Rares (Full Version)

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esell4 -> Rares (3/3/2011 20:56:51)

What rares do you already have in WF?

Robo0000100 -> RE: Rares (3/4/2011 4:19:55)

Candy Tech Slayer [:D] ... And I'm very sad, that I haven't got Retro battlesuit [&:]

Nex del Vida -> RE: Rares (3/14/2011 14:56:26)

I have my Laser Cane from two Frostvals ago, the Advanced Retro Battlesuit, and my favorite: the WarpForce Moglin from the Mystery Contest. :D

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: Rares (3/14/2011 14:58:51)

I have my retro armor :} (wasn't high enough level to get the advanced retro)

lore778 -> RE: Rares (7/19/2011 10:20:56)

I have the Advanced Retro. But I left the game until recently, so I'm quite a low level AND have no other rare :/ Thats life. What can you do *shrug*

moneybags -> RE: Rares (7/19/2011 22:03:30)

I'm pretty sure I have all of them but the WarpForce Moglin.

afsoc4life -> RE: Rares (7/24/2011 14:48:41)

There are few rares in WF

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