RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (Full Version)

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vezha -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/22/2011 23:14:55)

Zomg, VezOrZ has retruned :o
And prepeared for me this time too XD Awesomeness ^^

Quick, what's the first thing that popped into your head upon reading this post?
That you had prepeared for my coming ;P. You'd already set upp the colors XD ^^
Yes, that's what I thought.
... You stalker ;P ... I like that :P
Anyway, as the new guy you get to make the rest of us sammiches, okay?
Sure I can do those sam..sam..samachigagi-whatever ;D
/me serves Vez something he has never seen before
/me see Cez wants to run, run faster than he has EVER done before

What's better, your colour or mine?
None, I prefer this one ^^ <-- Yeaah, as more pink it can go, as better >;3
Mkay, I am done. again. later
Okay, thanks for a re-visit ^^ <3

PS: Pff, you thought I'd use your color as you'd prepeared? HAH... I'm gonna change that alittle >x3

LimeLemon -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/22/2011 23:25:01)

Mwaha! Everyone's predictions came true. :3
Heh, yeah.. it only took very long time, but it finally happend. lol :P
MUD on you too ;P

Thanks for posting ^^
PS: me pokes your avatar *mwaha*


SMGS -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 1:38:37)

Hey again D.U.M!
Oh, Hiyas a second time, SMGS ^^
I decided to post again, this time - QUESTIONS! ;)
Why is your color nicer? I feel mine is better, don't you think so? :)
It isn't nessecary better than yours. IMO, it isn't the best color either, this is, but the reason I didn't pick it was becuase it might be too bright. Also, it all depends on opinions :3 Your color is nice too ;P
What's your favorite food?
ANything that tastes good xD Saghetti is one favorite :3
What games do you play, besides AQW (based from Avatar) and AQ (based from what section I am posting in now)? :p
I did play DF before and MQ too.. but I quit them both. The reason I quit MQ is becuase I just didn't really like it. It was way to diffrent from AQ on a way as I didn't like it,s o I found it pretty boring/annoying pretty quick. And the reason I did quit DF was becuase I missed to very much about the sagas and other realeses, so I thought it wouldn't be worth it to continue.
You must play EpicDuel!!! =D
Actually...... I don't even have an account on that game :P
Weeell, see you soon.. *coughSee you on the next pagecough* ;)
Zomg, you wantz to b3 on anoda page :o
Oh well, you're welcome to post one more time :P

PS: Pff, gonna use your color for my color trap ;P


Gold -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 1:56:18)

Ohai D.U.M.
OHiyas, iD.U.M :D
U.D.U.M. as ever? xD

iD.U.M? OHHH YEAAAH!!! MOAR D.U.M now than I were before >:333
You're not gonna be able to understand me soon, my D.U.Mness has grown from top ti UltraEpicZorzMaster top >:D

Nothing else to say but congrats :P

heh, thanks for you time ^^
Please come back if you'd like to :3
PS: Uses your color to activate colortrap...on mahself?!? :o .. See, I'm D.U.Mer than ever nao D:<


Stephen Nix -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 10:29:10)

First off I've known you for an incredibly LONG TIME! I'm head over heels in seeing you as an AK....all I can say is FINALLY! Congratulations D.U.M You probably know my questions I'm gonna ask!
hehe, I joined 2007, so longer than 4 years it can't be :P
Thanks, Stephen Nix, and to be hinest.. naah, I don't really expect any questions, as long as they are random :P

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
Awesome ^^ bring them on I'm ready >;)
Everest did, he is the Head Mod here. I got asked via IRC, wish surprised many. Everyone though I got a PM about it :P

How the shackles.....what color are yours?
Main color is pink nowadays :P and I'm not in shame to admit it. I might be a guy, but not a normal one.. If you'd know me IRL, you'd understand XD
Other colors are blue, red and alittle darker pink, like this color I use now to edit your posts

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
Hmm, I'd say Ebil over Evil...And becuase it is Zorbak ;P
Evil wants most of the time just rule the world, and crate chaos everyhwere.
Ebil is pretty much as above, except that I don't think zorbak wants to rule the world.. He just likes to create wars and undead stuff :P

