We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (Full Version)

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Light Stridr -> We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/14/2011 20:10:05)

DISCLAIMER: This thread is not intended to insult anyone, and any such insulting is purely to explain the point I'm trying to put across. If this message is deleted, I need a good reason why. Seriously, I spent some time on this and I really want people to see this, and figure out where they stand relative to what I think.

NOTE: Titan and Nightwraith will be referred to and T and N respectively throughout this message.

So, with the poorly-recieved Juggernaut "testing", I figured we have definitely hit an all time low.

We need to change this.
Not just T and N, not just you, US, TOGETHER. Seriously, with all the hating they're getting, I wonder how they would feel (assuming they had feelings, but that's a different debate altogether). Look at us. We are simply a squabbling bunch of rats on the dumpster that is now EpicDuel. All we do is complain about what there is, and then, if we are not complaining about what is there, we're complaining about what isn't there. Seriously, I see so many threads about balance, upcoming features that are overdue, unneccessary features *thinks of a certain "f4f " that so many simply despise*, that I wonder whether any of us actually enjoy this game anymore.

Now, about the game itself. It's riddled with holes. We know this, and we can hope T and N know as well. If they don't, or worse, are ignoring it, we shouldn't complain. We shouldn't shout. We should lay out the facts, presenting a well-backed up reason as to why it should be "fixed". Apparently, we got most of the more important changes through whining. Now, that isn't a good sign for ANY of us. If we have to scream our heads off to get their attention, we are not approaching them in the right way, and T and N are probably shut in a cupboard with Cysero :/

The issue lies more with balance and a need to constantly top up with varium every 2 weeks.
Currently, balance is actually at it's best since the heal loop nerfs as far as 1v1 goes, but mercs still dominate 2v2, and we haven't seen much to do that. But the issue with varium overdosing still needs to be fixed. I think we all know why. We (as in, I) can still hope T and N aren't actually THAT intent on making ED one of the biggest money sinks in history, but it will do nothing if we don't get up and speak the facts straight to them. Yes, we make them notice. No, we really shouldn't threaten and insult them. They are people, after all (so far as logical reason has proved), and insult them makes them less...motivated...to do their jobs. They are pretty plucky to stick with ED after what they have been through.
Back to the point. We know there are too many varium items, and we know that stat inflation isn't helping. Solique's idea (about making less used varium items non-varium) was brilliant, if ignored, and Angels' idea about removing losses entirely would probably have been one of the best things to happen to ED (i.e. going straight to the root of the problem--losing). Those aren't the only ones, but they are definitely among the best.

With the recent and unfortunately compromised 2v1 entering ED, I figured there was still hope for this game and the community. I was rapidly proved wrong once I worked out what they had released it as. Monetizing everything gets nobody anywhere, and this is a prime example of a serious backlash.
Cinderella is probably the biggest hope for ED that we have. For one thing, Cinderella is quite active on the forums, and has hopefully not been brainwashed into the general mentality of insisting everything T and N do is for "the greater good", regardless of what it is.
Would also like to give praise to everybody who is here. You stuck with this game, and what matters is that you're still here. Well done.
And everybody, I need you to help bring ED back from the brink. You know one person can't do it alone, but as a force, we can achieve anyth-...actually...get back to me on that one.

If you got this far and read everything, well done.

1. ED is failing, and we need to do something about it
2. Getting T and N to notice
3. There are still issues with Varium and Balance
4. Conclusion

Now, tell me this: Do you want ED, or not?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/14/2011 20:14:06)

after reading all of it... yes

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/14/2011 20:15:13)

Supported all the way.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/14/2011 20:19:40)

Supportted 100%. Immediate action must be taken for Epic Duels survival!

Lectrix -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/14/2011 20:39:03)

I, for one, think the Devs should release more non-Varium Items to narrow the gap between Varium and non-Varium Players. I realize that Varium Players, having paid real money to play this game, deserve to be more powerful than non-Varium Players. But at the moment, non-Varium Players are, well, not doing so great. And with the Juggernaut Mode opening up for all players next week, non-Varium Players will be more underpowered than ever before.

An easy way to give non-Varium Players the attention that they need (and possibly fix a few Balance Issues) would be to release a new Level 28, one-size-fits-all non-Varium Armor. Ideally, it would have Stats that would favor Tech Mages and give them a desperately needed power boost. This Armor would also allow all non-Varium Players to have more variety, in terms of both looks and Stats.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/14/2011 20:41:58)

my idea to help narrow the gap is to do the thing they did with stats (the 55 and 85 thing) and apply it to skills, nv and varium skills wld be more similar, also credit enhancement sellback, and lower enhancement cost for credits by like 10%

T.600 -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/14/2011 20:49:42)


If you love this game, please see a psychiatrist.

I've booked an appointment for Thursday (jokes).

sir lane -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 0:45:27)

hmm. to me this is like AQ, we pay varruim to get the top items. But the staff have changed that, sure you buy them for the extra levels, but they release weapons that are a little less good. This is what needs to happend to ED more non varrium items that are higher leveld and as good or a little bit less as good then vurrium.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 2:11:44)

Nothing can save this game. too many varium weps. nothing for non variums. weak and outdated weps for non varium. hmm lets see boring builds. no creativity. this game have just became worse. also frequent lags and locked servers do not help at all.

ForTun3 -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 3:57:01)

ok i think i have the answer..... mb the DEV should just give the reward now/when u buy the pass??? then we can see wot it is now and save all this stress...lol

edit: if i had ne money i would buy it for all 6 of my chars just incase its really sick!!! *idea poped in head: what if the devs new that if we knew what it was that there wld be ppl who couldnt afford to get varium do so and miss a rent payment or sumpn lol, mb they were thinking bout the players welth n hellbeing... lol



I have an idea... replace varium with membership. The only problem is that people who already bought varium... need some form of compensation...
UM HELL NO!!!! if that happens ever i want all my money back!!!



