What would you do/What should you do? (Full Version)

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Zean Zapple -> What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 13:53:00)

An ever growing problem with ED is discrimination against Non-Varium players and lower level players. To promote friendly and helpful activity I decided to create a few scenarios and and some easy solutions for them.

Scenario One

You're in a 2vs2 battle and you get a lower level partner, let's say level 24. What would you do if the players on the other team decided to call your partner a "noob" and said that they were going to completely "pwn" you.

Solutions(listed from worst to best)

1. Ignore them and your partner and continue your battle.
2. Encourage your partner to not be discouraged by saying "nice" when he critical strikes or defeats someone.
3. Use the in-game report button to report the player(s) and ally chat your partner saying "don't worry about them" or "they don't know what they're talking about"

Scenario 2

Now what if your opponent has a bad partner and he/she decides to call him/her a "noob" or a "loser".

Solutions (listed from worst to best)

1. Say nothing and finish the battle.
2. Be nice and say "come leave him/her alone"
3. Report the player using the in-game report tool and speak directly to the person saying "he/she is just messing around your a great player"

General Problems

Non-Variums are treated like undesirables and that isn't right.
Lower level players are ignored and treated with disrespect.
Varium-Players are trashed by others saying that they buy their way to victory.

General Solutions

Be nice to everyone no matter what! Remember if you say hello to everyone you see you'll have a much more joyful say[:D]
If people are being so bad that you can't stand it just use the in-game report tool!!!!!!!! It's there for a reason!


Please posts examples of how you were treated badly by others, saw others being treated badly, and how to solve some of these issues. Remember people will always try to be mean but if we stand up and make the effort to be nice "noobs" which we all once were, will feel much more welcomed and will enjoy the game so much more.

Extra Tidbit

Since I only talked about the bad let's at least hear one example of some good.

I was walking through the mines a few weeks ago, as that is my main dwelling place, and I saw a level 32 helping a level 17 retrain. This is how level 32's should represent ED, so if you see someone struggling with their build ask them if they'd like some help.

StriderAigis -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 14:02:31)


Non-Variums are treated like undesirables and that isn't right.
Lower level players are ignored and treated with disrespect.
Varium-Players are trashed by others saying that they buy their way to victory.

ok thats true, and i always do say hi even when they dont answer :3 and ihate when people call me noob, just for not having stuff like armour and a gun(ok maybye i should buy a gun, but you know what i mean)

Deimos... -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 14:03:03)

Oh I love 2v2s its so fun. If a noob says mean stuff or whatever I just talk trash back and be like " Beware of the Almighty Deimos!" lolz and if they say something bad about my partner i go like " :OOOOOOOOO dont u dare" *pwns the other people* lol Yeah I don't like reporting people either so I normally ignore them and talk to my partner in alley to ignore them too and own them :D

Zean Zapple -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 14:45:35)


Yeah, saying hi even if they don't is still good to do, and don't worry about not having armors or guns if you wanted them or if you had the credits to get them you would so who cares about them.


I agree 2vs2 is so much fun. But I try to avoid talking smack, but hey thats a solution as long as it isn't crossing the line.


Larcell -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 18:28:44)

I hope the taunter likes the taste of fresh Bunker Buster in the morning.

barneypwnsu -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 19:31:08)

Scenario 1.

This is a desirable situation for me because there's two ways it could go down:

1. I'm with a level 24, non-varium, agaisnt a 30 and 28. For me, a founder level 32, it doesn't take much to beat a non-var 30 and 28. So, if they call my partner a "noob" I will re-assure him the whole way, explain to my opponent that we were all low levels at one point and that he could easily be considered noob compared to me, allow my partner to actually think freely and hopefully let him live long enough so he gets the kill. After I kill the two, he will get EXP so it's an awesome win-win situation! I would also give him advice on his build or tell him why I think he's doing good with his build :)

2. I'm with a level 24, non-varium, agaisnt a level 27 and a level 27. I reassure my level 24 partner to ignore them, and say that they won't be a problem and then simply give him advice along the way.

I like a challenge, so when I'm actually with a level 24 against two experienced players, I love it.

Scenario 2.

This is a simple thing that happens quite often and I don't know why. When ever it happens, I simply target the higher level first which usually humiliates him and then explain that everyone was a low level at one point.

The reason I don't use the report tool for this is simple; there would be too much and clutter when Titan and Night look it over for nothing... People who are actually mature in this game are generally level 30-32, we have to let those who aren't yet develop their sense of maturity and simple acts like I do, after a while, they'll get it. I like to think that, anyways.

Great thread, btw.

PhoenixGladiator -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 20:07:48)

Scenario 1: A level 27 non-varium calls me a noob for not letting him win in 1v1.

Answer: "lol"

Scenario 2: A level 32 who I've never played before gets into the game and starts trash talking. He calls me a noob and says my faction is weak and worthless (both of which are far from the truth).

Answer: beat him and than say "gg"
Were his actions worthy of a report though?