Ready to play?
Sure.. What are we gonna play. D.U.M?
No need to play that for me xD :D

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
hehe, that's good that you're helpful :) You'll get awarded some day? :P
Talk to me or another member isn't really that diffrent, we still huma...*freezed*

Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Hmm... my moglins >:3
My 30+ moglins will come and rescue me ^^

Does this shirt make me look fat?
Noooooo, I mean yes :D
I like the pink color on it ^^

Does it make you look fat?
YUP!! I'm as fast as I can be >:3 .. but IRL, I'm thin :o
I like this magic shirt :D May I buy, please? :P

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I began to talk and ask abunch of questions ^^.
He did ask if I had 1 or 2 minutes to spare... the minues went adn went, it eneded to 3 hours XD be fore I really desided.
I was pretty much 60% yes and 40% no/maybe/unsure

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Hmm, haven't thought of one yet :o .. but it will defently be something with Moglin xD ;)
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQ community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Not much I do control or patrol over, only this sektion :P BUt it is a good AK newby start ^^

Thanks alot for your post :D I enjoyed it really much ^^
See you in another page? :P


Cguy -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 11:48:12)


Hey D.U.M! :D
Oh, Hiyas Cguy ^^
Congratulations on the new position!
Kiitos ^^ Congrats to you too :D *wow, I'm not alittle late XD*

/hands you a cookie
Oo, cookiieeee.. Fish flavor? :D

Well, good luck. Although I'm sure you'll do great.
Thanks and I think I do so far :D XD .. ask Everest what he thinks :3

See you later!
Yeah, See ou in AQW ^^ <3

Thanks for your time ^^


Atham -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 13:18:52)

Hi D.U.M. I don't know if you know me, but now you do I guess.
Hiyas, Atham! Hehe, well.. To be honets, naah. You only posted here, but now I have seen you for sure :)
First of all congratulations on the new position. It is well deserved.
Thank you very much ^_^
Yeah, or else I wouldn't have gotten it, I think :3 hhehe

Well how is it being an AK? Did you delete any posts or warned someone from spamming?
It's pretty much the same as before. Only diffrence is that I now can do what I've wanted to do for alittle while, when I've seen something that should be there. It's feels quite fun ^^
So far, I have only edited afew posts and deleted a few, but no warnings yet :) *I hopw I won't give any either*

Did you celebrate your success? Was there a party? If yes, then why wasn't I invited?
Naah.. After I'd spoken with Everest about it, I went to bed that night. it was around 08:00 AM back when it happend xD.
I didn't get AKed the same day, tho. Had to wait 1 day before it happend and when it did.... I was only nervous o.o
I mean, it was something new, somehting really big.. I couldn't really beleive it was true :P BUt oh yes it was and now here I am, editing your post ^^

Okay just kidding there. So enjoying the work in the forums so far?
Sure, nothig bad ^^ I was just really nervous at the beggining. I'm still nervous to to the wrong act, but not as nervous ^^
What games do you play apart from AE games?
Nintendos consoles, old as new ^^
Most of the time NES, play with the game genie. You'll never know what the codes does as you put them in :D
It's one of the best accessories for the NES. It is like a cheat itself, but you gotta know the codes, but I only put it random codes and sees what happends xD
So much fun :)

Any tips for me as how to become an AK?
There's problably tons of advises to give, but I can explain alittle how I "made it" *I never tried to be honest, I was just such a good membe for it, hehe :P*

Follow the rules. Don't make any big mistakes like post spam or flame others. That is a bad thing to do. Stay calm, post nice posts and have a postitive tone ont your posts.
Try to avoid words that sounds negative or can be taken negative. Suck, Noob just to name a few..
Do NOT over do your postings. Only post on threads as you KNOW you know what you're talking about, don't try to force yourself into you're unsure about. It is alot better to take your time, give really good answers than just say "yes" or "no" in questions. Give links, give advises just about everything you know you can put it. If you'd make a mistake or missed something, you can always edit the post and say "Sorry, I thought it was still like that" or "Ops, forgot that. Thanks for mention it *members name*".

