RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (Full Version)

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Se7en -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 3:15:17)

I'll be defending at around 12pm server time, watch out. :D

brianspenceni -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 4:16:19)

^ thank goodness, Se7en. I'm working long hours this weekend, and might miss quite a few of my caps!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 4:20:02)


Let`s rock! Geoto vs Aerodu sounds good
Its been awhile since Geoto fought Aerodu, lets give it everything we have and fight as often as each of us can.

Drew862 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 4:41:53)

I just hit my exp cap. good luck with the battle contest. I will go for the gold cap later and play for another hour or so.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 8:25:31)

Good luck everyone. I hope you all remember to play on the free server.

137ben -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 9:44:31)

Okay, Dynami is goin' down!

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 12:35:04)


Good luck everyone. I hope you all remember to play on the free server.

Better yet, I hope people read the first post before participating. That's where the rules are explained, and other details.

Say Dig, knowing you're full of surprises with finding pictures, do you think you can come up with some sort of trophy/award/whatever thingie that you write the name of the champion below?

EDIT: Lookin' good for Aerodu and Dynami, although Glacius is really close behind their opponent.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 14:00:41)

Sure, I guess I could. But there won't be a champion until next weekend so there's still some time.

Se7en -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 14:49:21)


EDIT: Lookin' good for Aerodu and Dynami, although Glacius is really close behind their opponent.
Are you sure Glacius is still behind our opponent? :D

brianspenceni -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 16:27:55)

I'm not sure that's the case either!

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 16:50:33)

Oh Dynami and Glacius are fighting as well? Thought it was only Geoto vs Aerodu this week.
Best of luck to all clans, nonetheless!

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/26/2011 18:03:05)


Are you sure Glacius is still behind our opponent? :D

That was a fact a few hours ago. Now it's clear that you've taken the lead. Well done.

EDIT: 11 hours left. Aerodu and Glacius leads with a gain of 1000 and 10000 points respectively.

Se7en -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/27/2011 20:04:22)

We still have 4 hours, but I'm tired of defending already. :O Dynami you have the last 4 hours to chalk up 6k points to win this. Go go go!

Drew862 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/27/2011 22:56:26)

I just finished gold capping. See you guys at reset if I have more time.
edit- okay, its reset now, time to get more gold[:D]

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 0:15:25)

And stop! This is the end of this weekend's round. let's have a look at the current scores:

Aerodu: +1320
Geoto: -200

Dynami: +3340
Glacius: +10042

Congratulation to Aerodu and Glacius! You are the winners of this round!

See you next weekend for the final round between Aerodu and Glacius for the title of Champion of Paxia!

(Hell, I should stop using those exclamation marks.)

BlackAces -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 0:23:46)

So I guess we'll be taking on Glacius for the title hopefully I don't have to work this weekend and miss the final round of the battle contest.

Drew862 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 0:31:49)

I wonder if I can reach exps cap before bed? I guess I will be playing this game friday and sunday nights now. good luck to everyone on next weeks defense.

Se7en -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 2:47:31)

Man... We're up for another round so soon. Hope that after the final round there'll be less activity for awhile. I can't be defending that crazily every single weekend.

brianspenceni -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 3:45:09)

Yeah, too soon! Well done to everyone involved!

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 10:21:30)

I think we'll take a break of two weeks before making the next tournament. Currently thinking if we can find something else to do too.

137ben -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 17:08:01)

No! I'm gonna be out of town this weekend, I'll miss the final round[:(] But I will be back late Sunday so I might be there for the last hour or two[:)]

drmonkey22 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (3/28/2011 17:14:07)

Well we lost but still it was fun congrats Aerodu and Glacius

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/2/2011 1:16:56)


I totally forgot about it. My apologies, I'm going to make the screenshot right away.
DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG, aren't you supposed to back me up in those cases!?
Anyway, good luck to the participants. May the best win and become Champion of Paxia.

trans205 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/2/2011 14:43:30)

Arn't we supposed to be talking a few weeks off?

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/2/2011 17:17:28)

After this weekend.

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