RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/6/2011 14:04:17)

The first part obout me seemingly easily defeating 2 of them via one, and chopping another in half shows a great example of the principle of Conservation of Ninjutsu (see this link: )...

The flaming Clowns makes me think of Infernal Retribution ( )... I have been on that website way too much... I could link something to that last statement (from the same site), but I choose not to...

You spelled me laugh incorrectly (it goes MUAHAHAHAHA, not MWAHAHAHAH)... Hmm.... The chapter seems less bleak than I would have thought... I mean, the zaniness makes sense, but a hit to the chest or skull with a spiked baseball bat generally wouldn't leave you in a possition to immediately continue fighting. I also wouldn't have thought that so many of them would be wounded so easily... Perhapse they are being wreckless on purpose, but I see no mention of them menacingly regenerating thus far... I suppose technically the basball bat that hit Defiant may not have been spiked, but all of them mentioned earlier were...

I am not completely sure, do to my lack of complete understanding of War Pro, but I think having him knocked out, or at least to the ground, may have been making him seem underpowered compared to his actual level of destructive power and expertiese...That's a big lightning bolt to hit 40 of them... or else they were all on top of each other, or something... I would also like to point out that in such a situation, I would make the surrounding Clowns, which were on top of me, be engulfed in white hot flames, which would not effect me, but anywho... must be hard to throw such a long axe at an angle that would actually behead someone... let alone accurately enough to hit on the first strike... That must be a nice sword to deflect bullets... is it enchanted or something, or did he use powers to deflect it after he blocked?

Well... even before the bullets hit his chest he would be effectively dead while alive, unless someone healed him... and unless it was healed correctly, the wound to the shoulder would always ache, possibly even making him unable to use that arm as well as before...

Well that's got to suk... even with skin that is so hard it deflects bullets, the shockwave of energy would hit his brain still, either causeing him to lose cognitive thinking abilities (possibly permanently), or die outright as his brain is damaged beyond hope... it depends on how far away it was... I really don't think they were frozen by liquid nitrogen... any other method of freezing usually doesn't leave the objects as brittle and fragmentable, albeit they would all have frostbite... really bad frostbite...

Someone is getting pretty buff... Able to lift a park bench actually out of the ground without superstrength... I underestimate your physical strength... either that or you are going beyond the limits the human brain sets subconciously... grey eggs? That sounds gross...

Interesting that Jae comes at JUST the right time... I will finish this later. I must log off now....

CONTINUED: I would like to point out that not necessarily all twins have brain development at the same rate, and also... due to the experimentation on them, with possibly slightly different results or methods (and also theres the fact that one of them was probably experimented on first), it would be very difficult to know whether Clown's statement was correct or not (unless they were checked at the same time in their earliest stages of growth (for their powers))...

Poor Jae... falling to such Psychologic lows as to ask the aid of Clown... Even from the point of view of a man whose only ethics he relies on are common sense, that makes none.

Poor girl.. I had warned her before... if there were two people she shouldn't mess with the minds of, then it would be mine, and Clowns... I hope she shan't be driven mad from the revelation ( )... I find it doubtful that any of those vissions were true anyhow... albiet a "god" of mischief givving his powers could be possible... even if it didn't play out like in his vission...

*sigh*... she will never be the same, that girl... there are very fiew things that can be more mentally scarring/damaging than killing another sentient being... at least the first time... I will not mention any of those things, because I don't want to be vulgar, or cause nightmares, but still...

To be fair, it would only take my powers afforded to me by the malachite, but I digress...

WOOT!!!!! PSYCHO!!!!!!!!!!!! XP

I did not miss the point, I was just being silly; I have the right to do so if I want to. *hurumph*

You spelled rondezvous wrong... and also... I hope all of these guys know how to safely, and swifty, dismantle a neuclear weaon... perhapse I could inform them telepathically... there is a safe spot to strike at in between the fissile material and the devise to initiatiate the explosive sequence... albeit, since some may not be as coorditated, or skilled as is required disable it, I suppose the blu one could continue to explain that...

All in all, a tiny bit disapointed, but it was nice.

zanathos -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/6/2011 14:42:07)

Thunder's Might is going to slightly coincide with this storyline, but how Super Clown is stopped will be slightly altered.

delta blitz -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/6/2011 15:14:03)

Aww now I have to alter my story. I thought I would come back to help with defeating the clown army but its ok. It was still a good story too bad for defiant. I always thought he was awesome in his own right but in a different way than grey.

PallyKnight -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/6/2011 15:39:11)


You coming back wouldn't be good story writing, and it's not really that fair. You died like 2 chapters ago.

delta blitz -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/6/2011 15:49:13)

@overcast: though how I died does leave room for me coming back. Idk though it's clown's and grey story anyway.

