=ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d Discussion (Full Version)

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WhiteTiger -> =ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d Discussion (4/8/2011 17:39:45)

April 08, 2011
Egg-celent, Egg-ceptional, Egg-puns, etc...
Eggzooka Egg-stacy!

To celebrate the beginning of the Spring season, we are introducing the Eggzookas. These ferocious, wabbit-face auxiliaries are capable of dealing intense damage and feature amazing stat bonuses.
But how will you acquire these beauties? Both the energy and physical Eggzookas will be avaible with purchase of the 10,000 Varium package or in-game from Titan and Nightwraith. Get them before they're gone!

Level Up! Again!

Numbers will once again go up as we raise the level cap to 33! It may seem far away, but all the level 32 have been clamoring for this for ages. It's not an easy journey, but once you get there, it's totally worth it!
To make life easier for those eager to reach the level cap and get the most out of the new Eggzookas, we've introduced a few features to make the leveling process less of a grind.

Epic Power Hour!

Starting at 10:00PM ET and 10:00AM ET, players will receive DOUBLE XP from all victories for an hour! This also means that players using XP Boost will receive QUADRUPLE XP! This puts level 33 easily within reach.
Level Ranges and Encumberance:

To keep the latest and greatest weapons from being out of the range of hardworking players, we have introduced a level range requirement to weapons. You will now be able to equip a weapon as early as 4 levels prior to the highest requirement, as long as you meet the stat requirements. However, there is a catch...
We have introduced a restriction to this feature called Encumberance. You may equip a weapon before you meet the highest level requirement, BUT you will take one point of damage reduction for each level you are below the highest requirement.
Actually, this block of text explains it better:
This new feature applies to Primary, Sidearm, and Auxiliary weapon types. Armor, Robot, Bike, and Booster are unaffected.

Focus Change

Since raising the level cap makes it easier to pour more and more points into one attribute, throwing off balance, we have removed the Focus damage bonus and rewrote the calculations for increasing stat effectiveness. This means after a certain point, it becomes increasingly difficult to gain more damage and defense. This will prevent one-sided builds that favor loading up on one stat for an almost guranteed victory. This change is largely experimental and it can be adjusted as it's been through some more thorough battle testing.

Please note that while the player damage bonus from Focus is removed, Focus will still directly affect Bot damage.

Tag. You're it! ~Rabies

TankMage -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:42:24)

EggZookas <3

Master Volcon -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:43:05)

I think there have been better releases

If i do 5 focus then i only really 20 stat mods. After that everything is useless
So this really turned me away from good stat weapons
It should only effect your actual attribute points. not stat mods and enhancements.

focus is now useless without a bot

and the new zookas are alright :)

aside from the fact that the game is basically ruined battle wise (everyone has to be the same) it was a good update :)

frogbones -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:43:58)

So if I understand, there will be LESS incentive for making creative builds? Is that right?

edwardvulture -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:44:15)

How does this reward balanced stats players?

Digital X -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:48:43)

I still don't quite understand the Focus change, i'll be honest. Just feel weaker all over really. Apart from Robot damage of course.

So are 5 focus builds not the way to go now or what?

TurkishIncubus -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:50:51)

I didnt understand Focus and Balance change can some one explain more pls

Competition -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:50:55)

Lol, I'm still doing good with my support build.

EDIT: Also, purchasing enhancements are a bit useless due to it being weaker above 50 stat points.
Smart move ED.

edwardvulture -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:55:10)

I just realaized this is a HUGE buff to weapon damage and armor protection.

Nebula -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 17:56:43)

@Turkish Focus only effects robot damage now, it doesn't effect every form of attack.
The balance change is any stat that goes over 50 will start to have negative effects. ( Not sure how it works out, but I have 78 dexterity and my defense is that of which it would be at 69 dex ).

