Corrupted Wolfblade (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Corrupted Wolfblade (4/21/2011 7:47:15)

Corrupted Wolfblade

Resistances: 80 Immobility
Enemy Type: Equippable
Default Special Abilities: +5 Defense, +5 Crit

Attack 1
100% chance for "Shot straight through defender's mecha! 2x Damage Over Time!" dealing DoT, lasts for 3 turns.
Attack Image: -

Attack 2
  • 2nd hit has a chance for "Pain Shell: -20 to Hit", lowers opponent's Bonus by 20, lasts for 3 turns.
  • Last hit has a chance for "Madness Shell: -20 to Hit", lowers opponent's Bonus by 20, lasts for 3 turns.
    Attack Image: -

    Attack 3
    100% chance to increase the attack's damage by 50%.
    Attack Image: -

    Attack 4
    100% chance to increase the attack's damage by 50%.
    Attack Image: -

    Attack 5
    100% chance for "Shockwave! <Player>'s Damage decreased. Corrupted Wolfblade's Damage increased!", increases Corrupted Wolfblade's Boost by 35, lowers player's Boost by 35, lasts for 5 turns.
    Attack Image: -

    Attack 6
    100% chance for "Armor Breached: -40 Defense. Wolfblade has Offensive Advantage +40 to Hit!" Increases Corrupted Wolfblade's Bonus by 40 and lowers player's Defense by 40, lasts for 5 turns.
    Attack Image: -

    Image: Corrupted Wolfblade

    *Thanks to Selutu for attack infos and default special abilities!*

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