Do what I wrote above and you shold be fine :)

And finally, good luck with your new position. I am very sure that you will do great and well. Good luck :)
Thanks alot and thanks for your words :D It makes me glad :)

Thanks alot for taking your time and post here :D See you later/in another page ^^


Fish -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 14:08:00)

Hi DragonUltraMaster. I've only met you once in AQW. D:
Hiyas, Fish ^^
Yeah, we've only met once so far, but we will meet more in the future :)

So, I guess you play AQ?
Yeah, I have 4 characters :P. My main below my avatar ^^
What level are you?
My main is level 136. My second is level 96, third level 94 and fourth level 94.. AQ freak, much? XD
I'm level 79 or 78, I stopped playing when AQW came out...
Aww, that's too bad, but I did kinda the same actually. AQ was before my favorite game, now AQW is. I have actually played AQ alot less then I used to do. But I haven't quit it yet :)
Should I start playing again?
Yeah, since the Chimeran armor got realesed, dealing HUGE damage made the game alot more fun to play :D It's so diffrent now. You better test it ;)
If so, storyline should I start on first?
Umm, try the "Today's Eevent" button in Battleon :P
Thats all...Bye.

Thank you very much for you time ^^
Please come back, if you want to :)

PS: Using your color for my color trap xD
PSS: Poked your signature ;P


xDanix -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 14:33:53)

Hi! I knew you were next!
Hiyas, xDanix ^^
No you didn't ;) [:D]

What's your favorite type of cookie?
I eat any type of cookies :p but I like cookies with chocolate peices ^^
Would you be sad if all your eyebrow hair fell off?
I'd feel like SSJ3 Goku if that happend...except that I don't have the long hair :P
I would problably not noitce it at first xD and people would begin to wounder :3

Does melted chocolate with coffee grounds mixed in seem good to you?
naaah, have they separate, that's better IMO ^^
Do you like chocolate?
Yeah, chocolate is nice. Light as dark :)
Thanks, Bye!

Thank you ^^
Please don't come back :D ^^


Rexobrother -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 14:40:07)

Hello, DragonUltraMaster!
Hiyas, Rexobrother :D
Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight!
Thanks you very much ^^ and thanks to you for coming and posted :)
~ Rexobrother

Please come again ^^
PS: Poked your signature ^^


thelegofan -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 16:05:39)

Hello, D.U.M! I see you finally became an AK, congrats!
Hiyas, thelegofan ^^
Yeah, I have :P and thank you ^^

I remember that day in AQW that I met you in a random Yulgar. (My name in AQW is morald2, just in case you forgot)
My memory is always bad, so not even saying you name helped here. I'm so sorry :(
I'm getting too old :P xD

I also remember the D.U.Meeting, too bad it just ended up in people insulting each other, huh?
I remember that meeting, but it did actually turn better at the end. But yes, it's sad that people starts to flame each other. The world would have been so much easier if everyone was nice and gentle, but that's how life it. everyone can't be the same :).
But let's put that away and move on to the questions, shall we?
Do you have a favorite moglin?
Their race. Enough said :P
But really, I just CAN'T pipck a favorite. That would make me think I don't like the others, so I just say that I love them all the same much ^^
mogliiins ^^ <333 ... lol, sorry, just had to say that :D

If so, which moglin? (If not, just put something random as an answer)
Moglin *yeah, random, huh? XD
Which game do you like better, AQ or AQW?
AQW. It is live and you can speak to your friends live aswell :D WHich is really awesome, alot more fun that than I'd ever think before ^^
AQ is fun at its own way too, it doesn't requier as much internet as AQW does. In battle, you can fight as much as you want, as long as you just keeps on attacking.

Do you play any other AE game, besides AQ and AQW?
I did play DF before and MQ. but I quit them.
MQ = just becuase it wasn't the type of game as I could continue playing, it was alittle boring too to be honest. Sorry staff, but that IS my honest opinion.
DF = It is actually fun to play, but I've just missed too many realses, so I felt that I wouldn't continue.

