Soliqe -> Unused EpicDuel Weapons (4/16/2011 14:26:54)
Note to AKs: This is a discussion about the suggestion, not the actual suggestion itself. I sent a PM to Nightwraith just recently suggestion that various weapons be released to the nonvariums. The reason for this is that many Varium items are no longer thought of, not even known of, or generally unused due to statistical reasoning. I'm pretty sure most of you will agree with what I have sent to him. (Note that I am a Varium Founder, and am not a nonvarium) quote:
I'm not going to suggest art, but I am going to suggest something for the non Varium players. There are hundreds of weapons in EpicDuel. Many of them are really good, yet unused because they cost Varium, and they don't match up to the "Level 30" standard. Some of these weapons, should be made free so that free players have a better choice for weapons, and and we could even see more diversity in builds. I'm going to list various weapons in the wiki that do not need to be Varium. The reasons are the there are lower, non Varium weapons that are more powerful than these. Personally, I believe the low leveled non Varium weapons are so basic in design (not saying you design is bad, but compared to the Varium designs, it's very basic. Also, I do understand most of these weapons are from alpha) Also, if you have the ability to check on the "purchases" of each weapon, you will most likely see a low number in purchases of these weapons. So, if you're not making money off of them, why keep them Varium? To put it straight forward, if you don't see Varium player using them, (which you could ask many players) then they aren't being used. Swords: Energy Cutter Habuki's Edge Hack Cleaver Fierce Bio Cleaver Retribution <<< I want to note, that this weapon is REALLY good in design, and it should be given to our non varium players. Dark Bio Cleaver Scrap Cleaver Staffs: Shock Trooper Staff Interrogator Staff Sidewinder Staff Reanimator Staff Shard Staff Dragon Staff Twin Phoenix Staff <<< Would like to note there is not 1 nonvarium level 31 staff and since this has low stat mods, it should be converted. Clubs: Whump <<< never even knew this existed (and I've been playing since October of 09) Brutal Maul Ventilator Archon Energy Archon Blood Shard Wrist Blades: Jigsaw Blade Hydraulic Slasher Energy Trident Soul Gougers Lethal Claws Super Doom Spike Guns: Desert Sniper Typhoon Elite Repeater Plasma Magnum Auxiliaries: Super RPG Plasma Zooka <<< this used to be used, but with the latest bazookas, it won't be purchased as much any more. Devastator As you can see, these are just a few of the weapons that are in the game. You may not see it the way I see it, and that is fine, but if something isn't being used by the paying player, it should be given to the other. `Soliqe