Doom Desirer -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/6/2011 18:15:33)

@Clown and Gray: Simple question for you guys. Am I going to be coming back in your story?

Clown the Jester -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/6/2011 18:31:00)

nope...not in this story...sorry...your not dead...just trying to get back.

Oh Drakkkoniss. I appreciate the points...allow me to explain things....(Clears throat)

All this stuff if for drakkoniss's points.

Jae said in her story there is a connection between her and her twin and she verified under pressure her powers increase like you. Maybe not all twins have conections but she says it does and I'm fine with that. Who am I to decide whats real and what isn't? HA HA HA!

For my boys being know what...I don't know...I'm no physisisist! HA HA HA HA!

The rondevew or whatever the word ya said we mispelled wasn't it was ronde-vew as in to meet up. I know that I just wrote in this thing is mispelled. else...uh...Gray tearing up the bench was do to the fact he is pretty strong for a human. Stronger then most normals because few go through as much training as he does. He was also under alot of stress. Remember, the guy once punched through a wood baseball bat...though he had bras knuckles..still...the guy is good. I should know...heh heh...I've seen em as good as they come.

Also...between you and me...I think Gray is superman in desgusise...heh heh heh.

For war pro I ment the lightning hit one clown jumped to another...kinda branching out from one to another clown...hoping...ya know...

For your point on Ms. Arachnid...the gal's a smasher who can fly...we can safly asume its possible she got good aim.

I never said the visions were true...I'm just telling you what I see...mostly hallucinations...maybe they don't sound realistic...but ya gotta remember the fact I am a reality altering clown that destroyed a base with a giant pie...I think we can safely say nothing about me is realistic...and thats on purpose..

What wat else..oh I will change your laugh tomorrow...along with a few more else..gota reread what ya said...

Jae10 -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 0:23:09)

< Whew! Tough the start of the chapter; began with action :3


“PERFECT! I don’t know why you squirm so much when your picture is being taken Drakkoniss,” The Clown with the bizarre camera called out, examining the photo that popped out from the device. “Seems kinda silly to me. WA HA HA HA HA HA!”

All of the Clown the Jesters burst out laughing. The Clown with the photo held up the picture to his clones. In the center of the photo in the middle of the pile of identical Clown the Jesters, Drakkoniss’s face stared into the camera. His face, shocked and confused.

“WA HA HA HA HA HA!” The Clown with the camera laughed, waving the photo around his head. “THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE! PRICELESS! HA HA HA HA! Hold on….hm…DAW! CLOWN THE JESTER # 672, YOUR EYES WERE SHUT!”

I really cried my eyes out with laughter about that...I thought it was something detrimental XD

Wah? That's sad! Defiant's dead?! Lost another ally DX


“My name is Clown the Jester, I killed your love….prepare to die,” The Clown smirked pulling the trigger.

Lol, heard that line before from a funny movie...

T_T Wow Clown...I actually was feeling quite sorry for you ( even despite your insanity). *shudder*


*sigh*... she will never be the same, that girl... there are very fiew things that can be more mentally scarring/damaging than killing another sentient being... at least the first time...

Agreed; One of life's hardest lessons. Considering Jae's aspirations, it had to happen eventually...Great job with writing that Gray & Clown. It would take such extremes for her to crack like that.

Ah, that was unexpected: So you also worked at Corporal, Gray? How true, I never would of paid much attention to a janitor during that time of my life. Very, very interesting and profound revelation.

Oh! I know this is a seemingly small, minor detail but: Nice comparison between the Anti-Malachite device and an EpiPen. I could totally visualize that. I was wondering what it would like exactly.



That movie is super soft compared to Hitchcock's Frenzy :P


“Dad,” Blue Gear said staring at me. “This is a trap for you isn’t it?”

I nodded my head. “Clown wants me alone. He wants to kill us off one at a time.”

This does not bode well...Clown's already been on a killing spree. I would make a list but, I'd be writing for ages...

Drakkoniss -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 8:45:52)

I knew about the Jae and Raeven being linked thing... I was just saying I didn't think their powers developed at the exact same time, do to (probably) different times of experiments, slightly different physicological make-up, ect... Plus Raeven had probably been using her powers before that time she lashed out, and Jae's had only been said to show themselves in the form of debilitating headaches (and telekenesis at the same time, along with telepathy (but that was too muddled to even make sense of anything from)), meaning she did not know about them, and they almost certainly weren't fully developed at the time, or at least that her body had not developed sub-concious blockers to control them (and limit them so she wouldn't go insane).

