=DF= Lucky Week Adventure Stories and Poetry 2011 (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =DF= Lucky Week Adventure Stories and Poetry 2011 (3/15/2011 17:17:15)

Lucky Week Adventure 2011 Commentary and Discussion Thread

Here we are again, another thread for your awesome stories in DragonFable.

Post with abandon and remember to edit your stories when you add to them!


shadowfalcon -> RE: =DF= Lucky Week Adventure Stories and Poetry 2011 (3/16/2011 19:54:17)

Here is my lucky week war poem of which i do not have a name for

Who would have thought
A rainbow had wrought
The damage and pain
Causing the shards to rain
The crying the fears
The Fairy Queens tears
Oh how they fall like the stars
To hide the scars
Yet a hero to rise
In this nations demise
To save the child
Stolen from the wild
The fairy queens tears
Oh all the fears
Who would have thought
A rainbow had wrought
All this desperate fear

Another poem and without a name as well

A fate so dark, so bleak and pale
The war is waged the battle begun
A hero prays he shall not fail
Death and sorrow for the few who fail
And the dawn is yet to be found
The broken the weak they lie down
They spill their tears into the ground
All this death and our prize is a frown
I fought for this queen
Yet am given only more death on the morn
The blood that I’ve seen
Oh how I’m so torn

thelegofan -> RE: =DF= Lucky Week Adventure Stories and Poetry 2011 (3/17/2011 0:23:57)

There is a hero who occasionally visits Falconreach, and strikes up a conversation or two, especially during wars. Once he's done with what he came for, however, he vanishes for a week, thus having some forget his name. These are the written adventures of DJM, the Forgotten Hero, and his pet dragon, Draco, the Forgotten Dragon.

Scene: Rainbow Bridge War camp

DJM: Ahh, what a nice day for a war!
Draco: *telepathically* You do know this isn't really a war, right? We're helping Maeve, Queen of the Fairies, and Sneevrick, King of the Sneevilchauns by finding-
DJM: Draco, you're ruining the moment. I know it's not actually a war, I just say that to myself for motivation.
Draco: Suit yourself, as long as I can eat monsters, I'm happy.
DJM: *under his breath* Yeah, well I hope you like eating metal.
Draco: Don't tell me you're actually going to help Voltabolt.
DJM: Well, it's just until the war's over, Draco, next war, I promise you, you'll dine on monsters all day long!
Draco: I better, for your sake.
DJM: Draco, we've talked about this.
Draco: Yeah, yeah, yeah, if I eat you, I'll be found. But sometimes, being the Forgotten Dragon isn't a happy life.
DJM: What are you talking about? We help defend Falconreach all the time, and people like us, we're role models!
Draco: Yeah, to the few people that remember our name.
DJM: Now, Draco, positive additude. Soon enough, we won't have to be Forgotten, we'll be able to come out of hiding
Draco: *sigh*

End of Part 1, Scene 1
(P.S: I know the story isn't too good, but it is my first, I hope to get better in the future with everyone's comments)

Scene: A bright, radiant fortress

???: So, DJM thinks he can hide from me? Well, he's in for a surprise, a big one. Just wait until I get my hands on you, pathetic-
Minion: *comes running in* Master! *pant* Master, I-*loud inhale*-I come with the location of DJM! He's been spotted at Falconreach, and he continues visiting some normal, unsuspicious house!
???: Falconreach, eh? Thank you, minion, now leave my presence, I have some plotting to do.
Minion: Yes, master. *bows, then leaves the room*
???: Just wait until I get to Falconreach, DJM, this time, you won't survive. *approaches a cabinet, takes out a large, blinding sword, then laughs evilly*

End of Part 1, Scene 2

Scene: Just outside Voltabolt's house

Draco: Do you ever get the feeling someone watching you? I do, right now, actually.
DJM: Sometimes, but that's probably due to the fact of what happened a while ago, you know, when we first met.
Draco: Ah yes, when he came and fought you.
DJM: Yeah, that wasn't a very fun time, but let's focus on what we're doing now, ok?
Draco: Alright. Ready?
DJM: On the count of three. *telepathically* One...two...three!
Draco: (at the same time as DJM) *telepathically* Three!

*both enter the house to fight another one of Voltabolt's creations*

End of Part 1, Scene 3

artemishiu -> RE: =DF= Lucky Week Adventure Stories and Poetry 2011 (3/20/2011 21:55:45)

Yet another holiday corrupted by evil.
The work of a leprechaun sneevil.
Pretty rainbows kidnap baby fairies.
Shattering, disrupting life so merry.
Alas, what an unhappy day.
Who shall keep the evil at bay?
Comes out the silent stoic rogue.
For darkness, he shall be a drogue.
Decked out in green to fit the season.
His flashing daggers are the reason
For fear to grow in the enemy.
Blades making short work of their anatomy.
He shall protected the affronted.
The hunter now becomes the hunted.
There's a new sheriff in Lore.
Here to help us win the war.

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