The State of EpicDuel Address (Full Version)

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Soliqe -> The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:15:43)

Hello, I'm Soliqe.

Many of you have known me as "Lotus", and others as my current name. I understand many of you are going to ask, "Where did he pop up from?" I'm asking myself the same question.

I have left EpicDuel in it's near entirety. I've only come on for 5 minutes, see if anything is worth staying for(which there isn't) and then leaving. I've seen many of my friends become disappointed, hurt, and outright disgusted by the turn out of this game.

I believe it was Shadronica that mentioned that with the amount of money she's spent on varium. it was an equivalent of 25.5 years in AQW memberships, and over 75,000+ ACs. Do you not see the issue? Wiseman is a great guy, but his idea will NEVER be implemented unless T and NW get out of their stubborn streak and start fixing their major mistakes.

All people make mistakes, but it takes a genuine person to realize and FIX that mistake.

I get it, you guys work your hind quarters off for the community to receive nothing but negative feedback. It's totally understandable of your reluctance, but instead of just ignoring the majority, and only please the "selfish mob" how about you take time to fix age old mistakes such as Agility and Focus. This game was much more balanced without both stats. Robots could then only receive power by how much energy(MP) a user has. (It would increase dynamic builds by 200%)

NightWraith, your art is simply amazing. but you shouldn't make a thread stating, "Hey, stop whining about varium pricing. Just leave if you hate it." That may have been a couple of months ago, but that thread started a flury of ignorance in the development in this game. Now you're trying to appease your players. Awesome, sweet, amazing. Appease us by fixing with what you started with.

People blame the Gamma Phase. It wasn't the actual phase itself, it was the generation of players, mixed with with the aggravation of the developers, causing a cataclysmic event. I'm going to put some people on the spot, but Xendran and Mr.SUP(PD) could have fixed this game balance in no time flat. Yet the developers sent them PMs basically saying, "You're requests aren't possible. We are NEVER changing the system of the game."

Thank you, for being stubborn over features. Thank you, for not wanting to change your releases just because you spent all week on them(although the populace says "NO"). Is there going to be more ignorance and more bullheadedness? Are you going to let your game die?

Players already have begun to look to other gaming companies besides AE to escape the failure that is becoming EpicDuel. I've already taken my money else where and boy, I'm saving $100s just by switching games. You're letting your remnant of good-hearted players be whisked away and you've only thrown more useless items at them to keep them happy?

We don't want weapons. Stop listening to the selfish mob, who cares about them anyways? We don't want aesthetic change. The art is amazing, but there is more important issues to deal with than spending 5 hours on a sword. We want FOUNDATIONAL change. We want the stat system revamped, we want the ENTIRE currency system revamped.

You can call me and my friends radicals all you want, but it's the downfall of your game, and our criticism is not to yell at you, but to get you to wake up and realize that this game needs major changes.

In conclusion, EpicDuel Developing team, we love you to death, and the only way to get you to wake up, is obviously widespread negativity. We don't want you to react that way, we want you to just listen, communicate, and understand that our criticism is for the love of the game and the fear of losing it.

Possible last thread from,
See your PM box. ~Eukara Vox

goldslayer1 -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:24:00)

great thread.
i have to agree with most of it.
however this newer generation of "gamma" will complain about 5 focus and agility being gone.
seeing how its now 75%+ 5 focus builds. (and easy high ratios without any creativity)
and thus will bring back the old generation but the newer one wont like it.

DeathGuard -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:27:57)

Really fictional thread. Why can we blame Devs? Yes we need more weapons and we need new records and achievements.Still this kind of message will help the system, they will accept it easy.[What I want to say is all the opposite of my post.]

Practel -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:29:07)

You as players have the right to play the game, why not? You as players should not base your views about the game on the developers, simply because they dont chose the pricing, and whatever they build and make follows their guidelines. You dont know more than the devs do, you may think you do, but you dont.

Nightwraith has simply put it in the fondest way possible

"We give the players something they want they complain, we give the players something we think will be nice and they complain, we give them chicken pot pie and they complain"

Cinderella -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:29:29)

Solique= I can't change the payment structure- it goes beyond me and the devs, and a solution won't be found overnight. I can't fix it myself, and I'm sorry that I don't have that kind of power.

