ReScreechers! (Full Version)

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moneybags -> ReScreechers! (5/1/2011 14:27:35)

Quest Location: WarpGuardian Tower > WarpGuardian Missions > RESCREECHERS
Quest Given From: Temura Ge'Thrak
Requirements: Level 75


Temura: Some of our WarpFighters were out on a practice sortie when they came across a weird object drifting in space at the edge of the Rennis system. It was very small and not emanating any energy, so it was brought onboard a ship.
Temura: I had the squadron take the object back to the Hangar Deck on the Alteon where Gravlax and Dr. Mendas could observe it more closely. It was under high security for over a day, until it suddenly opened up!
Temura: It seems to be a kind of silicon-based lifeform, very machinelike, but we don't know if it's a Defiler or something else. Will you go check it out?
  • On my way!
  • Back

    «Scene: The LSS Alteon flies through space. New Scene: The Hangar Deck of the LSS Alteon.»

    General Stormfront: I feel a little awkward being surrounded by so many short folk...

    «Temura Ge'Thrak and «You» enter.»

    Dr. Mendas: Feel better now, General?
    Temura: I thought I would join you in seeing our strange new guest, «You».
    «You»: Right-- So where IS this thing?
    General Stormfront: Private Simish-- Slide that USL over here, would you?
    Pvt. Simish: Yes Sir!

    «The USL containing the Screecher enters.»

    «You»: !!! What IS this thing? Any ideas?
    Dr. Mendas: It's alive, but it's a metallic creature, very much like the Defilers. It's puzzling in many respects...
    Gravlax: Oogluss, you're right, Doc! Puzzling indeed! Unlike Defilers, this critter doesn't have a central power core. It's all distributed in a "circulatory system." Same with its A. I.
    «You»: Does it remind you of anything we've seen before?
    Zorboz: I have an idea! I'm going to deliver a shock to the creature which it might perceive as aggression. We will see how it reacts!
    «You»: We might want to transfer it to an even more secure area before--

    «A shock runs through the USL. A bright flash of light then destroys the USL.»

    «You»: See, Zorboz... That wasn't very good...
  • Battle with General Leet's help!
  • Battle with Temura Ge'Thrak's help!
  • Battle with Zorboz's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      1 BATTLE
        Level 75-94: Screecher (75)
        Level 95+: Screecher (95)

      Full Heal

    Zorboz: Nice work... Now we can recycle the thing's parts to make some brooms or something.
    «You»: Hey, come on! I just saved your green hide!
    «You»: We can't just forget about this, though. We need to look over the Rennis system very closely and track down its origin.
    Stormfront: Agreed. Any clues pointing to a particular world in the system, Captain? It could take days to get a good look at ALL of them.
    Temura: The logical place to start would be the planet nearest the squadron's practice mission: Rennis 7. There's a bonus, actually. Rennis 7 has a colony of friendly Cor-Dem on it.
    Dr. Mendas: Indeed! They've bee there for 320 years and are almost done terraforming the planet. There aren't any land plants on the world yet, but the ocean is FULL of algae.
    Dr. Mendas: It will definitely be a unique world when they're done with it!
    «You»: Okay, I'll head down there right away. Anyone want to ride along?

    «Scene: Your Zhoom 6000 WarpFighter leaves the LSS Alteon. New Scene: Interior of the WarpFighter. Zorboz rises from below.»

    «You»: Zorboz... DON'T touch ANYTHING.
    «You»: Entering warp in 3---- 2----- 1------
    Zorboz: Meh.

    «Scene: Your WarpFighter enters warpspace and exits at Rennis 7.»

    «You»: Welcome to Rennis 7. Let's hope we don't have to drink the green water.

    «Scene: Rennis 7. The land is barren, and the Cor-Dem settlement is abandoned, its buildings and statues cracked and broken..»