Well, that's it from me, good luck, see you around, and here's a taco
Thank you very much and thanks for your taco :D /me enjoys the jalapenos inside and all other spicy:ness in it.. Mmmm hawwt :3

Thanks for you time :D Please come again if you have any other questions ^^


Tha Killa -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 17:57:53)

Congrats Dawg:)
Thanks you, Tha Killa :)
What do u think is better?
Being a Dragon?
OR being an Ultra Master?
Hmm... both has to be the same good and bad.
If you're a Dragon, there's always som dragon slayers that wants to slay you.
If you're an UltraMaster, you problably have enemies that wants you dead :P

To be a DragonUltraMaster.....Umm, no idea :P
SO far I live atleast ^^ XD


Thanks again and thanks for you time ^^
Seey ou in another page? :D


Razen -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/23/2011 21:40:57)

I'm Back...In black!!!
Oooh, Welcome back :D
What do you think of my special Dagger, I call it the "Shadow Killer".
It is amazing :o Really good drawing skills you have :D
Did you watch Rolith's Ludum Dare?
Nope. Sorry :o
Do you think I could ever make it into the AE team?
Yes. I'm very sure that you can and will make it ome day :)
Just give it some time ^^

Do you think you could ever make it into the AE team?
Well, I am halfway there already, heh... but if I'd accept a position as Mod.... VERY unlikely to be honest.
TOO much responseability :o

Do you wanna read the book I'm writing/typing?
Sorry, but I have to say no on this one. Read english books isn't realy mything to do.
English is, after all, a second language.. It would be good training tho.. but too much in my opinion
Sorry once again ._.

/me fades into the shadows. Wait, that's not a command!? /facepalm&sigh
Oh, where'd he go? Somehow it worked anyway XD

Thanks once again for you time ^^
You may come one more time :)
PS: using your color for my color trap ;)


.*. .*. .*. -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 5:58:13)

Oh lala!
Congrats compadre! :D
Tackar, Stardot ^^
I have noticed that the latest trend amongst AK's is to change their forum name.
So naturally my question for you is: are you going to change your forum name to DancingUltraMoglin? ;D
Pffff, I'm not gonna join the AK's-with-changed-names ;) I'm D.U.M and I'll be it as long as I love it!
It is a geniues name, coming from someone that is D.U.M and DUM is very uniqe. I'm a geniues at the same time a nerd ;) mhehehehe

Otherwise good luck to you and enjoy that scary hammer! o.O
So far, so good if I say so :P
See you around and take care! :)

Thanks for your time, please don't come again xD
PS: Pokes your signature, btw


Joulz -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 7:12:26)

Hey D.U.M
Hiyas, julesfrancis ^^
Just curious, Are you a moglin? or a Dragon?
I wish I was both ^^ but around the forum I am a dragon :P
In AQW I am a Moglin ^^

Because of my too much hateness in moglins I want to Cuddle 'em.
:o as long as that is a nice behaivor, I accept it.. If not, /me will visit you at the night ;)
Ummm Favorite Moglin Item?
I pretty much have to say the Moglin suits/helments. Without them I wouldn't be AS moglinish as I am today ^^ <33
Do you think gravity has something to do with moglins?
wouldn't surprise me if Zorbak someday will change it XD
No more questions..Bye and Cyah
Thanks for your time and please come back if you like ^^

PS: Gonna use your color for my color trap :P


Affinity -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 7:38:26)

Hello DragonUltraMaster!
Hiyas, Nightmare Anonymous :D
No questions to ask. Just wanted to congratulate you for becoming an ArchKnight! See you around!

