More bagslots? (Full Version)

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Luna_moonraider -> More bagslots? (5/14/2011 9:32:40)

basically the new mission require u to collect items. These items take up your bagslot. bsically most non variums cant really do too much of these mission if they are lvl 30-33 or have alot of rares in thier bag. reason being is most of us do not like selling rares just to do some mission which is not really useful to high lvls. What i m saying here is 20 bag slot is not enuf for a normal player. so i m suggesting the devs incresing the default bag slots from 20 to 25 maybe. should the bag slots be incresed or should there be a sperte bag slot for mission. discuss about bag slots and what do u think about the defaut bag slot.

RKC -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 9:35:01)

Well you can always buy more slots.

King FrostLich -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 9:42:10)

Not everyone can afford the money.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 9:54:43)

i think we should have a Quest Item Inventory just like in AQW save for its perm not temp so you dont have to sell your gear just for a quest

Kain Sariel -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 14:08:55)

although having a separate quest item inventory would be best, I would also like the max bag slots to be increased. when you hoard your stuff like I do 100 slots isn't much.

Deimos... -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 15:19:44)

I agree, we should have a bag slot for quest items, but if we have that, I think it should be temporary.

kakilleon2 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 15:39:26)

What is the point then?

JariTheMighty -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 15:41:48)

Making all the quest items stackable would solve the problem. And it would be well reasonable.

I still feel bad for selling my Heartbreaker revolver and Hypertalon to complete the quests.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 16:50:48)

Or we need "Part by Part" system

If a mission require 5 items than i should be able to give some of them firstly (like 3 items ) than it should say 2 items left than i can go and get 2 more and finish the quest.

Wraith -> RE: More bagslots? (5/14/2011 17:11:47)

What we need is for stuff lke Golden Bullets, Bio Orchid, Oil Can, and Pure Water to NOT COUNT as inventory.

edwardvulture -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 1:24:08)

I agree with Jari

Luna_moonraider -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 2:00:51)


Not every1 in the game have varium and want to waste varium on bag slots

@ jari

nice idea would be good but making more bag sllot or making a credit option to get bag slot would be nicer.


Nice idea it would certainly help.

Back to topic:

well it would eb nice if he mission items can be distroyed or something because i dun like the fact that items like red gem and golden bullets take up inventory slot.

Soliqe -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 2:44:55)

They are already planning for this. Missions are technically still BETA, if you notice, they add in tiny features along with the missions.

goldslayer1 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 2:59:09)

how about giving bag space slots in the mission
where they gotta fight some npc (drop rate would obviously be low to avoid spamming of this mission which should be able to be done multiple times, and so that variums dont complain saying they got ripped off)

maybe 10 bag slots from doing a really hard mission.
im sure it would please everyone
and perhaps adding the feature to buy a bag slot for 10k creds = 100k credits for 10
and let them buy it in single slots and not in large numbers.
to make it easier.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 3:01:27)

naw i rather they give us 5 bag slots for free like wat aqw did oh aqw gave 10 bag slot. aww so it was not free than opsy my bad. 5 free bag slots to beta players in ed would be nice.

goldslayer1 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 3:05:08)

which 10 bag slots for free?
they gave free 10 bag slots twice.
the first time was for everyone who made an account before a certain date. and the second one u needed to have all bag slots purchased and maxxed and then u would get the 10 free bag slots. at the time it was 65
if u had 64 u would not get the 10 bag slots.

Wiseman -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 9:54:27)

Sorry but they cannot make bag space free/credits, simply because each slot takes up bandwidth so they need it to be varium to help pay for the extra strain on the servers (that's the same reason why getting bank/bag slots on the other AE games cost money as well).

However I think that having a separate inventory for mission items, (that don't effect your total bag space) would be a good idea. *I believe this is actually on their to-do list*

kakilleon2 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 11:10:50)

Hope u are right. I cant get disapointet another time..

Lord/Fredd -> RE: More bagslots? (5/15/2011 12:06:55)

What if a house had a bank, where you could put like 5 items, so you could put some items there? then it would also be more reasonable to get more than 1 house

edwardvulture -> RE: More bagslots? (5/22/2011 18:32:40)

I hope he's right too meheh

Sky Drifter -> RE: More bagslots? (5/22/2011 18:45:36)

I think the same items will become stackable in the near future.

endtime -> RE: More bagslots? (5/22/2011 20:18:12)

Possibly, a separate bagslot for mission items is in order. This is what is done in AQW.

Sparticus -> RE: More bagslots? (5/22/2011 20:24:16)

Either make a separate inventory for the quest items or have them just not count towards the bag slot total. This seems very do-able and like Wiseman said. this is on the list of things to do.

stryker914 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/22/2011 20:47:33)

Make your equipped items disappear from inv.

Vick Vega -> RE: More bagslots? (5/22/2011 22:07:41)

Can we get on board with the AE model and have a bank. Technically varium items shouldn't take up a slot but I'd be happy with being able to buy 100 more.

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