LunarWarlord -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:30:13)

I agree with goldslayer.

Soliqe -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:32:23)

@ Cinderella

Where in my post did I say the Devs can change the prices? Where? Do quote.

DeathGuard -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:32:52)

@Practel: We love this game and is true.Thats why we paid for it and keep supporting with ideas to improve it not to get free items neither a recognition. All we want IS TO HAVE FUN!!!

LambO -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:37:25)

So who actually does the prices for ED?
I really doubt someone from somewhere else says:
'Make them weapons 2,200 varium/ or make that package 10k varium for 50$.'

I really can't see Artix himself making the prices, cause Artix just didn't make this game..
If Artix did, then he must be up to something..

Edit: If Nightwraith did say, if we don't enjoy, then don't bother playing.
You can get the answer from this question. Give me back all the money I spent on this game & I'll leave.
Answer this question & you'll get you're answer. =P

Shadronica -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:38:15)

Applauds Soliqe.

A wonderful OP. So well stated.

I totally agree.

Xendran -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:40:13)


'm going to put some people on the spot, but Xendran and Mr.SUP(PD) could have fixed this game balance in no time flat.


DeathGuard -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:40:58)


Looking Forward...

On a happier note, we’d anticipated a portion of this update that should make our players happy. However, the sheer volume is so large that we need a bit more time to draw all of them. “All of what?” you ask? Well, next week we’re setting up a new Player Suggestion Shop! Some of our lucky players will have their items featured in-game, and receive the Epic Artist achievement as well as their item!

Thank you for your continued support, suggestions, and criticism!

I would like to suggest that the creator put the price of it weapon, Not lower than 700/1200 varium and 12000/15000 credits.

PD -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:41:12)

I'd just like to say two things...

Never blame a single Group of players, whether they are Elites, Alphas , Gamma Players, Beta Players, or anything else. The only thing that separates us is our "date of manufacture". Everyone is a selfish, arrogant, melgomaniac in epiduel, whether you like it, or not; Whether you accept so, or not (Which I myself have totally accepted before I quit).

It's not just the Beta player's fault. It's not just the Founder's fault. It's not just the Gamma player's fault. There is no "Gamma Player Problem" or "Founder Problem" or even a "Beta Players Problem". It's a Human problem, which everyone has been contributing to the constant exacerbation of the current problems.

In the end... it doesn't really matter when we joined. We've all got 2 chins on our faces*.

*Cookies for the reference

Now for the second thing... I myself do not know how to balance Epicduel, despite what Soliqe has said. In fact... all those things I've said... I would never have said anything about Epicduel Balance (Agreeable stuff that is) without the help of Xendran and Ashari. I do not know numbers, and I do not make changes. I only bring concepts, and put all the facts and concepts together in a convenient matter through a long comprehensive post.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 19:46:14)


In the end... it doesn't really matter when we joined. We've all got 2 chins on our faces*.

*looks in the mirror* hey PD i only see 1 :P

PD -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:04:52)

>> *looks in the mirror* hey PD i only see 1 :P

Language here is more of a figurative innuendo rather than straightforward responce. It's not supposed to be taken literally. Not everyone has a double chin.

I won't give hints on what the meaning behind what I said is.

Soliqe -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:28:42)


And you're literally butt kissing on my thread. :) Go do that on MSN with your chums.
1. There is good in ED, the battle sy--- no wait it's not balanced... the weap--- oh, those are overpriced... Oh! I know, the NPCs, they talk smack but when you smack talk them they don't reply. I just love it.
2. It's SOLIQE not Soliq, Solique, or Soliloquy.

goldslayer1 -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:29:15)

perhaps making a PTR (public testing realm) where the devs basically do whatever we want them to do and it only takes effect in the PTR and not the actual game itself.
that way if something does infact work out for the better, then it can be implemented ingame.

im also aware that AQW's ptr server needed a membership.
so why not required a membership from one of the other games?
to enter the PTR

Practel -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:30:21)

Im confused, so your saying, me being POSITIVE about the game is not positive in your view?

