Missing Note (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Missing Note (1/31/2011 23:46:02)


Missing Note

Location: Traveler (Location) -> Star Captains -> Missing Note
Objective: You found a message fragment!
Requirements: Star Captain required
Release Date: January 21st, 2011

  • Maria 182

  • Traveler

    Traveler: Your mission is to collect the pieces of the note that was taken. Upon completion, you will have access to a reward.

    Traveler: Search this area for letter fragments. Be careful. There are unidentified assailants in the area.
    Traveler: We are fortunate that the days have been bright and sunny. A windy day would be disastrous.
    Traveler: I should be able to maintain the calm atmospheric conditions for a time, but please make haste!
    Traveler: Failure to deliver this missive would have far-reaching consequences. I foresee that it is best to avoid failure.
    Traveler: Your success will be rewarded. Go go go! And may the circuits favor you!

    After obtaining a note piece:
    Traveler: Thank you for your assistance. I'm sure that Maria 5 will be grateful for your help with her research into her past.

    After obtaining a Full note piece:
    Full Note Piece Screenshot (click for spoiler!)

    Rewards Shop:
  • Missing Note Rewards

    *Thanks to golden1231 for enemies link!*

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