That's fine ^^ I thank you for your time and thanks for you congratulate ^^
See you later, you may re-visit if you want ^^

PS: your color is now my clor trap ;P


Master K -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 7:48:16)

OMG D.U.M?!?! Your an AK?!
Hiyas, mrbk ^_^
Yes I am :3 That good? bad? xD

Why are you dragon ultra master if you like moglins? Do you like both of them?
I began as a D.U.M, but later on I started to like love moglins too ^^
To be honest, I like love moglind more now :P

I like moglins and dragons! But not dragons eating moglins [:(].
Not THIS dragon >:O .. I prevent them from doing that.. I am a Moglin Protector and a proud one!
The bad guys has to get past me before they'll even LOOK at my cute race

Thanks to your abbriviation, D.U.M, whenever I heard dumb, I think of you. Apparently in Keshas song, We R who We R, their dancing like their you. Listen to the song...and you will understand.
ROFL, kay XD
Normally I don't like music, but for you.. I'll make an exception :P
*PS: When I see the word or even says the word dum, I think of myself aswell ;) XD*

So...your with the AK's....wouldn't that make you....The Archi-es? Archies? Hehe...
naah, Archi-es/archies would be if it was A's :P
In my case, I'm D.U.M-AK

Do you get shackles, collar, or the giant ball 'n' chain?
for like a millionth time: What is Shackels? :o
think I'l say Giant ball'n Chain ^^

Favorite Moglin? Twig all the way.
All of them is <333
I don't pick a favorite. I pick their race as favorite :D

Whats your favorite color? Navy blue all the way
Pink and hotpink ^^ such a cute color :3
DUM spelled backwards is would you then become MasterUltraDragon if your abbriviation became MUD?
Problably yes ^^ I have bad imagination at the moment :3
T'is all I have to say. L@T0R DUM! Don't forget meh!
*Waves Family Wand and poofs out*

Okay thanks and I won't forget you ^^ <3
Biyas and thanks once again :D

PS: using your color to color trap myself >;P


coolboypai -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 11:03:07)

yay! its D.U.M! *<--- added the dots*
Noes, it is D.U.M, coolboypai.
congratz on becoming an ak!
Thanks ^^
bout time dont you think?
Hmm, if you says so :P
I didn't really expect it

so, if you can describe yourself in 1 word it would be?
D.U.M ;)
how bout in 2 words?
Moglin Lover <333
or 3?
D.U.M + Moglin = True XD
well have fun being an AK, and gratz again!
Thanks and thanks again :D
Good luck to you ^^ and see you later :D

PS: /me pokes signature


SamsonTheGreat -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 11:18:50)

ZWAHT! people are turning into arch knights every where i look O_O
Hehe, yeah I have noitced that too ^^
But that's nothing unusual ^^
Everyone comes, everyone goes :)

anyways..i would have thought you would been an AQW GD ak...but ..who cares
I think it is better to start here after all, it is alittle more clam here than in discuss forums :P
Doesn't has to be, just what have felt ^^

does your cell have moglins..
Yeah, I have 2 moglins in my mobile I think... or maybe just one. Twilly :P
leme help you with that
*dumps a bag of moglins of colors in to the cell, pinkrupts the sell, and soundproofs,blast proffs, and 
completely removes all contatct to the outer world*

PS: you did strech thos post out, which is counted as spam. If you noitce this the next time, you'll have to fix it. Nothint will happend now, since you're under my protection, just letting yout know :P

. ___
/ o . \
| o 0 |

well i guess ill go..baiz! and congratz again!
Wii, a real cookie for once ^^ Kiitos :D
Awww, leaving so soon? Ah well.. thanks alot for posting ^^
May I see you again? :P

MY SIGGY IS LOCKED AND SHEILDED..i will kill you if you touch it BWAHAHAHA

PS: Your color is a colortrap nao!!


Askewen -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 11:19:17)

Hiyas, Askewen! ^^
/Inserts cookie for usage
Ooo, automatic cookie mashine :D
As i always do with MtAK's, I lurked in for a small congratulations and a G'luck on MtAKing. :o
Ahh, that perfectly fine ^^ I pretty much do the same :P ^^
Congratulations on the promotion and good luck on MtAK'ing.

