RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (Full Version)

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arcangelgabrel -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (5/25/2011 20:42:03)


5.- Why not recycle stuff but in AQ that could speed things a little, its just that some of the art here itīs so nice and it must be in AQ (even in other colours please) please [:D]

Please no, I've seen that in the AQW's wiki in the weapons section. At least ONE weapon was recolored four times and called something else...

Grim_Hero -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (6/5/2011 8:39:14)

I for one love warpforce and have no problem with what it does and how it plays right now other than we need MORE content MORE often and
a team of staff devoted to only warpforce even if it is an expansion it needs us the fans to let more people know about the warpforce game
also in closeing ima be makeing youtube vids about warpforce and all its missions and some cool random monster fights etc.
when u look up warpforce vids look up Universal Might in augest of this year oh yeah~!!!

p.s. to all warp force players and artix entertainment staff BATTLE ON!!
p.p.s Im rooting for you all you ae staff members who work on warpforce BATTLE ON!

Rorshach -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (6/6/2011 6:01:38)

Haha, generally this game is good. It's fully post-swept and unique. However, like the new AQ, it lacks good stuff. Even if they introduce stuff, it lacks the 'goodness' in them. But WF is a monthly update, so the staff can't be blamed. (IIRC, only 5 are involved in WF?)

Which is why I recommended third-party if not experienced players help. Free-lancer stuff.

Go Man -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (6/7/2011 12:07:22)

I just have to say if they had a war or fixed their galactic chart i would be more happy with it.

Manga Maniac -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (6/7/2011 12:15:17)

In part, it feels sort of like WarpForce has been shifted out of public view. Unlike the other games, it only updates monthly (although that can't really be helped), which probably puts a lot of people off. It's also been moved into part of the AQ subforums, meaning it gets less publicity from people simply going on the forum, looking at it, and going "oo, that's a game!". The game lacked some of that ol' new game hype which the other AE games had, leading to less of a substanstial player-"boom" when it first started.

The game itself is still great as ever.

Go Man -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (6/7/2011 18:47:08)

I agree. This game is probably one of the best sci-fi computer games EVER but it does have a few bugs that it could take out.

Please do not double-post. Instead, use the Edit button. Thanks! ~$b

MarkLegend -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (6/15/2011 16:34:13)

I love WarpForce. Why? Because I am a level 20 WarpGuardian.

spyropulse -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (7/26/2011 23:15:21)

This game does need more love its an amazing rpg and it has like no fans especially in forums. Plus in forums this game doesnt even have its own part its just an add on to the AQ forum. :(

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (7/27/2011 20:35:10)

It needs more love. I like it (minus the Novus finale) a lot.

It looks, however, as though WarpForce is dead. There are fewer than 100 players on at the moment and there hasn't been a July update.

Arithonne -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (7/27/2011 22:33:56)

I noticed the no July update too. It'd be nice if there were some kind of official announcement to explain the lack of an update.

Black_Crystal -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (7/30/2011 9:56:38)

This game needs more than just love. It needs attention, more discussions and suggestions from players to improve the game more...

Firstly, the game have a huge content level gap. The content released is now turn to monthly released, it gets bored/monotonous to farm in the same quest/doing RA when you play WF.

Secondly, there is also something like the end of WF. Think about it this way, some quest are placed at level 75 etc. If the level cap is raised to 130, there will be quest for 130s. That is like the end of warpforce...level restriction for quest should be removed to give players a freedom of choice, just like AQ and of course somehow remove this feeling that WF will end after each NPC have a quest for 130s.

Lastly, I do hope they can add a class change or have a wider variety of class to choose. Since this game seems to have ONLY 2 jobs currently(Strikers & Gunners).
If a class change is implemented, e.g Gunners to Stikers or vice versa, the default equipments will change too. I am pretty sure a lot of us choose a wrong class and regreted it. If it costs Z-tokens, I hope it will be priced resonably.
Adding more different jobs will be great, seeing as we have Ninja, Pirate and Darkseeker(Which looks alot like vampireslayer)armour. Adding their class will add a bonus to the attractiveness of WF. Look at AQ and I am sure you will understand.
Adding more classes can also give more kinds of tatics for players to play around with. If the team wants to make this game earn more revenue, they should first let the players see whether the game is worth their money and time first.

moneybags -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (7/30/2011 19:59:44)

Gal posted an announcement here Arithonne.

steven11113 -> RE: Who else thinks this game needs more love? (8/1/2011 14:31:00)




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