Wraith -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:35:04)

^I agree with you on that, but are going too far. We have similar views, we just express them in different ways. You go for the supportive protect the devs way, I go for the reasoning way. But still, we are on the same side, we just have different personalities.



We cannot force anyone to buy anything and have no desire to do so. We want people to have fun and enjoy the features we create and the atmosphere we all contribute to. If you never spend another dollar on the game, your character will remain, still completely able to battle players, NPCs, and participate in Factions. In fact, there are many players who duel all the way up to the level cap without spending a single penny on the game. However, when you incite other players to stop buying, that's when we have an issue.

I couldn't find where NW said not to play, but here it says that NO ONE IS FORCING ANYONE TO BUY VARIUM!

Soliqe -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:38:31)


^I agree with you on that, but are going too far. We have similar views, we just express them in different ways. You go for the supportive protect the devs way, I go for the reasoning way. But still, we are on the same side, we just have different personalities.


Regardless of who originally posted it(and yes I realised that too) the poster who posts such thing would still be considered trolling.

Now enough of the legitimacy talk.

What can we do to save this game? Are the developers even willing to listen anymore?


Quoted from Eukara Vox:

Onto a more troubling tendency - recommending that others not play the game violates the Terms and Conditions of the game you agreed to when you signed up to play. Specifically:

You agree not to disrupt the normal flow of the games and dialogue, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other people’s ability to use the Service

Wraith -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:43:09)

^Depending on normal flow of the game means.

Well right now, I'm trying to design some good weapons for next week. Maybe you guys can do the same and stop freakin' ranting! That doesn't break ToS right? Cuz drawing weapons for ED technically still is part of ED, since NW wants player suggestion weapons.


Zean Zapple -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:44:10)

I cannot help but compare the basis of ED, to the basis of this problem.

Baelius attacked the innocent, and the ones who fought back were Exiled from Delta V. Artix is attacking the player base of ED, and the ones who are fighting back are getting banned, being labeled as spammers and trollers.

I've always been proud to be an Exile, and I always will be.

Remember one thing, I love my enemies.


Soliqe -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:48:35)

@ Lord Sinastr


To those of you who read this and are still committed to the belief that Titan and myself are completely out of touch with the EpicDuel community and only interested in money, all I can say is if EpicDuel makes you so unhappy, maybe you should stop playing.

*ahem* Last paragraph, first sentence.

Aere -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:51:37)

Why is it always the people who I've known, for (literally) going on a year, making these posts? I don't see any Gamma players making these posts. I see a number of people who I could count to on my own two hands. I love[d] this game. I love[d] the friends I've made, and the fun I have had playing. Courtesy is how you make friends; Good luck leading an intertwined life with the attitude of a nine year old who didn't get any cookies.

Cinderella, you're doing great for what you can do. But you can't bridge rapids with a tree branch. Pick the foundations of the game to work on, the balance. No matter how much you spice up a pile of crap, it's still just a glittery pile of crap. I'd (personally) like to see you respond on more such threads, not just answering questions on recent updates.

Logging on during Gamma, I've seen a total of 9 different friends online. Most of my 44 friends were active, competitive players, even famous. Now, just 9? What happens when this game is out of the 'Testing' phases. Maybe it's the need for constant spending? In one promo-pack, I could buy almost YEAR LONG MEMBERSHIP in World of Warcraft. And I swear, if you think the current ED is better then WoW in any way, you are mistaken.

Thylek Shran -> RE: The State of EpicDuel Address (5/25/2011 20:52:32)


We don't want weapons. Stop listening to the selfish mob, who cares about them anyways? We don't want aesthetic change. The art is amazing, but there is more important issues to deal with than spending 5 hours on a sword. We want FOUNDATIONAL change. We want the stat system revamped, we want the ENTIRE currency system revamped.

Well i want new weapons. Some that fit to lvl 32 and 33 so that some lvl 28 beta noobs that
have alot varium items are no longer a threat to me. This isn´t more selfish than your wishes.

The stat system never was better than now i think. I agree that the currency system should
get revamped. Well the biggest issue of this game is very hard to fix: Pay to win.
I would completly remove all varium items because they are the main reason for 90% of
the flames and issues. This problem is well known for a long time and its also up to the players
to change this. As long as this brings the big money to AE nothing will change.

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