RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (Full Version)

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Calogero -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 15:30:39)

alltho it would be nice if the guns were in a shop
I'd be mad if they did it... I had to pay 50$ to get the guns
If they were in a shop then I wouldn't had to buy varium in the first place

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 16:06:21)

^^ HAD to pay ? um no, you chose to pay

Calogero -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 16:14:13)

They gave us only 1 way to buy the guns, so if we want them, we HAVE to pay 50$
if eather Titan or Night or anyone else Now descide to put it in a shop then I'd have the feeling
of being ripped off due to not having that other option avaiable that time.

If they had it in a shop in the first place then I didn't NEED to pay 50$ to get the guns
due to still having Varium from the Bunny promo

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 16:23:36)

I find it amusing how the varuim players always say I HAD to pay this or that so if do this after that I am gonna be ripped of then thats your own fault for buying varuim I wish they would stop using that as a reason for something to not happen or for something to cost a outrageous amount of credits. Honestly.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 16:25:33)

well I wouldnt be surprised if they make it into the shop, cause it means they sell more.
if its limited to the $50 package until it goes rare, im confident they would of made considerably less money
than if they started with the package and later added em to the shop. who knows, after the 1200 varium
achievement "thing" I have no faith in the team anymore and doubt I ever will.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 16:30:53)

@ Isaiah

Look at it like this ;)

They release a Promo ONLY avaiable trough 50$ Varium.
So what do people have to do if they Want the promos?
They Have to buy the 50$ package.

Then for a dumb reason they descide to put that Promo weapon for Varium in a Shop
after a week.
would THAT be fair for those that only had the ' Buy 50$ Varium to get the promo otherwise To bad ' option.

I think not, The Bunny promo wasn't that long ago, people still had Varium left from that promo.
Then the new promo comes, 50$ package only, so what do people need to do to get the weapons
even tho they still have varium left? They eather buy 50$ again or they Have to skip it.

Imo, eather release ALL options at ones, or Keep it as a 50$ promo only.

Wiseman -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 16:36:09)

I posted this in another thread, but I'll post it here as well just in case the other one gets overlooked.

They are not selling two guns for 50$, the money is for the varium package, the guns are a BONUS that comes FREE with the varium package. They could have no promos and just keep the varium package, and that would be within their full rights. However they choose to add promos to the package because it gives players more bang for their buck, on one hand it is a strategy to sell more 50$ packs, on the other hand they want their players to get MORE than what they paid for.

Promo items should have always been a bonus for those players that paid for the package, however they started adding them in game because some promos where hard to obtain in certain countries. They did that because they wanted all of their players to have a chance at the items, however that is not the case with all promos. The ones that are sold in the 50$ package are obtainable by all players including ones who don't live in the US. They do not have to make any of those promos available in game, however they did, for an entire year. That is what the problem is, everyone has come to expect them to do that every time, to the point where they buy varium before promos come out because they assume the item will automatically have an in game price. However this time that is not the case, and suddenly it's an outrage that the developers didn't do something that they never had to do in the first place, and that they where doing out of generosity.

It's not a conspiracy, they are just going back to the basics, back when ED was in its so called golden era "December 2009-March 2010" ALL promos where available in the packages, but not in the game. Then they started adding the promos into the game, and that's when ED started it's apparent downhill slide many players keep talking about. I'm not saying that's why they did this, however if you think about it, they made the best sells and had the happiest players, back when the promos where only offered as a bonus for the packages.

My suggestion to anyone that this release upset because you already have varium and don't need more, is that from this point forward, do not get the varium till you have a reason to. Once you buy the Artix Points (AP), you have already paid, whether the points go to AQW, AQ, DF, MQ, HS, or ED is irrelevant, once you buy the AP the company has made the profit. What that means is, instead of buying varium, SAVE YOUR AP, until a good 10k package is offered, or something nice is added in game that you want. Also never purchase more varium than you need at the time, if you only need about 5k for a weapon + enhancements, then you should get the 5k package, that way you will have more AP left over for large promos.

Once you buy your points, you have supported the company, and spent your money, what you do with your points afterword is up to you. It doesn't matter if you spend it on ED or one of the other AE games, the money for the points all goes to the same place. So the key to success is to save your points for when you see a great offer "like a good 10k pack promo" instead of just spending it all at once for extra varium you may never need.

