Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (Full Version)

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Eric Greydawn -> Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:10:11)

Post your comments here guys. Any questions I will be glad to answer, if I am able to.

I PROBABLY should have already had this in there. And sure, I will comment as I am able... just remember, I am going to be here only a short amount of time each day as I am working on other things as well.[;)]

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:16:34)

Where's the link?

And does this mean we will be getting feedback from you as well?

Mordred -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:24:26)


They say it sounded incredibly evil.

Terran swears fell upon Lorian ears I bet.[:D]

A good start. For organization, have you tried using
to show changes of scene/passages of time instead of ###? I feel that the former looks neater.

Eric Greydawn -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:27:36)

I could, but the pound sign page break is traditional. It's something I have had beaten into me by my own editor. I hope you guys enjoy the story. I am going to fill in gaps that won't be touched on in game.

Mordred -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:32:46)

Filling in gaps? Then you'll be able to solve the whole SoulAllies were SoulWeavers in a previous life thing? Because it's an issue much like the chicken and the egg. You need a SoulAlly to be a SoulWeaver, so then, how do SoulAllies exist in the first place? :P Anyways, I'm very much looking forward to this. And I smell you writing a quest featuring Kappas soon...

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:33:54)

Hmm, it's a nice beginning, but I must ask when this story plays.

By the way, should you ever bother to read my story I'm filling in gaps too. I wonder how many people have noticed by now ....

Eric Greydawn -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:44:41)

Mordred. These are gaps that will be in MY story line. I can't fill in gaps in other people's story lines. T'wouldn't be appropriate. I CAN tell Eric and Artemis Greydawn's stories though.

Dwelling Dragonlord, this will become apparent later.

Well, Mordred, there WILL be more insights into his activities as a DoomKnight, but where it will be seen, or what form those insights will take is utterly dependent on a number of different factors. I can't go into details right now, as I am not sure of them myself.

Mordred -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 16:50:41)

Bah, I was merely joking. Hence the ":P". :P

Will there be flashbacks of what Eric was doing as a Doom Knight, or will that more be in-game(seeing as how this is a gap-filler for presumably your in-game story)?

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 17:22:19)

Interesting. First story I've seen with a taking armor to be sure...
Well, can't wait to see what happens next!

Mortarion -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (5/9/2011 18:41:21)

*appears from a warp portal behind Greydawn* HAving problems with an armor, hahahahhahahahah, living so much time in the eye of terro makes you fuse with your armor literally *points to his arm where there are pieces of metal fusing with the flesh*, well great history I must say congrats

Glais -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (6/16/2011 4:31:43)

Hm, well that was interesting, I like how everything sounds all....for lack of a better word, Samuraitastic. Reminds me of a book I once read called...uh...what was it called...I'll get back to you on that.
EDIT:AHA! It was called "The Samurai's Tale."

I like a lot of the foreshadowing of what seems will be happening in game, the added detail helps to smooth out what won't be there I guess.

Mortarion -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (6/16/2011 6:31:14)

I loved the new chapter, I can't whait for the next one' ofc I wait impatiently for your saga in-game Eric

Gingkage -> RE: Comments for Greydawn's Legacy (8/29/2011 6:53:11)


So deep in thought was Eric that he did not hear Artemis until it was far too late. A dagger thudded into the mat less than an inch from his left ankle.

Probably my favorite two sentences so far because it has a well-trained soldier being surprised by a woman. *cough*superiorgender*cough* JK. I have absolutely nothing constructive to say in case you hadn't figured that out by now. Excellent start so far. Can't wait for the next segment.

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