You know what the sad thing about that line was? HE MESSED IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote (from the orriginal version): Hello, my name is Iñigo Montoya. You killed my father; Prepare to die. *unquote*

From Clowns: “My name is Clown the Jester, I killed your love….prepare to die," *unquote*

HE FORGOT THE HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol... it makes me sooo annoyed in hindsight...

No comments on the going mad from the revelation that is the twisted mind of Clown?

Jae10 -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 10:00:11)

ROFL! Yea...the Spanish swordman from The Princess Bride (awesome book & film)! I just wasn't sure, since it was kind of flipped, hahaha XD

delta blitz -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 15:29:31)

@chapter 20: It hurts to know that I helped clown reach his ulitimate goal without knowing. I was a fool back then, hopefully things can be fixed before its too late.

Doom Desirer -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 16:13:57)

At clown: I don't remember. Was I there when the joke started?

Clown the Jester -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 17:16:47)

The Joke was there a long time before Clown the Jester was there. I only rediscovered a lost city...The Joke is never ending..heh heh will outlive us all.

Drakkoniss -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 18:31:18)

Ah... such beautiful psychological insights...

I thought so... the second I heard "sent a friend" my mind went to inferno... and around 1/4 of a second (or less) later, it went to DB, and I knew it had to be him...

In my immagination, this keeps switching between an anime, a high quality videogame cutscene, and a live-action tv show, like Heroes...

Yes.. quite interesting indeed... *shivers* I can feel the anguish... the indecision... the pain... It doesn't feel good to immagine whats actually happening like I usually do...

You know.. a thought came into my head... if what I am thinking you are going to have happen at the end will happen, then wouldn't Raeven be mentally broken? The aftermath is going to be veeeery interesting indeed... perhapse the fracture would make her into a better leader for that gang of freakshows, but she will be deeply destroyed... she will no longer be the same person... no... if this is going to end the way I think it will, then she will be beyond hope... she will be an abomination unto this earth.

Know well what you must do Jae. If you hold back... you may not survive...

The last line makes pure sense... she is cracked even now... that torture.. she does not have a mind, so much now, as an insanity.

I doubt that was his ultimate goal, Blitz... He may not even have one, save perpetuating the melancholic chaos which is enveloping this city... No, she is only yet a cog, in the machine that is his depraved plan... if you could call it that...

Clown the Jester -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 19:16:54)

Drakkoniss heh heh of all people should no my only goal is The Game you and I play...everything like a side hobby...something to pass the time between

Raeven, the Chaos Carnival, the chaos...even the Joke...are nothing more then time fillers till the Game. Thats all that maters in the long run. The Game. Thats why I didn't kill you after I destroyed Hero Spire. Thats why I started the Chaos Carnival. Its why I do anything...for the purpose of the game. HA HA HA HA!

Clearly you must enjoy the game as well I right? You do..heh heh....its to much fun. Interesting isnt it? Raeven would be the perfect successor. She fits all my qualities.

1. She's insane.

2. She's a freak.

3. She likes a good slaughter.

4. and this is the most important...she has an arch rival to play with. If Raeven represents me, then Jae represents you. Two forces at war. For the sake of it.

funny isn't it? How similar we all are...three kinds of people in my eyes.

1. The Drakkoniss and Jae people.

2. The Clown the Jester and Raeven monsters.

3. The fools who get in our way and pay the price.

HA HA HA HA! Ya see? Even after Clown the Jester there are others to wear my mantle. HA HA HA HAH AH A! And people say I don't think things through and will die out. Heh heh heh

Because of some technical difficulties Gray's been having, I will be posting the last two chapters. Luckily Gray already wrote his parts. I had to type the entire chapter in the Hero Smash game. One piece at a time. It was a long night.

Jae10 -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 20:02:44)

< I am so glad exams are over. Now I may fully concentrate on what I love - writing and reading (and playing HS of course, among other things...) :P

Speaking strictly as a writer: That was the best decision I could have ever made for Raeven's character. Thank you so much Clown for writing that part so wonderfully! There is no way I could have matched it nor can I even improve on it. You and Gray are terrific storytellers! Kudos!

I feel quite horrible though. But, you helped me accomplish two very important character developments for both Jae and Raeven.

Also, I find it interesting you seem to refer to The Game and The Joke as two seperate things. I might regret asking this but, what's the difference?_?

I could say tons more, but my head is so fried right now >_<"

My final question: Is Clown the Jester's final demise truly at hand?

I guess it'll be two more chapters until we find out! ~^^~

Drakkoniss -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 20:22:26)

I know what you are feeling, Jae... My head gets fried sometimes, too...