A lot of the players that enjoy this release, were the ones that save their points for just this sort of thing, and many of them are also long time supporters who have spent a lot of money on the game. Buying varium has nothing to do with money because you get varium with your AP, not your money, your money goes toward your AP, and saving your AP for special offers is always a good idea.

In Summery: Instead of hording your Varium, save your Artix Points instead, in the end that is a much better strategy when paying for any AE game.

Another subject in question is varium package prices.

The package prices and the in game varium prices can not be lowered now, too many have paid for them at their current price to lower it, and AE will not refund any money/varium to anyone (their disclaimer in the ToS pretty much says AE doesn't do refunds). However what they can do is increase the amount of varium each package gives, to be more fair to the ones paying. For instance on AQW you get 12,000 AC for 40$ and most good in game AC items cost 500-1200 AC, however on ED you get 10,000 varium for 50$ and most good in game varium items cost 900-1400V and class change cost 1500V and enhancements can cost up to 1700V. So I think for the ED price tag to be on par with the AQW one they need to raise the varium that is given for each package, if the 50$ package gave *18,000 varium it would be worth the price, and when you compare the in-game prices to the amount of varium given and add in the extra 10$ cost over AQW it makes sense.

* 18,000 is just used as an example, and may be too high or too low when actually compared to AQW AC received per package.

Note: Reworded some parts for better understanding in this thread.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 16:54:46)

interesting reply wiseman.

I still feel that from a business point of view [the only view that counts] not putting them in the shop too is a loss of profit overall.

Lycus -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 17:13:54)

^The game is a business, but that doesn't mean everything they do is for business purposes ;)

Illuminator -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 17:22:15)

I think that this update isn't bad at all. I got a 1600 point rare achievement and a rare item that no one else will ever be able to get after this week. It may not help me in battle but it's cool, so I like it.

I think that it's great that they're finally doing a sidearm promo. The fact that they can stun is just an added bonus and it really isn't all that noticeable. I've yet to be stunned by someone who is using one of them; which makes sense when you consider that on average you would have to use the gun 20 times a fight to get 1 stun every fight. Based on average amount of times people use their sidearm you can expect a stun from the guns about once every 6 to 7 fights. Of course, you could get lucky and stun 4 times in a row or not stun at all for 100 times that you use it.

As for the guns only being available with the $50 package I agree with Wiseman. Founder Armor and The Beta Weapons were only available if you bought varium, you could get them with the $35 pack but you could not get them in game. I think that if the guns were slightly weaker than the current best in game weapons no one would be complaining about it. It makes sense to only want the items that are the best.

Remember this: as good as these guns are, in the future new guns will be released that are equal to them or even stronger. So like Wiseman said, use your Artix Points well; don't use them every time something new is available wait for what is really good. Look at how much better the promo is compared to what you already have, then try to make a guess as to how long until the item is surpassed.
The way I see it for these guns: if you have Charfade's Blaster, Frostbolt Blaster, or Skullfire Blaster these new guns won't give you a real statistical advantage. But those 3 guns are all rare, or at least not available right now, so for people who can't get them these guns are a great buy. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy these guns if you have one of the 3 above, I'm saying that you should consider if now is the best time to use your artix points. If using your points now is the way that will benefit you the most. If you have 1 or more of those 3 guns then you might decide that you're better off not getting these guns and waiting until more level 33 items come out that are more beneficial to you because you don't have an item that fits in the same niche as the new promo item.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 17:22:58)

as of late EVERYTHING they have done is about business.

I've had a theory for awhile....I think that even with the profits artix makes from its games that something has changed, whether they are in some kind of undisclosed financial
difficulty or the managements agenda is different, they are cashing in as hard and fast as possible almost as if they are getting as much as out of it while they can.

altimatum -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 18:43:36)

do you not think this "stun gun" idea could be annoying? [:-] the stun chance makes it the best special enhance because a stun is very beneficial

Wraith -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 18:45:55)

I've used the gun 39 times. I haven't stunned yet, so is something wrong?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 18:49:59)

its a 5% chance each time you fire it and even though the law of averages says you will eventually stun, theirs no guarantee.

Defiant -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 18:56:19)

No need for these guns. Paying $50 just for the guns isn't smart. Seriously, the stats are on par with a few other sidearms and the stun really isn't the useful.

helloguy -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 19:05:47)

Yeah the the stats are on par with other weapons but look at those that you keep saying are on par they are all gone none of them are left or unattainable

And yes I know I have one of them but looky looky it's a physical gun not an energy one

And not to say that the gun looks very decieving as it is

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/21/2011 21:45:20)

After doing a mess of surveys and free offers getting 10000 credits I got the two new guns with the varium package my average damage was between 40 and 60 with both weapons. A player was smoked and with the physical gun I got 61 critical damage. In 60 2vs2 battles I fought I only stunned once. The energy weapon is good for the mage because of malfunction and the physical weapon is good for bounties because of smoke. For damage the two new guns are in par with the frostbolt blaster and skullfire blaster with a small (very small) chance of stunning the opponent.

