[Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, R.I.P... - [Lock please] (Full Version)

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Trogar the Boss -> [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, R.I.P... - [Lock please] (2/5/2011 15:55:21)


Drillworks Plushies!


[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/avatars/EpicDuel/NPCs/ed95mort.jpg[/image] Trogar the Boss ; (Shop Manager)

[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/avatars/AQWorlds/Miscellaneous/questbutton.gif[/image] Superplay19 ;

Examples:[image]http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/8532/plushiework10.png[/image] [image]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/4333/plushiework9.png[/image] [image]http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4900/plushiework8.png[/image]

[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/avatars/AE%20NPC%20Plushies/1tovwx.jpg[/image] Icecold ;

Examples: [image]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/016/8/2/platinum_lady__s_plushies_by_swordhavenuseless-d37bufj.png[/image][image]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/017/5/5/insane__s_plushie_by_swordhavenuseless-d37ewdt.png[/image] [image]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/035/c/9/resized_sporetox__s_plushie_by_swordhavenuseless-d38rgb9.png[/image]

[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/avatars/DragonFable/Miscellaneous/2rxgppe.gif[/image] Drakonian01 ;

Examples: [image]http://i862.photobucket.com/albums/ab182/Drakonian01/StealthyCupcakePlushie.png[/image]

[image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/avatars/AE%20NPC%20Plushies/Fae.jpg[/image] Pink ;

Examples: [image]http://i54.tinypic.com/nflg5j.jpg[/image]


Character needed plushiefied:

Other? (Custom colors):

PM when done?:

Drilling your Avatars is hard work, and hammering plushies is even harder! We need staff!

Hiring Form:


We drill as much as we can, and will tell you if your Avatar can't be drilled, or your Plushie can't be hammered! Thanks for shopping with us!


Thanks for shopping!

I'd just like to also add, that my staff members are awesome, and if it wasn't for the customers, the drillworks factory would be empty. So thank you all.

IceCold -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 16:09:53)

Yey, 2nd shop!:P

BTW, Superplay, could you take Snake's?

Superplay19 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 16:13:11)

sure :L Btw i have this rlly epic new example lol

Edit: Btw did anyone ever finish orphics request? or was it orchick idk but yeh i think it might be the same as doomknights but a dif colour… :o

Edit2: oh and check out my epic sig :D

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 16:31:43)

Dear Current Drillworks staff, and customers!

I've made a new banner, and I need your opinion on it;


Keep as banner or Trash?

Also, great to have you back Icecold. Superplay, great to see your still rearing to go too! Also, loving the sig. :P

Superplay19 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 16:44:43)

I could try to make a banner :O

Yioru -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 16:46:34)

Congratz on Second shop! >:D
I'll give you guys an epic Avi to draw later. >:3 So get your gears rearing.

Superplay19 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 17:49:27)

Heres The banner i just made from scracth:

So yeh my fav plushie yet is the one to the very left there. I also used icetails first example plushie :0

Red -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 18:02:46)

Character needed plushiefied: http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=Techno

Other? (Custom colors): Can Superplay do it? Or trogar?

PM when done?: Yes Please


Superplay19 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/5/2011 18:05:07)

You take that Icecold

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/6/2011 4:58:22)

Super, would it be okay if I edited that banner? I'd like to use it in a different way.

Superplay19 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/6/2011 7:53:50)

Whatever you want C:

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/6/2011 9:49:51)

Tah, i've used it as a banner at the bottom of the shop. It looks really cool thanks. Right, no more chit-chat, lets DRILL!

reeper66 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/6/2011 10:26:07)

G'luck Guys.


[Aegis] -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/6/2011 12:13:31)

Character needed plushiefied: http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=Ragi

Other? (Custom colors): nope :)

PM when done?: yes plz

Superplay19 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/6/2011 17:55:03)

Ill do aegis...

IceCold -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II, the sequel! - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 8:32:33)

Okay, my to-do list:

Pink's Plushie (100% done)
Red's Plushie (33% done)
Orphic's plushie (?)

Hey, Trogar, could you put this as my example?

Pink's done:


Not the best, I know

Fish -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 9:30:07)

Good luck on shop II. @Superplay19 I forgot to thank you for the awesome plushie you made me so, thanks.

Pink -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 10:47:41)

Aww, cute :3

IceCold -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 14:30:03)

@Pink: I know it's not that great, but thanks anyway.
@Red: There is NO certain maker, whoever can take it, he or she does it. That's why I'm doing yours.

Red's done.


Superplay19 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 16:28:49)

Sorry for my inactivity guys my times now getting limited on ym computer because im on here working so much xD So im gonna need to resign after my last few plushies…
Im sorry for everyone who ive been lacking on making plushies for… But im over loaded with other stuff. So on different free times I might freelance for here… or leave some unexpected gifts. But just a future heads up.

@Doomknight Powa Done! My friend helped me out and did this one :D

Yioru -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 20:07:37)

>:D Here's my request
[Dan217] Bunneh. >:3

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 20:42:56)

yah you used my idea :) :) :) :) and you made it to thread to :) :) :)
edit: i dose not need mine done in a hurry i cant use siggys tell the tenth any way so its just going to sit in my documents tap tell then any way as long as it has not been forgotten then i would rather it look good then it done fast

manny 625 -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/7/2011 22:27:32)

fine -.-"

Character needed plushiefied: ~hit

Other? (Custom colors): Try to sheath gunz plzz?

PM when done?: yush plz

Trogar the Boss -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/8/2011 9:52:01)

To all customers,


And I hired Icecold because hes awesome at Plushie-ing. So, Red, no specific makers. I hate it when somebody does that...

IceCold -> RE: [Paint, Gimp, etc.] - Drillworks Plushie Shop II - [Hiring!] (2/8/2011 10:16:02)

Yioru's declined. Use the form to order a pushie.

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