Shadow Art - Stun % (Full Version)

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TurkishIncubus -> Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 8:32:43)


Also, the stun chance on the gun will not be affected by Shadow Arts

Than what is the purpose of having %stun increase on shadow arts? because we can only use it with stun grenade than What is the difference between having a skill with 40% stun chance (like Maxed Maul) and a skill with 30% skill and +10% from a passive (like stun grenade + 10 lvl Shadow arts) ?

I think Shadow Arts should effect the stun chance of the new guns thats the total idea of having a separate stun % on Shadow Arts.

RKC -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 8:43:52)

As much as I like shadow arts affecting the gun, it will make BH the only class with an advantage of having the gun and people don't like that when one class has an advantage over the others.

But I would really love for shadow arts to affect the stun guns.

Remorse -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 11:16:59)

Yeh i agree, pherhaps they could make it +15% chance (5% plus 10%max shadow) to stun first shot of the gun then 5% after that because the stun part of shdow arts is almost usless after havin such a bad stun attack(stun grenade). after saying this though it could be slightly unfair to mages as they also have a bad stun attack but they have deadly aim which improves these guns so why not as BH getting a decent stun attack.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 11:46:30)

As much as I like it no. Thats way to OPed BH be the only class with a 15% Gun Stun Chance and a 40% Stun Chance. Way to Oped.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 11:47:23)

So then BH won't be oped with the gun DUH.
With the SA affecting the gun:
One strategy could be gun, STUN!, and any atks you want, cheap shot/massacre.
Which would be highly oped.

Edit: Besides, your stun grenade can get up to 40% stun rate.

Remorse -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 11:57:01)

above , stun grenade is usless meaning BH pretty much have a passive just to block( thts pretty lame) as they nerfed it from deflections, this is the chance to givethe stun sidet purpose, but it may be overpowered which is why i think that only the first attack with the gun should have shadow arts included and then after that normal 5%.

Wraith -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 11:58:08)

YES YES YES! Mages get Deadly Aim, we should get something on guns too! And they have reroute...

Remorse -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 12:03:20)

above , ur enthusiasm is good however it is open to flaming. Let this not be a skill battle as no1 wins, this is just a small simple sugestion to give shadow arts a chance to actuly do something wen coming in to a battle with someones who uses unblockables and or, is not affected by block much merc. AS shadow arts is the only passive to sometimes not have an affect in battle.

Zean Zapple -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 12:26:20)


As much as I like it no. Thats way to OPed BH be the only class with a 15% Gun Stun Chance and a 40% Stun Chance. Way to Oped.

Bounty may be the only class with a +15% chance of a stun on their gun. But the classes are "Unique" and all advantages and disadvantages "Unique" to themselves.


Mr. Black OP -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 13:23:35)

if mercs got a passive that affected guns then i supposed it would be fair
Mages have deadly aim making their gun do more dmg
BH have SA to make the gun stun more

Cinderella -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/21/2011 15:36:15)

@zman- it was stated in the OP- Shadow Arts does not affect the stun guns. We didn't want this to be a game-changer, just fun to have.

5rr5 -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/23/2011 11:36:08)

Support is either not helping right?

Thylek Shran -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/23/2011 11:54:11)

Support does help the opponent to reduce the stun chance but it cannot increase it.
The gun should not be affected by it.

Vick Vega -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/23/2011 13:25:25)


We didn't want this to be a game-changer

Obviouslyl. This is an understatment. They are margnially better than seasonal rares from 1.5 years ago. Promos used to be something to feel great about buying. In all honesty I clicked the button to get these with a sick feeling. Sigh....

Sky Drifter -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/23/2011 14:15:16)

Bad Idea, This would make stun's likely to happen and people would say Bounty Hunter's would be OP'd and complain so IMO Not such a great idea.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/23/2011 18:22:25)

This is a great chance to balance classes. So my idea is that well, they apply increased stun chance to the stun guns as well AND have mages' deadly aim give a crit % that increases with the deadly aim level. This way mercs will not be as OPed as they are now :)

endtime -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/24/2011 3:12:42)

Honestly, a terrible idea. The Bounty class is arguably the strongest right now and do not need to be even more OP.

In addition, I already dislike the fact that I can suddenly be stunned every two turns. This game does not need more luck factors to be involved. Too much luck factors undermines the PvP strategy portion of the game by replacing skill with randomness.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Shadow Art - Stun % (5/24/2011 12:16:34)

I don't know about stunNing since only str mercenary rely on it but bounty are blocking like a BIG TUNA

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