Since they did not mess with the stats once again it is not a bad update but since players on the mage and the merc side want to abuse support then they need to do something to less the damage from the aux and take away the ignoring defense of the artillery strike. Same with any skills or robots that improves with a certain stat because I say eneough with the stat abusing and because of the stat abusers it gave the programmers the incentive to screw up the stats not once but twice, yes it affected everyone but the mage had to put more points into defense and resistance to last in battle. So players if you don't want to see anything else get affected STOP the abuse.

The new weapons are pretty good and the update is not bad.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/22/2011 2:57:04)

I enjoy juggernaut.

OC -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/22/2011 8:30:02)

omg look at win % of juggernauts nice testing phase its amazing how you come up ways to slaughter lower level players

Lycus -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/22/2011 11:05:56)

^ Just to point out that this is also technically still a testing phase:
1. The Gold Skull Card is still out, and it's the first week the Silver is out for.
2. This week Titan/NW has changed it so that you battle people between -5 and -10 levels of your current level.

It also may change again next week, if it still isn't hard enough.

Wiseman -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/23/2011 2:13:39)

^ Indeed, it's likely that if the battle mode is still too easy, they will do something to make it more difficult. From what I've been seeing it's still slightly too easy, though not as bad as it was before, I guess we will see if they plan to do anything about it soon enough.

endtime -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/23/2011 3:24:55)

The developers should keep raising the level range for Juggernaut opponents until Juggernauts have a 60-80% win rate average.

In my opinion:
Level 33s should face level 25-30
Level 32s should face level 24-29

Level 33s should face level 24-29
Level 32s should face level 23-28
But the Juggernaut always moves last.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/23/2011 4:04:57)

Thank You for the reply Wiseman. I cant agree with you in regard to what the Golden age to now. The only true packages were the Founders and the Beta set. Every other package I know of only involved either Rixty or Upgrade cards, and the amount was never higher then $20.

Every angle you have presented, also being a Senior player, I could give a firm debate from the opposing side.

To simply put, this game has not developed enough layers beyond pvp. To be successful in this game, one needs the best weapons.

In regard to the Golden era, at that stage, one didn't need the best weapons to compete. I am the best example of that.

Every weapon offered as a promo should be available for players in-game for a reasonable price. Not the heavily inflated "Premium" rates.

I have been detailed, on my "Choices" thread, and like myself, many also believe the "Old Money vs New Money" is a problem along with formula marketing.

My Apologies Wiseman, I just can't agree with you on this issue. Why were the eggzooka's sold for 2200 varium each? If one views and does the math, they will say, it is better to get the $50 package. Then follow that up with a release that has no in-game option for these items that players want. Many players had varium to spend, but how this was set-up, it was wrong.

The game must revamp their cost structure for all types of players and budgets. If aqw can do it, ed should be able to do it as well. Especially since they are both under the Artix Banner.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/23/2011 13:54:49)

Everyone wants the new pistols to purchase in the game because of the 5% stun chance I fought 50 2vs2 battles and not a single player was stunned when I shout them with the pistol with and without them being malfunction they are powerful pistols but if your buying it for the stun, you will be disappointed. The first day I used them even with high support I got 40+ damage but today for some reason I got deflection over 80% of the time.

So how could Epic Duel get people to get the varium package for the pistol if it does not stun and gets deflected.

My suggestion if you want players to get the varium package for the pistols increase the stun so we actually see it and decrease the deflection rate support provides, that is when you see players wanting the new pistols more.

Just fought George Lowe with the serpent warder staff with the energy pistol I stunned him twice with the 2nd match I used the physical pistol and did not get a single stun but won the match, with a staff (not with the frost bane sword). I was determined for the longest to win against George Lowe with a staff and I finally did it to prove that you don't need the sword to win against the brute.

Vick Vega -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes - Juggernaut 2.0! - Update is LIVE! (5/23/2011 13:55:51)

well its 5%. You have to fight 50 more to get to your total of 5.... But yes, we all know the guns are bunk...

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