    Temura: This doesn't look good, «You».
    Zorboz: My Insta-Carbon Dating App indicates that the settlement has been abandoned for 23 days, 4 hours, 7 minutes and 12 seconds.
    «You»: I didn't realize carbon dating was that accurate.
    Zorboz: It is if you know how to use the app. What-- Don't trust me?
    «You»: So what could have done this to a settlement that was as high-tech and established as THIS one so suddenly??
    Temura: We'll have to find that answer later-- It looks like there are some monsters that like to sniff around ruins headed our way!!
  • Battle with Temura Ge'Thrak's help!
  • Battle with Zorboz's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

    «You»: Monsters seem to just follow us wherever we go. Don't they ever need to take a break?

    «Cor-Dini enters the scene.»

    ???: P--please--- tell me you are intelligent beings---
    Zorboz: Greetings, bald alien. I can assure you that I am intelligent, though I cannot speak for the two fleshlings standing next to me.
    Temura: Zorboz... Where's your OFF switch??
    «You»: We're from the WarpForce, and we're looking for some strange purple robot things that MIGHT have destroyed your settlement. So-- did they?
    Cor-Dini: Your description is accurate, yes. Call me Cor-Dini, by the way. You don't happen to have anything to eat, do you?
    «You»: We brought a few bars of FOODS, the all-purpose edible item. It's... not very good. Tastes like plywood. I really would prefer it not be something you judge us on.
    Cor-Dini: No judging here. I just don't want to die of starvation.
    «You»: Well in that case, follow us back to our ship and you can have a FOODS bar. Oh, are there any more survivors?
    Cor-Dini: No. Not here... Many of us were able to evacuate before the Screechers replicated enough to overrun everything.
    Cor-Dini: We traced their origin to a strange robot that was dressed in a suit that looked a little like the one YOU have on. It was ALSO wearing a plastic version of Drakel skin.
    Temura: Oh... my... The Defiler Colonel Ba'Tokk! We blasted his remains out of an airlock!
    Temura: They must have eventually landed HERE... and the mutant Defiler AI in their camouflaged 'bot started-- evolving!
    «You»: That's EXACTLY what I was going to say.
    Zorboz: So the Defilers made something that was TOO smart, and lost control of it. If these Screechers get off of this planet, they might colonize or even consume the entire galaxy.
    «You»: Not a happy thought...
    Cor-Dini: I suggest we get back to your ship right now. There were several Screechers pursuing me when I ran into you.
    ???: SCREEEECHHH!!!
    «You»: You waited until NOW to tell us?!
  • Battle with Temura Ge'Thrak's help!
  • Battle with Zorboz's help!
  • Battle by yourself!

    Regardless of choice:

      3 BATTLES
        Level 75-94: Screecher (75)
        Level 95+: Screecher (95)

      Full Heal after every Battle

    Cor-Dini: So... Where did you say your ship was?
    «You»: It's GONE!! What happened to it??

    «The Screecher-infested ship flies past..»

    Temura: Did you all see that?

    «The ship flies back in the other direction.»

    «You»: Ohhhh... THERE is our ship.

    «The ship enters the Scene.»

    Cor-Dini: It seems that your ship has been infested with Screechers. I suppose they have figured out how to leave the planet.

    «Captain Daian enters the scene on her own WarpFighter.»

    Captain Daian: When your warpfighter's transponder went dead, I thought you might need some help! Hop in!
    «You»: You don't have to tell us twice! Let's go!!
  • Fight!

    Fighter Ship BattleSuit loads.

      1 BATTLE: Screecher Infested Fighter
      Full Heal

    You are returned to your default BattleSuit and Weapon.

    «You»: All of you ready to go home yet?

    «Scene shows your ship flying back to the LSS Alteon.»
    Mission Debriefing:

    Well, we managed to make it back alive, and figured out the origin of the Screecher robots!

    Captain Daian was able to reunite Cor-Dini with the other survivors of the settlement, but they won't be able to go back to Rennis 7 anytime soon. For now, the planet is under quarantine. Gravlax has a plan to wash all of Rennis 7 with a massive EMP burst, which should deactivate every one of the Screechers. Once that's done, we can begin the resettlement process. Let's hope this all works out in the end!
  • Play again!
  • WarpGuardian Tower!
  • Exit

    Screecher's Parts Sword
    Screecher's Parts Sword Z
    Guardian Screecher's Parts Sword
    Improved Screechers
    Screechers Z

    Monster Encounter Lists thanks to In Media Res.

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