RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (Full Version)

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Polandor -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 16:45:30)

Above that good news, it not 100% free wins anymore.

Balance = some loss.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 16:50:35)

@Jer15 True, but did you forget you can do 15 NPCs per hour? Like you said use common sence.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 16:55:35)

@ Above : Yh but 2 mercs lvl 28 with bunkers..

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 16:58:18)

There wont be two level 28s. Just a level 30 and 25 if your a level 33. There cant be a range becuase then its possible for 2 level 26 vs a level 33 varuim beast. So no the range in between cant exist.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:01:39)

there can and will be 2 28s' vs a lvl 33 just watch all you who think your all good cause u only have like 10-20 losses it's all about to change your gonna win 2 outa 5 jugg games from Friday on i hope the devs' and admins take in my consideration and what does npc's have to do with jugg battles? explain

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:07:26)

It has to do with expierence and credits. I said :

Yes it is fair. Its a level 33 vs a level 30 and a level 25. The DN said its your level subtracted by 3 and 8. So if your a level 30 your gonna fight a level 27 and 22. Also bye the time your level 33 you should have enough experience and credits to have the best gear and build for your level. You should be able to handle them.
Then you said:

also the higher level you fight the more of a chance you will face varium users common sense
so now I say you can use NPCs to avoid the varuim users and still have a decent record.

I am not even in Juggernaut Mode I didnt buy the card so I am not a Juggernaut so I dont know what its like.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:11:14)

more losses less balance, less balance for who for juggernauts i have good varium weapons and i have like 145 wins and like 12 or 13 losses but i will now start having a hole lot more losses then wins cause it is to hard and if i fight a lvl 30 varium merc and lvl 25 bh, and the bh has max smoke merc has max bunker and max multi and high support goes perfect with the bh's smoke so i lose in 3 turns 3 TURNS MHM when i was a lvl 30 varium user i was good and i mean really good if i have to fight a lvl 30 varium user and a lvl 25 alone no chance for me anymore i just wasted 20k credits on a the silver juggernaut card wasted so many credits cause i thought it would help in the long run that i would get double the credits faster how wrong i was cause i have not eve made the credits back yet.


The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:11:43)

Ooooowwww now I get ittttt.......

I did read the design notes right now .. this is not fair ! D:

30-25 vs 33...

30 do dmgs , 25 heal him , 30 crits u , 25 removes ur energy to not heal D:

33 means NOTHING D: ! I mean the weps like Azrael bane or those things can be found with a lvl 30 varium user.. the weps that I have .. :S

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:18:57)

@isaiahthemage then you don't know what i am even talking about and farming npcs is for noobs who can't beat varium players.

i can beat a lvl 28 varium user and lvl 26 credit user it is hard but i win but a lvl 30 varium user your right bye that time you should have the best gear and build fr your lvl i have a super good support build and a very good juggernaut record but i am gonna have a lot more losses then wins 1 week from now why cause the juggernaut battles have become to hard cause so many noobs have complained about it if noobs complain about it then tell them not to play 2vs2 and end up playing 2vs1 all they do is complain in my mind juggernaut was a huge fail to people like me.

BTW i am Jer15 lvl 33 support Mage Varium gear and i barely lose games.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:23:37)

ty at last someone understands what i mean you see now how it is unfair for juggernauts' cause of the lvl range on weapons and juggernaut battles does anyone else agree with me now?

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:24:02)

@Jer15 Says who? You? Well then I guess I am a Hero Mercenary who likes to NPC and is a noob when I have over 2000 wins then. Honestly. Also. No I disagree. You cant call people a noob because they cant beat a varuim palyer. That is so biased.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:27:51)

i'm not saying 1 person can not beat a varium player i am saying if 2 lose to a varium player then their noobs cause 2 are better then 1 as you can see when a lvl 30 and a lvl 25 are better then 1 lvl 33 varium user

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:31:16)

No there not. 2 is better then one doesnt count in Epic Duel if there a level 33 varuim user. A Fully Enhanced/Best Varuim Gear LVL 33 is better then 2 Non Varuim Not Fully Enhanced/Not Best Gear LVL 30 and 25. You cant call them noobs because they cant beat someone with over 10000 wins. When they only have 500 and 1100.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:32:36)

oh and btw a lot of people have 2k wins lol it's not that hard

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:34:42)

I was refering to the LVL 30 non varuim and 25 non varuim. Also yeah 2.000 wins is very hard. I only reached that in total of 2 vs 2 and 1 vs 1. For the entire half of a year I player this game.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:36:01)

really you think they are better? i think not cause if they work to gather then they could kill a lvl 33 easy if they work to gather if they get dumb mabey the varium user would win but prob not think about it a lvl 30 merc max multi support build and a lvl 25 bh max smoke screen against a lvl 33 varium user who is gonna win? who you know who will win it's called team work and it's also called dead juggernaut

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:37:29)

well i reached that number in about 1-2 months so it was pretty easy

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 17:58:19)

Well the Juggernaut can easily debuff it. Then go on a spree of killing. What does that spell? Dead Team.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 18:09:27)

not really the truth it and everyone does really know it a lvl 30 varium user and a lvl 25 credit user are better then any lvl 33 varium user face the facts and live with them sorry but that is just the way ed has made juggernaut battles if any dev wants me opinion here it is lvl 24-29 juggernaut battles end of this discussion they won't change it won't even post on this thread :(

Shadronica -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 18:10:37)

Well I know that this Juggernaut system is supposed to be a forerunner to the real reason we wanted 2v1 and that is the NPC Boss 2v1.

I really am not interested in the Juggernaut system as it is right now. One can only hope that we see the boss NPC 2v1 soon.

Jer15 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 18:14:36)

above i agree with that i only wish that that had come out before juggernaut battles ty for posting that i agree

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 18:15:19)

1. I was talking about the non varuims.
2. No they wouldnt. The level 25 would be killed in 1-2 turns by the Juggernaut then the 33 and 30 go all for it.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 18:16:10)

perhaps if the low lvls went to bootcamp and learn how to make builds, and save credits instead of getting a new wep every time they lvl up. they might stand more than just a challenge.
dont get me wrong, and dont think that im against doing a lvl up for juggernaut
but 2 caster mages with caden's wrath (only about 8k credits)
would destroy a juggernaut
2 bunker mercs would destroy a juggernaut.
and 2 max poison massacre BH with high hp is a definite loss.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 18:18:12)

^Goldslayer Well if no one ever teaches them they will never learn.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Way not fair nope nope nope (5/25/2011 18:19:50)

many learn how to play on their own (like me)
also read the rest of the post i just edited.

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