I have an idea....Remove Enhancements!!!
also hell no!!! infact i think the gamma bot should have 8 slots put on them and 6 on the assault bot... or even add a power orb(as in a new item type like a ring) or something??? but yea hell no dont get rid of them!!!

bobbyhonkers -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 8:35:17)

I like that idea if it was a good reward I would buy more varium for it
But sadly I bet the devs don't even know what the reward is yet.

Wiseman -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 9:26:22)

When the developers haven't decided what the reward should be, then that is when the players should post suggestions...just keep in mind that your suggestions may not be used, but you never know until you try.

Please post all suggestions in the official release thread here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=18977531


9001WaysToLaugh -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 12:16:43)

I have an idea... replace varium with membership. The only problem is that people who already bought varium... need some form of compensation...

Crovile V2 -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 14:23:45)

All Good Things Will Come To An End Eventually.

forums lol -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 14:34:46)

Off topic: Let's see if we can get a lot of posts here so the devs will notice this... some threads are really good, but don't really get anywhere. Let's get somewhere!

On topic: At AdventureQuest they have Z-Tokens, and even people that don't pay can get them from winning tough battles. How about something like that, where you get some Varium for tough battles?

Remorse -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 14:43:18)

I have an idea....Remove Enhancements!!! the reason is builds are too powerful now compared to beta stages, causing power to be substituted for strategy.
All enhancements do is:
they cost players big time,
they cause wepons having diffrent stats to have almost no value meaning the only factor contrbuting to whether a wepon is good or not is the quantity of stats and power of the wepon,
they add an extra $10 bucks ruffly to all wepons costs
they make spamming a certain state to the extreme easier
they make ftp have an even larger gap between varium and non varium making it harder fro them to win
they may be a large contributing factor as to why builds are so up and down all the time and how volatile it is for builds to become Oped.

all these disadvantages when all they really have helped is in reviving old wepons which isnt much use, considering damage is as never as good as the latest wepons anyway.

i wonder what epic duel would be like if enhancements was removed and those affected refunded . I think it would improve balance in the game getting rid of all these powerhouse builds allowing the old strategic builds to come back into play. Thats my opinion anyway.

king julian -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 14:44:38)

what they rely need to do is start closing the gap between nonvarium and varium players nonvarium player havnt had good equip in a while...

But i still support this

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 15:35:28)

@Remorse Removing enhancements is not possible do you honestly think the devs will give everyone their credits and varuim and real money back that they spent on it? Its not possible there are hundreds of players. We are way to far into enhancemenst to go back. We must deal with it and I like enhancements anyway even though I cant afford them.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 17:50:08)

I Think It's Normal.. :/
I'm Okey With This..

You Don't Need To Buy Variums Every 2 Weeks :S , Get a Gd Wep and W8 Like 1-2 Months Then Buy Again If You Want To.. It Will Be More Powerful 100%.

You Can Enjoy The Game.. I Mean It's So Funny , and a Little Fun :) Juggernaut Made Me Feel That I'm The King There :P Kinda..
And It's So Funny How The Noobs (Sry For That) <== , Are Telling You That Ur a Noob and "I Hate Juggernauts !" and Like This ;)

So ED Is Still Fun and Funny and You Need To Know When To Buy Variums.

* I Have The Warbot Armor , Didn't Buy Space One Cz I Would Say It's Not Beautiful , and The Bunny Borg +9.. Idc Cz It's Only +1 and Surely 100% That An Armor Will Come Over Like +10.

So I Think It's Normal and ED Is Still The Same , Only More Updated Like AQW With The 2 Weeks Update..

Nothing Changed In My Mind , Only If The Mages Get 10% Buffed , Will Be Pretty Cool :)

Have Fun Guys , I'm Out.


Death -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 17:54:29)

Eh, decrease the amount of varium items and promotional items (which seems to happen very frequently)
Lastly, give Free Players a fighting chance.

Remorse -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 23:34:00)

@isaithemage , your right enhancements will most likely never be changed now, i was simply sugesting it was the cause for most problems, as for you thinking enhancements is a good thing, don't worry your not the first enhancements have the illusion of being good when all they do is cost us, if no1 had enhancements every1 would be equal and builds would be more blanaced, it would be like taking everyone back to the times when heal loopers wre in power, they found it easy because builds in those days couldn't take of as much health as they healed. But now power has been substituted for strategy, meaning people will do everything to make thr'e build more powerful to counteract the powerfulest at the time. leaving epic duel a race to have the most power. An when thres a race for power enjoyment to those who cant obtain as much as most is lost (F2P) and enjoyment to those who liked strategic builds is lost.

Something has to be the cause for all this unbalance that is goin on and i think it's enhancements.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/15/2011 23:40:26)

If you haven't noticed ED has already been saved with the introduction of 2 vs 1.

xxmirxx -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/16/2011 0:14:11)

I like to see them make mages with healing loop again. btw I don't see dev's lossing any money.

Light Stridr -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/16/2011 11:54:37)


If you haven't noticed ED has already been saved with the introduction of 2 vs 1.

I'll agree it has taken one step forward in the long run, but it still need to be balanced out to make it more fair and giving it such a high price put most people off I think.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: We need to do something to save ED, and fast. (5/16/2011 12:25:51)

@Angels Please be quite! 2 vs 1 is completely unbalance you only find that good becasue because you are the level 33 varuim beast who like to pwn low level non varuims! Your sarcasm is not needed right now if your serious you are the most selfish player I have ever seen! 2 vs 1 was suppose to be great not a complete rip off us high level non variums can teven participate in it! You find that as saving this game?! This making it die even more!

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