; (Shop Manager)

[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/avatars/AQWorlds/Miscellaneous/questbutton.gif[/image] Superplay19 ;

: A is for Artix , [image]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/016/5/b/charmander_plushie_by_artrix_the_brave-d37bpua.png[/image] [image]http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8870/iceu.png[/image]


Character needed plushiefied:

Other? (Custom colors):

PM when done?:

Drilling your Avatars is hard work, and hammering plushies is even harder! We need staff!

Hiring Form:


We drill as much as we can, and will tell you if your Avatar can't be drilled, or your Plushie can't be hammered! Thanks for shopping with us!

Soulhunter Lee -> RE: [MS Paint] -Drillworks Avatars!- [Design Notes Avatars!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 11:29:00)

Good luck with the shop! ^^

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [MS Paint] -Drillworks Avatars!- [Design Notes Avatars!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 11:29:46)

Thanks Lee!

Awaiting response from Icecold for him to be a possible member of Drillworks. *Crosses fingers*

IceCold -> RE: [MS Paint] -Drillworks Avatars!- [Design Notes Avatars!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 11:50:52)

I'll join as a plushie maker then, like you asked.

Name: Icecold or Useless
Examples: First plushie ever and that's all I have http://i55.tinypic.com/2jadoxs.jpg

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [MS Paint] -Drillworks Avatars and Pluishies!- [Design Notes Avatars and Plushies!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 11:53:40)

Icecold: 100% Accepted! Nice to have you on board! Get your drill ready!

IceCold -> RE: [MS Paint] -Drillworks Avatars and Pluishies!- [Design Notes Avatars and Plushies!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 12:03:07)

Btw, I'm using GIMP too.

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars and Pluishies!- [Design Notes Avatars and Plushies!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 12:08:52)

Added Icecold to the Staff List, changed it so everything also says we sell plushies, and added Staff Forum Avatars.


IceCold -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars and Pluishies!- [Design Notes Avatars and Plushies!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 12:12:32)

Plushie request form:

[b]Character needed plushiefied:[/b]
[b]Other? (Custom colors):[/b]
[b]PM when done?:[/b]

2046808 -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars and Pluishies!- [Design Notes Avatars and Plushies!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 13:22:30)

Good luck guys! Glad to see a plushie shop up and running again!

Superplay19 -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars and Plushies!- [Design Notes Avatars and Plushies!] [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 13:50:39)

I'd Like to work here :P
Name: SuperPlay19
Examples:= My Plushie :P A for Artrix
Charmander Plushie

Btw PM me when you decide :P

Btw I can also render and draw AQW and HS stuff from scratch… Also I do Signatures ;D
Oh im also a gimp/photoshop user… :P

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Trogar the Boss -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 14:21:01)

@Super: Can I see some examples of your other work?

IceCold -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 14:38:31)

Okay, here's my latest plushies.


I could do sigs too, my examples are in Draggy's shop if you need any

Superplay19 -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 14:45:38)

Yeh sure im just trying to get the A is for artrix into the avatars XD I had to make 5 avatars OMG OVERLOAD!

My sig :P

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Pink -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 14:48:40)

Well good luck anyways ;)

IceCold -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 14:57:04)

Pink, you're not late. Join anyway:P

Superplay19 -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 15:38:19)

Ice :P [image]http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8870/iceu.png[/image]

K Ice :D

RocketSnail -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 15:41:56)

Name: Rocketsnail, RSnail, RS


Complete album here

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 15:52:51)

So many plushie-ers! I'm thinking of making this an all-plushie shop! Whatta' you guys think?

Rocketsnail: Accepted. Get your toolbox ready!

RocketSnail -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 15:53:51)

Awesome, It's your shop! Do what you want! [:)]

Superplay19 -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 15:57:36)

Trogar make ice and A picture shape pls :0
and plushie and render and sig :P because plushie and render are pop and renders are easy 8D

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random fun 12 -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 16:00:10)


Character needed plushiefied: Miltonius

Other? (Custom colors): Change his hood to green

PM when done?: Yes please

IceCold -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 16:02:10)

Hey Rocketeer. Finished my latest plushie.


About all-plushie shop, I don't know.

Superplay19 -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 16:02:43)



Character needed plushiefied: Miltonius

Other? (Custom colors): Change his hood to green

PM when done?: Yes please

I CALL THIS ONE! It'll be done in 1 hour :P

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] - Drillworks Plushies Shop!- [Not Hiring!] (1/16/2011 16:06:56)


Only post something if its related to the shop, we're not here to chat, we're here to Drill!

and also, Drillworks is now an all-plushie shop! No more staff members are currently being recruited, and I claim myself as manager of the shop, but won't do any plushies, because, frankly, i'm awful at them.

Thanks guys! Drills Ready?! GO!

P.S: Well done on the first request!

IceCold -> RE: [MS Paint, Gimp] -Drillworks Avatars, Plushies + More!- [Hiring!] (1/16/2011 16:10:38)

Me too! Never mind.

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