Comments for The Dark Assasin (Full Version)

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Ancientz -> Comments for The Dark Assasin (5/13/2011 0:12:17)

Comment for the Dark Assasin, my story for my HeroSmash Character. Link is here: Dark Assasin.

Jae10 -> RE: Comments for The Dark Assasin (5/17/2011 15:16:10)

Facinating! Also, it tells me alot about both your Light & Dark side - lotsa details. I'm thinking of different ways you may appear in my story. I think I've got your personality pegged so far. =^^=

Ancientz -> RE: Comments for The Dark Assasin (5/19/2011 20:45:27)

Hmph, you know how to? I must know...

Jae10 -> RE: Comments for The Dark Assasin (5/20/2011 20:34:41)

Lol, well you'll see. Anyway, nice Part 8. It kinda reinforces my idea! Aboslutely perfect and exactly what I expected! :3

Ancientz -> RE: Comments for The Dark Assasin (5/21/2011 0:50:48)

Btw, this is just a roughdraft of my story. I'm slowly editing it Part by part. Mwuahahaha!

Jae10 -> RE: Comments for The Dark Assasin (5/23/2011 0:20:06)

Interesting new remake! It retains your character's strength, yet makes him alot more relatable! Me likeeee, lol.

Very nice! I wonder when Ancient Darkness is going to wake up from his nap, lol.

Kinzdor -> RE: Comments for The Dark Assasin (12/5/2011 6:52:02)

Sad but nice.

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