Yes, Clown... pity it seems it might not last until eternity's advent...

The Game is our nigh-eternal struggle, the fight against the forces of Reason, Justice, and Good, versus the legions of Chaos, Comedy, and Destruction... I agree. It is fun...


*sigh*... based on what has happened with Clown, I doubt Jae has the mental fortitude to face Raeven... probably won't for quite a while... no offence...

Clown the Jester -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 20:50:46)

I will tell you Jae...a I know what she might do...heh heh heh...she's a

clever girl...she had a good teacher...and an even more Clever master.

The one thing you so called sane people dont seem to grasp is...death does not bring the end of anything...

If I was to die...the city would still fall to chaos...I will always be present.

Through my agents, My Raeven, the memories of me, and the stories the world will tell of me around a campfire.

Drakkoniss -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 21:29:41)

I know it won't end it initially... but it will be a start.

Then it will be time for Raeven's fall...

We shall see how long your legacy lasts.

@Clown: Ikr? They can be jerks sometimes....

Clown the Jester -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/7/2011 21:43:22)

Heh heh heh...death won't end anything. The world will remember the week that I rule. There will be others that will take up my work. Even if they do not do it in my name.

There will always be madness, comedy, chaos, anarchy, and monsters. I am not the first of the Clowns.

Neither will I be the last. Anyway...who do you have to blame for monsters like me? The real
monsters... heartless beasts....your people. The sane. Heh heh heh heh. What a joke.

Jae10 -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/8/2011 23:29:33)

Ah, how very interesting. I believe I understand what you mean now regarding The Game and The Joke. I suppose Raeven will have to get used to this Game. Lol, and so will Jae.

Is Gray literally going back home, as in, to the place where it all happened? If so, then yea...this is totally a trap! D:

Drakkoniss -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/10/2011 11:34:40)

@Jae: Obviously... a double bladed one...

Jae10 -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/10/2011 20:32:35)

While I have some spare time, I shall comment once more...

< No doubt, Gray is a very intelligent individual with who knows how many plans and strategies (I don't think I'd ever play a game of chess with him; I'm sure I'd get slaughtered within seconds XD). Clown does things on a whim most of the time without even a second thought (therefore that should leave room for error). But, I really am interested to see how Gray will even get that Anti Malachite device anywhere near Clown.

Clown the Jester -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/11/2011 20:28:01)

Heh heh to...sorry guys its taking so long for the next chapter...Gray and my means of comunicating has been greatly reduced..

1. The story is NOT cancelled Gray and I still found a way to just takes longer.

2. Also...we want to take our time on the last 2 chapters since they are so important.

3. Also Gray is working on finishing his story boarding for Operation R.E.B.O.R.N.

Don't worry yall...we got this!

Drakkoniss -> RE: Comedy and Tragedy Discussion (6/16/2011 19:49:32)


OOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!! THIS WILL BE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LET THE READING BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Round One: FIGHT!!!

But seriously, though... on to the commentary... At Grey's appartment, eh? I always imagined it happening in an alley... hmm... they need a new system for household sales... You'd think his apartment would long be sold, or at least refurbished... your sleeve, eh? Interesting change...

Hmm... Interesting, getting all A+s... I'd almost think he would have perhapse gotten less, out of boredom, and lack of drive to complete his redundant work... Ah.. Poe... Quite an interesting life, Edgar had... Quite a good one, though... albeit some might think not... it depends on perspective, but nevertheless... he accomplished quite a bit...

Yes... We probably would be transeformed into living myths and legends would be made about our deeds... truly spectacular *grins*... but sad, all the same...

Hmmm... Clown seems to actually be preventing your body from dying for his amusement, lessening the blows' effects on your body, and the impacts into objects, as well... you should have been dead by then (just after the nailgun dodging and energy blast)... long dead... I believe the torture device you are thinking of may be the Iron Maiden, if you are actually thinking of one, and not a misc. torture device...

Yes... you would die very fast... almost as fast as if he ripped your throat out... Ikr? Cherry coke always reminded me of blood, too... not in taste, though... blood has this weird bitter taste to it that it doesn't have...

Interesting... finally, the duck makes its appearance after so long...

AND THERE IT IS!!!!!!! THE SAPPING WAS EVEN GREATER THAN I IMAGINED!!!!!!!!!!!!! you really did it well... the leaching of Clown's power was integrated into the story almost perfectly...

I can feel the sense of power... the pain... the loss... I can feel your pain in death, as well as Clown's pain in life... magnificent... aaah... halucinations at death... I am glad you put thos there... it adds a nice bit of flavor to it, that I savor oh, so much...

Hmm... must be fighting at incredible speeds...





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