Thanks alot and thanks for coming ^^


TheDominus -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 11:31:44)

Hey D.U.M!!!
Hiyas, Gwafa Hazid ^^
are you dum?
You bet I am ;P in a goood way of course ;P
do you like tacos?
You bet I do. As more spicy as more I like it ^^
That question made me hungry now :P

are you nerdy enough to understand ma name?
"Gwa-ffa Haz-eed" .. Hmm, maybe D.U.M enough :P
do you like the word "Supercalifragilisticexpialadotious
Never heared or seen it before :o .. I prefer "Happy" *Lol of all words, I said happy xD*
Could I have a full heal? (signs contract) I WILL TAKE THE CONSEQUENSES!
Sure :D
/me uses heal. It has no effect .. hmm, might have done something wrong.
/me uses heal. Aha, I can see alittle diffrence now... hey wait, where'd you go :O

See Ya!
Oh, there you are.. hmm, appearently I made you shrink pretty much in size.. I baerrely saw you down there.
You like it? Oh well, then I'll let you be small :P

Thanks for letting me getting more experience, maybe I'll succeed next time ^^
Oh and thanks for you time :D Hope I'll see you again in normal size ^^


Dream King -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 11:50:49)

Well since I know you from a while back and you probably don't know me, hi there :p
Hehe, yeah wouldn't surprise me, Dream King ^^
Pretty many has seen and knows who I am :)

I'm the one that tends to sneak around and read everything, but not post much
ahh, but that's a tactic too.. ^^
Well anyway, enjoy your shackle time and watch your back ^.~
Heh, Ikr? XD
Some of the other AKs are mean to me :3, but I will give them back some day >:3

Oh and colour traps, watch those too since you like to post in two colours, blue and pink I believe?
Yes, but when I do "D.U.M's famous color traps" *when using both pink and blue* I use 3 colors. The color trap is the hidden color, that makes the "This post was edited by ..." color the same as the hidden color. Of course, the color trap I say I'm activating isn't real color traps, I can't activate them.. You guys have to do it for me this time. A few has and other I've just stolen their colors to make that "hidden color" make the edited text the same, but noone has so far hidden them very well ;)
Dk is watching you! And so are those moglins...beware
I fear DonkeyKong, but I love to beign watched by moglins :D /waves

Thanks for yout post and thanks for everything ^^
See you later


Laos -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 14:33:14)

Hiya's again,D.U.M.
oh Haii Laos ^^
Okay, so I thought I would puzzle you with some questions...
(Which, last time I asked to The Legendary D4, had him scratching his head for a long time) :P
Time so show how D.U.M I can be >:D
Okay so, What is as round as a bowl, keep as a tub but yet the Oceans can't fill it up?
My speaker :D Cookie? :P ..My word. Its actually a sieve. XD ~Laos
How much soil is there in a hole measuring one metre by one metre by one metre?
2 and a half xbox controler :D Cookie? :P Not quite. :P Actually nothing, because its a hole. ~Laos
A man dressed all in black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly a large black car without any lights on comes round the corner and screeches to a halt.
How did the driver know there was a man in the road?
I suppose he wasn't blind and actually SAW that crazy old man, in the road for whatever reason XD or else he wouldn't drive that car, lol .... or wait... if he was blind, he drove over him :o
He *the driver* noitced a mysterious "BUMP". Cookie nao? :P
He knew because it was daytime. ~Laos
Now, I won't give you the answers in spoilers, as it is a waste. :P
Pff, the answers is above you :P
Once you've answered them, I'll edit this post with the answers, or track you down if you lock this. :P
(If anyone else wants the answers, PM me. ;P)..Just not D.U.M! :P
D.U.M, D.U.M, D.U.M, D.U.M!!!!!!!!!! Nothing else D:<
Also, if someone else wants the answers, they ARE still above you XD

Oh, and if your as 'DUM' as you D.U.M, then trust me, You'll be scratching your head alot more than D4! Haha. Good luck!
Pff, yeah right.. there's noone as D.U.M as I am.. I'm the Ultimate D.U.Mness that has ever existed!!! I am... D.U.M!!!!!