I actually like this release. Has weakened str abusers quite a bit, stopped mega 5 focus tank mercs. Tbh I think it should only be base stats that go over 50 that start to have diminsihing effects. Tbh, its not that bad, I feel like ED is going in the right direction but many people won't agree.

goldslayer1 -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:04:01)

this also helps lower lvls because they usualy dont stat abuse much and wont have reduce damage or defense

Competition -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:08:29)

Was going to buy another 10k var package, but thankfully saved it due to this horrendous update.

He Who Lurks -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:12:05)

This release actually made certain skills within the skill tree much more powerful. Since damage has been majorly nerfed I feel obligated to try out some high energy builds and experiment with some skill strategies. This release at first seemed irrational to me, but with some tweaking I'm pretty sure this would turn out to be a good thing. Plasma Bolt has the highest damage potential out of the three classes so TM can possibly be re-called unbalanced. That's really my only concern(Buster Bunker may be OP'd also). 3/5 release.

BloodRainbow -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:12:35)

ok im a bit comfused here it says they come in the $50 package but it doesnt say that ingame

ND Mallet -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:12:35)

I for one think that stats start losing their value too early. 50 points is very tiny since most varium players get 20+ stat boost and already have 4 focus already. 50 str or support is only 12 base damage and since focus only affects robots now, you need to abuse stats to get damage or go extreme tank and use your bot. I personally think that it should kick in around around 60-70 instead of 50.

bighobbo -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d Discussion (4/8/2011 18:15:47)

Some exciting stuff going on here. I'm sure there will be some new builds out there.

After 2 weeks, a new overpowered build will be discovered. Then another balance update after 2 months that totally changes everything. The cycle never ends.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d Discussion (4/8/2011 18:23:01)

I'm thinking about MP hm....

Arcanis -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:28:42)

Ok heres a quick comparison.
Abused stat:support
Total 110

Noted changes:
Primary and gun damage remained same
Defense reduced from 18-22 to 17-21
Resistance reduced from 21-26 to 20-24
Aux damage reduced from 27-33 to 24-29
No changes in skills dependent on abused stat.
As far as i have noticed,similar is for str,but im guessing str abuse reduces primary and gun damage as well as defense/res.
Anyone with dex or teh abuse out there to compare notes?
And if i got this right,60 stats above the 50 limit reduced my defense/res by 1 and one weapon damage by 3-4. Meh.

BloodRainbow -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d Discussion (4/8/2011 18:29:59)

now because of the reduced amount of def...... 5 focus tech abusing bunker mercs are gana be even more powerful

LambO -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:31:56)

2,200 varium EACH? Wow, rip off much?

Seriously everytime we can level up you up the friggin varium prices by time level 35 is out stupid items are gonna cost around 4k Varium

Now you guys cannot say you're not money hungry. FAIL.

goldslayer1 -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:36:16)

actualy. this might seem weird to some. but this release actually helps tech mages.

BloodRainbow -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:36:37)

@lambo thats what the bunnies cost last year

MistaTechMage -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d Discussion (4/8/2011 18:38:03)

Because of this new focus system people with +5 builds have gone from :D too :| we used to stand a chance against tanks, and basically any build now we are a joke;stats above 50 now have certain penalties to their progression so most stats cant be abused anymore, now builds will be 45 per stat or less most like as no op builds can be used, a +5 build used to be 8 minimum damage and +30 bot a great incentive to use now its just +30 bot with a minimum damage of 3 like in beta stre mercs have been weakened, but you also nerfed lots of mages basically by taking away the +5 extra damage it might not seem by much but often battles are lost or won by 1hp

so +5 have been nerfed including a lot of mages, stre mercs weakened, stre bounties weakened, all abusive stat users weakened, varium players got a new zooka, non varium zookas cant even start to compete to, new lvl=awesome, and power hour=awesome it was an ok update overall pretty cool new stuff but some disappointing stat progression changes

upgradefire -> RE: =ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d Discussion (4/8/2011 18:38:29)

well they messed the game up even further

DillBagel -> RE: EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d (4/8/2011 18:39:03)

New zookas look cool, but WTF!
38 damage and 19 stats? Knock knock, mental breakdown anyone?
I'm sorry, but that's retarded.

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