Ianthe -> Regain Mana (3/22/2011 23:55:51)
Regain Mana Regain Mana, Level «LEVEL» Regain Mana equal to the cost of a spell of the level of the effect when you next cast a spell. Regain Mana equal to the cost of a spell of the level of the effect when you next cast a spell of the «ELEMENT» element. The next time you cast a spell, you gain round(38.1 + 2.3375*LEVEL + 0.01125*LEVEL^2) MP, and the status ends. For this to work, the Spell needs to deal at least one hit (so, no, guest-summoning spells won't work) whose Type is Magic. If it only applies to spells of a specific element, then it only applies to spells whose database element -- like, what it shows in the shop or in the quick-cast bar -- is the proper element. For example, Spellcraft will NEVER get the bonus, since it's Neutral. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/Deus_Ex_Machina_Eh/AQ/Encyclopaedia/Status_Player_Yay.gif[/image]