What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (Full Version)

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Elf Priest JZaanu -> What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 6:00:37)

It is more prevalent now with the Log Out feature and Server button. I am dealing with runners of all levels. There needs to some penalty in place to keep them for thinking running is better then actually playing a match.

What ideas do you think would help curb this problem?

One idea:
With any duel mode there should be another record called, Disconnect/Run. It would record all runs/ refreshes and disconnects. It might not affect actual game play, but it would be a respect/character stat. Much like attendance in school/work or any activity. One is actually rewarded for showing up or docked for not fulfilling a commitment.

Second revisited idea:
I also think maybe adding a penalty after repeated logouts/refreshes, the system would temp ban them. The time duration would very from a few minutes up to a whole day.

2v2 circuit is only effective and enjoyable when partners stay and compete.

Any opinions?


jegaggin -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 6:15:49)

no sometimes my internet goes &%&^%^& and then when i finally reset it i dont want to be greeted by a sign saying "You have been Temporarily banned" its not good

Concrete -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 6:28:00)

We all know the feeling of being ditched in a fight and nothing is more annoying.
Some people however DO have a crappy connection but out of respect, those players should focus on 1vs1 instead of 2vs2.
The idea of temp ban sounds really great in my ears.
The idea of ranking the players disc. activity gives atleast me no pleasure as it doesnt really affect gameplay at all. also the "runners" usually don't really care much about reputation anyways so...

B9000 -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 6:49:28)

I think a fitting solution would be for the game to keep track of the amount (%) of games that players run from. Then the 2v2 battlefinder should match up people that run frequently with other habitual runners.

dracule1984 -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 7:22:48)

Well, i guess that is the reason the runner gets a 1 point to his loose. So regardless if he stays in a hopeless situation, or choose to run away thinking he might get away with a loss, that doesn't happen as you all know when you leave an unfinished battle it counts as a LOSS to your stats.


Nailboss -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 7:46:36)

Also running from a fight costs your faction 20 influence, which it takes 4 wins to get back. More people need to know about this, as it was only posted in some sticky a long time ago...

xxXSatanic_AbyssXxx -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 12:08:32)

^ Players like that don't care about their faction to begin with, they are there for flag capture and WD

One game I play takes player currency and experience off for running, however they do have the ability to recognize the difference between server disconnections being done manually and being done due to a system failure, so a system would have to be in place for that. The temp banning sounds fair enough.

Remorse -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 12:33:17)

Ore they could just add an auto fill type option, wre if a player leaves b4 they get a turn a person seraching for a 2v2 battle can fill the spot.(providing they meet lvl requirments

B9000 -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 12:41:16)

Remorse, that isn't a bad idea. Now that you mention it, I remember someone suggestion something else which might work. If a player runs or disconnects, have a 'ghost' version of them remain which their ally then controls when it is that players turn.

phycocat18 -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 12:43:13)

On Fire fox the past few days I been getting about 1 DC an hour and on IE I battle failed to start sometimes. I was in a battle that we were wining easy and I got DCed. So it's not always their fault. sure there should be a penalty for hitting log out f5 or the X close button but the enigne would have to detect that and not if it was something the player couldn't control.

Nailboss -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 13:26:00)

I like the idea of a ghost remaining which the 2nd player on the team controls. This would make it much fairer and not have to have any kind of disconnect detection in place. Just make sure that the player who dc'd still gets a loss on their record and the results of the fight with the ghost only affect the 2nd player on the team, the one who didn't leave.

voidance -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 13:31:51)

That is a horrible idea, you could get into a good faction and just wreck their influence.

(at your first post)

Nailboss -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 13:33:16)

voiddance, that's not my idea, that's how the game is now. running from a fight takes 20inf from your faction. most players just don't know this fact. I agree that it's a poor solution though, I don't like it either.

edit: ah, wait, no, that's been changed. it used to do that though but they removed it a few patches back. so i guess it's all good :)

Phycho -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 16:18:31)

i hate when people run from a fight but sometimes its not because they wanted to but because they got disconnected, there should be a penalty of loseing credits or somthing if you run but it would be hard to tell if they choose to run or if they got disconnected i never choose to run but i do get disconnected in 2v2 sometimes ive had a few lvl 32s in 1v1 either run or get disconnected and it sucks i hate winning and loseing because of disconnections or from people running

InceptionAE -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 16:43:18)

Actually its a good idea but not with numbers. I say make an Honor title.


Very Good max. 10-24 disconnect/ refresh/ and log out
Good max. 25-49 disconnect/ refresh/ and log out
Average max. 50-74 disconnect/ refresh/ and log out
Bad max. 75-100 disconnect/ refresh/ and log out
Very Bad max. 101+ disconnect/ refresh/ and log out.

The 5 levels of honor. Thanks for reading!

Nailboss -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 17:10:52)

dungeon, sometimes you get disconnect and if you play a long time that wouldn't work. i would instead do it more as a ratio, so, for every 100 matches:

0-5 = perfect
6-10 = good
11-15 = unimpressive
15-20 = bad
21+ = terrible

this is per 100 matches, and counts only your last hundred, as a rolling total. this way, if a player sees their ratio dropping, and works to improve it, then they can fix it, so it doesn't stay with them if they work on being good :)

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 18:50:45)

nothing can, because I try to stick it out most of the time however when I'm stuck with a lv 27 against lv 32's staying through the fight is just a waste of time. At that stage there is no "being nice" because if you beat 1 opponent then it's 7(?) more credits than if u loose without defeating any opponent but it's not a good enough reason to waste 7 minutes of your life (gosh those lucky people just can't take a win they just have to heal and heal over and over again even though they coulda won without healing once)

disconnection is a problem too and battles that fail to start

Nailboss -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/4/2011 19:14:01)

if you lose 1v1 or 2v2 you get 14c 7exp
if you lose 2v2 you get 14c 19exp if you killed one
if you win 2v2 you get 54c 24exp
if you win 1v1 you get 32c? 12exp? (might be 14)
so, losing a 2v2 with 1 kill gives more exp than than winning a 1v1.
this is all against same level but yea.

Ozymandias V -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/13/2011 8:02:16)

Here's something simple and effective that is used by other online team games:

If a player runs from a game, impose a short time penalty of maybe 2 minutes before they can join another game.

8x -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/13/2011 8:16:30)

My idea: If you run you don't get credits in next battle.

Lord GaGa -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/13/2011 17:06:44)

How about if somebody runs, you get 100 credits and it doesnt count towards your battle record unless you win.
(credits to compensate from time)
Even though this idea could be used to farm credits.

edwardvulture -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/13/2011 17:16:53)

The problem is varium advantage x2 +3 level difference. Running is small of a problem compared to a guaranteed lose.

Avast Volcano -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/13/2011 21:51:40)

Even if you did remove ways of leaving the battle through in-game features, they could always just refesh the page if they really did want to leave the battle... I propose a reward for staying through the entire battle/ if you leave the battle, you would not be allowed into battle for a minute? Not sure if it's going to work or not though.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: What to do to keep players in 2v2 matches? (3/13/2011 22:53:03)

@Remorse and B9K

Those actually seem like practical ideas to solve the problem that might work.

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