RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (Full Version)

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OAS Spartan -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 17:11:45)

@G Man~Take all the time you need, I love the looks of the dragons so expect me frequently.
The Dragon's Nest is now a 5 page shop ^_^
Snake did you hear, Dragon's Nest is now 5 pages ^_^

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 17:12:52)

try useing this: for any non armors or dis:
@above thanks for the line half way to shop 2 (yours is almost done i am adding the mummy raps)
i hope you like your dragon. once again OAS grate choice for the dragon's color
its hatched
i will take "not me's" request and let g man take your next one he could use some practice with un-armored dragons if he gets good hopefully we can add dragon template: on your form

OAS Spartan -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 17:29:53)

Snake that is even more epic than the first one you hatched, I love it and thank you.

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 17:33:44)

no problem
glade you like it [:D]

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 17:57:11)

i am using the red dragon template... if that is fine... (was able to finnish quickly lol, will be working on it... *looks at watch* NOW!)

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 17:57:51)

that perfectly fine
i will start working on "not me's" request soon

Not Me -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 19:54:03)

Nel appreciates you working on Nel's Dragon.
Nel hopes she isn't making you do too much work for you, with the Beta Berserker shoulders. ^_^

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 19:59:17)

not at all
its fun

Not Me -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 20:01:41)

That makes Nel feel better ^_^

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 21:10:12)

Oas, your Dragon has Hatched!!!
Here it is!!! (Scar isn't the best, sorry....)

OAS Spartan -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 21:34:14)

The OAS Dragon Hoard is growing, Thank you for the Third, and most definitely not last, Dragon for the OAS Army.

OAS Fluffy

OAS Void
OAS Pharaoh

Love 'em all ^_^

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 22:07:58)

hehe nice
*whew* Nel when you request you sure requests the actual recoloring is done i just need to add the spikes to the tail and get rid of the spare pixels should be done in ten to 20 minutes
btw your "void' has become my template

OAS Spartan -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 22:35:29)

Theme of dragon: CHAOS *Que dramatic music*
Color of dragon's skin: Chaos Purple
Color of eye: Pink
Color of claws: Bone
Color of horns: Bone
Color of armor (if any): Can you make the armor look a little chaos tentacle-y?
Other: Void tentacles on the tail and Chaos eye on the helm(in the middle)
Personal Message when done?: nah

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/19/2011 22:56:42)

i welcome you all to the unveiling of the one the only Beta bezerker baby dragon
this is has been the hardest request to complete yet
@OAS spartan i will get your CHAOS *que dramatic music* dragon in a moment right now
this ones going to be fun !!!!!! [:D]
strach that i can work on it to night will have to get to it to morrow >:(

teddy12 -> RE: [flash/photoshop/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 5:35:41)

HIYAS! According to the title post thingy...It's a Forum Player-Dragon shop? right? I'm sorry f it's just for your friends, I just am confuesed... If it's for anyone, I have a suggestion, oh yeah, if yes, I'm gonna tell all friends how good you three are! that's good right! [:D]
Theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: Thunder/Electric.
Colour of dragon's skin: Storm cloud grey.
Colour of eye: Electric Blue.
Colour of claws: Electric Blue.
Colour of horns: Electric Blue
Colour of armor (if any): Jet Black
Other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: A storm Cloud with Thunder and lightning simbolising that it is the embodiment of Electricity.
Personal Message when done?: Yes please and thank you, I can't wait for my dragon to hatch! [;)][:)]

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [flash/photoshop/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 9:29:18)

hey snake you do armors for the dragons now? can you do like a chronomancer like?

theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire: chronomancer
colur of dragon's skin: light blue
Maker : snake the red or g man
Colour of eye: dark blue
colour of claws: white
colour of horns: light blue
colour of armor (if any): chronomacer colours
other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: no ty
Personal Message when done?: yes

yaku100 -> RE: [flash/photoshop/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 9:39:39)

theme of dragon ex: darkness,frost, fire:Dark,Light.
colur of dragon's skin:Half Black Half White
Maker :Dosent matter
Colour of eye:Black
colour of claws:White
colour of horns:Black White
colour of armor (if any):Grey
other ex: spikes on tail or a different type of horn: describe what you want:Spikes on its legs and tail.
Personal Message when done?: Yes

Thank you :)

[Ill tell everybody about your shop. Your one of the best iv seen so far :]

yumrumgum -> RE: [flash/photoshop/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 10:26:50)

Guess I want a void dragon unlike everyone else before me.
Theme: the void event from nythera's wedding
color: void purple
color of eye: void purple
claws: the shade of black used on formal void warrior
color of armor: same color as claws
extras: none at all but some can be done to make it look better.

Void rules! :)

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 12:20:51)

wow go to sleep and the request pile up
um g man could YOU take OAS Spartan dragon while i get cracking on some of these requests
@teddy its for any one who wants a dragon[;)] and thanks

OAS Spartan -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 12:42:35)

@SNAKE THE RED~I saw that coming (the falling asleep part) looks like there was a small boom in customers for the shop last night.

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 12:45:40)

you can say that again
is it okay if g man takes yours?
if this "bloom" gets any bigger i will have to start hiring again (not that i was ever hiring in the first place)
Edit: some of the requests are finished but on my main computer, my sister is using it for a school project so there will be a slight delay
thank you for your understanding

OAS Spartan -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 17:11:32)

@SNAKE THE RED~Sure, this shop IS a group effort isn't it.[:D]

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 17:17:09)

thanks [;)]
okay i got my computer back and teddy12's dragon is almost done
i added a DRAGON TYPE: slot in order to provide costumers with more options
its the difference between a "simple" recolor and a custom dragon

G Man -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 17:25:33)

ok gonna be a while before i can get to edit your dragon... OAS, sorry for the delay...

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [flash/ms paint] The Dragon's nest [custom dragons] (3/20/2011 18:13:35)

can you just here the thunder roll
teddy's request is done
now i just need to stop time for skywee's request

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