Zean Zapple -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 20:52:54)


Nice scenarios!


Nice scenarios, and in scenario 2 you did the right thing and no his actions were not worthy of being reported. Not that I have the jurisdiction to say that but in my opinion no.


eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/22/2011 23:27:21)

I stick up for my partners in 2 vs 2 or opponents in that case if their picked on

also, we're human let's see u be all mellow after a bad day with about 50 unlucky losses (I usually stick with NPCs if I get unlucky) cus I totally understand when someone says something like "omg u woulda lost" or "sad" when I win due to luck, and maybe I don't feel too good but I totally accept it, I mean I got lucky and if I didn't get lcuky, I'd have lost

also I haven't met any excessive trash talkers lattely (last one was from months ago but he is banned now I believe cus many people reported him) and as always,since I totally obliterated him, so his trash talking was like him slapping himself on the face, IF I had lost, then I'd be mad but u know, there r those people who waste their lives trash talking

PlungerMistress -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 0:00:27)

Scenario 1:

"newbs =/= noobs. :D"

Scenario 2:

"a confident ally is a happy ally."

Luna_moonraider -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 0:51:56)

Ok i have done loads of 2v2 in ed here is what i notice sometimes. these are my own scenarios.

Scenario 1

my parterner is a lvl 24 and i m vsing 2 lvl 29 both have varium. my partner has decent gear and build. the 29s call my partner a noob.my partners was upsad when the 2 29s called him a noob and he said yeah i m a noob. Told him not to be discoraged by those 2 and said us non var can do win too. i type :) under estimating my partner and atk one of them. partner atks the other 29 and crits. 29 start to call each other noobs no team work was in play and kaboom the both lose after my partner use multi. and the 29s were still calling each other noobs and they called my partner a noob and caled me a noob basically they called every1 in the battle field a noob.

Scenario 2

Normal day. i was playing my alt merc file. having fun in 2v2 afew decent partner here and there. my alt was lvl25. my partner was a lvl32 he said nothing and when poof(guess he dced i think). n i was fighting 2 lvl 30 non varium alone without a partner. the lvl30s were calling me noob too. they were both non var caster mages. yeah hard battle. but i had boosters.first i fliped my hybrid. next i zooka 1 of them and critted. evry atk i made i was laughed at. or they would say noob zooka noob this noob that. i dun really mind their constant bullying cause had experience it before in my noob days and i said to myself no i wont let these people make fun of me and i m here now. cant imagine a new player getting this treatment i think he/she would either quite or give up. used my artilery and it critted both of them yay one of them died. they go noob crit noob crit and the 1 surviving healed and told his partner i can handle this noob. out loud without using ally chat oh well. used my health booster they called me booster noob. used health booster again. gun him. he gunned me and i finish him off with my zooka rage of course it critted. and they said lucky noooooob when the battle ended i got loads of exp yeah i did get lucky but i won that is wat matters. i did not say anything during the battle but i did say something in the end. i said u guys lose to a noob.

Scenario 3

Another normal day but now with my mage alt. she is lvl 32. my partner was a 28(bh with hmm idk useless weps and build). we were vsing a lvl25 (Bh with decent weps an build) and a 30(bh). basically my partners starts of the battle by saying killllll tha noooooooob 25. i told him: u have no right to say some1 is a noob. the lvl 30 bh says to my partner: yeah. and look at yourself before judging others. my partner got anoyed and left yay for me. 100% lose for me.

well i will add in more if i encounter more weird and sad Scenario with my bh. yay playing my bh alt. cause i think non var bh low lvls are treated the worse among all clases. idk y. is it that when u see a bh non var u see noob written all over him. idk so i m trying it out.

Cookielord12 -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 5:02:15)

k i only called useless/noob in 2 situations. 1. when i absolutely destroy level 32 because they suck (not very often) 2. i have a partner who stands there and does nothing for the whole battle and causes us to lose but i call them usless

King FrostLich -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 7:55:27)

I'd fight to my death.

Deadly PoisoN -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 8:14:09)

Let me give it straight here.My 2v2 record was 1200 wins but 1250 losses unlike my 1v1 which is 1267/672

I wanted to fix my 2v2 record and i'm now just 10 wins behind in doing that.Now i keep getting low level partners and they drag my record down.Im sick past the point of being sick of getting my record messed up in unbalanced 2v2 matches where i have no control over people doing stupid moves or running away.

I refuse to help any player,the imbalance is making my record in 2v2 as a bounty so bad and i'm a good player!I'm sick of this,it's not even my fault.My varium and enhancements obviously help a lot.But you simply can't win if you're in a match where it's tough opponents and your partner needs to be ready like you.

Most the time i get unfair matches,this causes me to get made fun of and i know i'm good,any idea how frustrating that is?I paid for epicduel and the balance in 2v2 is making my experience a horrible one.

So who do i take my frustrations out upon?The lower lvl partner i get and then i log out straight away.I'm not gonna waste my time against 2 lvl 32s and then hear gg when it obviously wasn't.I firstly insult them and then i log out.

