Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 15, 2011: Earthquake Disaster Relief (3/16/2011 13:27:16)
Let's try and keep this civil, shall we? posts containing ethnic slurs, (or as I've run into on the Facebook page, discussions of how this is God's punishment, or signs of the Apocalypse) will be deleted or heavily (and hilariously) edited. I hate to get so "big sister"-y on you guys, but it's seriously not cool. Battle On! Cinderella Also, I'm not sure if discussions on how much you'll donate might sound odd or inappropriate- people can donate what they feel is appropriate, and what they can afford (I'm not working steadily right now, so I donated less than I might have when I was making $12/hour). If a dollar is all you can afford, then that dollar means a great deal.