Thanks for your quiz :D and thanks for, well, just about everyhting ^^ XD
See you in the next page? :P

Gives D.U.M a cookie. Well done, you scored 0/3! :D


PyroPuppy -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 14:42:39)

D.U.M! You are AK! When did that happen?!
Oooh, /me gives PyroPuppy a D.U.M medal for saying D.U.M correct :D It's well deserved!! Congratulations!
Oh.. forgot the question ^^ .. It happend Friday night 21:st :D

Questions time!
What is your coolest AQW moglin item?
Moglin suit/helmet. Without them, I wouldn't be as MOglin:ish as I am today ^^ <3
Who is the best moglin?
I... can't answer that D: I just love all moglins the same much, no one is my favorite "Moglin" is my favorite ^^
Why Twig is so.... special?
Becuase he is such a cutie one :3 He's alot younger than other moglins too and what I believe, a more rare race from the moglins..Atleast from AQ, if you compare him and other moglins.
Favorite food? Favorite Movie? Favorite book? Favorite snack that you get while going to the kitchen and randomly opening your refrigerator?
Spaghetti ^^, Back to the future <3 Dragon's Secret ;D
Uhh... ham and fruit ^^, teehe ^^

What is your favorite part of being an AK?
hmm, I've only been an AK for 5 days so far, so.. really no idea yet :o
Why pinkish pink?
Becuase it is so cute and Beleen loves it :D :P
Favorite kind of ice cream? Favorite kind of fish? Do you eat them together?
Vanilla and chocolate ice cream.. Yummeh ^^ <3
Salmon is actually a really good tasting fish ^^
Mix them together? Well, now that you're asking.. I'm curious :D and hungry too, btw :o

I guess that enough questions for now, but maybe I will think on some more!
Cya later and nice talking to you!
Yay, you will return ^^ "Return of the Pyro" ^^

Thanks alot for taking yout time to get and post here :D
Really nice to talk with you too and on IRC ^^


Xplayer -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 17:33:00)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack from the future - Back to the future the movie 2 :D!
Yaaay, you're returned :D
Welcome back :D

1. Do you liek mai edit colour?
It's too greenish, in my opinion :o
2. Getting tired of these questions yet? (if so, TOO BAD :P)
Naah, that's fine ^^, but I am getting tired of editing all those posts xD
It is gettong boring ^^ :P

3. If Burn leaving IRC gives me heartburn, what does that mean?
That you are in secret is in love with him and that you can't be without him.. if he leaves, you'll ... never forgive yourself.... Meh how should I know? , I mean, just trust your feeling and everything will be alright :P
4. What was the wackiest question you've answered so far (and don't say this one or there will be some exceptionally large trout coming your way)?
Uhh... This one? all other of your questions? :P
5. Considering that you have no idea what the Academy Awards are, I'll rephrase the question. What was the best movie you saw this year?
Anatasasiya, Birdo, Pokémon, China, Pluto, vaccum-cleaner, titanic, VHS, Laser Disc, AVGN ... pick whatever you want, as long as it gets whay you want xD

6. You have two slices of bread and everything that has ever been put on bread in the history of ever in front of you. What do you put between them? (for the sake of the question, you can chose the type of bread)
Ham, ketchup, cheese, jalapenos, pepper aaaaaaaaand in to the microwave and microwave my aweosmeness sandwich :D
Omnomnom ^_^

7. You come across a maze. To get to the exit you
a. Try to figure your way through it normally
b. Use tactics to figure out a shortcut (i.e. cheat your way through)
c. Use awesome dragon powers to smash through the walls
D. Call for help, saying I'm too D.U.M to call someone D:
8. Oh no! Someone challenged your throne of dragon supremacy! Whatever shall you do?
/me adds "UltraMaster" with a pencil at the end of that "Dragon" and he flees.. I win :D
9. Obligatory cliche question: If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, and spend a day with them doing whatever you want, who would it be?
I... have no idea.. The only one that came to minds were my great grandmother/father :o
10. Now that you've been shaken down OOC style twice, are you tired of these questions (if yes, then TOO BAD :P)?
Not the questions.. they are always fun :P

Well, thanks once again for coming ^^
See you later :D
PS: Using yout greenish color as color trap :P


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