The unfair balance in 2v2 makes it so that i refuse to help any person lower lvled than me,who's fault is the balance?But still...Someone needs to take my frustrations.

Karajan -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 9:14:44)

Is a poor win record actually a good reason to attack another human? This is a game, and one's win record is nothing but a bunch of pixels but the other players are actual humans in real life;made of flesh and blood an all that stuff. Honestly, if someone is tired of getting weak partners, he should drop 2 vs. 2 altogether. Everyone has an equal chance of getting a weak partner so this "unfairness" isn't actually "unfairness", it is just bad luck. Learn to enjoy it; losing can be fun too \o\.

Deadly PoisoN -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 9:31:26)

@Karajan,maybe in your world losing could be fun,but let me give you my reasoning behind why i'm so inhumanly angry.

1.People that don't listen to you,they purposely spam bad attacks out of frustration because they themselves have bad records and want to mess up other peoples record.They themselves have like 1000 wins but 3000 losses.Iv'e seen this time and time again,so they are frustrated because they lose a lot and want to go out of their way to make others lose.

2.People of the same faction are in opposite teams and they refuse to win and let you lose on purpose all for the purpose of not killing a faction buddy.

3.Getting a lvl 27 against 2 32s.This game is getting on my nerves,so so badly.It's not my fault no,people like myself have paid,and gone out of our way to support the game,balance the game so we can all enjoy ourselves more,specifically balance 2v2.

4.People that straight up leave without reason,and don't give me that ''bad connection'' nonsense.

5.When your partner just stands there the entire match and doesn't once attack,only to attack 4 turns later saying:''Sorry bro,was watching tv.''Seriously,people like that should be IP banned.This is utter nonsense,what are you doing watching television and enter a battle in a 2v2 game for the sake of standing there.

6.When you're busy winning and your partner skips the most critical turn in the match only to have the opposite team laugh at you and then win.

So no,iv'e had quite enough.LOSING IS NOT FUN.

Karajan -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 10:35:28)


Yeah, most of the those situations will particularly suck, especially #2 but it is rather impossible to "balance" 2v2 right now. Servers currently have a limit of 850 players at a time, so the gap of 5 levels is necessary to allow quick and speedy pair-ups for battles. Even if the server capacity was increased, the problem would still exist because there would not be enough players - ED is not popular enough. This "imbalance" requires a long-term solution.

On the plus side, this "imbalance" has an advantage for anyone seeking wins: the chance that there is a weak person on the opposing team is almost practically twice the chance that there is a weak person on your team, provided you yourself are not a weak player. Of course, that is still a matter of luck.

Zean Zapple -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 14:36:28)

I agree Karajan losing is fun! Especially when you have a nice partner who isn't consumed with arrogance.


Deadly PoisoN -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 15:11:00)

@Zean Apple,i'm not consumed with arrogance.And don't even try saying my name isn't mentioned anywhere,because why else would you insinuate something.My reasoning is valid,anyways...My worries about 2v2 are over since i finally managed to fix my 2v2 record and i'm staying out of the madhouse that is 2v2 until it gets balanced.

I was reasonable,when someone is arrogant they think they're better than someone else and they blatantly show this through their actions,tell me when your next birthday is so i can ship a dictionary for you.You seem to confuse ignorance with arrogance.The people i get are plainly arrogant/ignorant,take your pick.

If your comment was in no way aimed at me,then and only then do i retract what i said.

5rr5 -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 15:23:41)

when im with noob I just say CRAP we are so DEAD

and if the other opponent has i just don't care

Digital X -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 15:25:05)

No matter what level my partner is, be it a 1 or 5 level difference i won't treat them any differently because that'd be unfair to them. We were all low level once.

Zean Zapple -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 16:03:59)

@Digital X, I agree!

@Deadly PoisoN, I never said you were arrogant... I was agreeing with Karajan's statement that losing is fun. No hard feelings? (How can you be mad at this face [:D])


Angels Holocaust -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 16:26:34)

What was the point of this thread? Bullying will always exist, just ignore it and move on.

Tiago X -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 16:34:02)


Shadronica -> RE: What would you do/What should you do? (2/23/2011 18:06:32)

It certainly does not hurt to make posts like this.

I have a level 32 mercenary alt. Shadist that I mostly keep for 2v2. I spent 6 months last year on the all time 2v2 board. In that time I have seen an ebb and flow of nasty people.
Over a period of time the nasty players either give up on the game or learn to keep their mouths shut if they wish to stay.

Meanwhile if I do get a level 24 partner who freaks out about being in a higher level match I just generally assure my partner to just play his own natural game. Try to put them at ease.

Actually, its rare that my opponents say "kill the noob 24" because they usually say "get the 32". This is most successful as it gives my level 24 partner a chance to help me. Even when they shield me with a useless shield I still thank them for trying to help me.

Encouragement NOT name calling is what helps to make our time here pleasurable.

If you behave in a mean and miserable way then your gaming experience will be unpleasant.

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