My beloved noobs (Full Version)

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MrBones -> My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 8:56:35)

The other day I entered a 1vs1 battle and draw a level 28 mage. The guy as no gun, no auxi, no armor and is using a level 20 staff with is points all in strength.
Of course, he was lying on the floor after two turns. (He got lucky making it two turns)

Then it struck me.

Why is EpicDuel crew doing nothing to educate new players ? Why not tutorials ?

And WHY is that burden of responsability is being laid on us pro players ?

What can we do about it ? Anybody have a solution ?

*** Please note that no noobs were hurt, injured or fed to the lions during this post

Xendran -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 9:03:23)

Sounds like that level 28 was hurt in the making of this post.

And i really have no idea why there are no sufficient in game tutorials regarding gear and stats

T29060 -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 9:07:02)

I agree there shuld be a tutorial in the beginning. Ive seen quite a few people with blood lust without the tec requirement. They get a new weap every lvl and waste a lot of money.

Fay Beeee -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 9:09:04)

Would also be helpful if they explained about the setting to them.
I have asked a few in fights that had lag, if they have done their settings or battle bar. Not one of them knew what I was talking about.

Santa ClawZz -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 9:14:46)

There are not enough moderators to help in-game like there's AKs in forums.

edwardvulture -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 10:24:35)

I think they trying to buy armor but you know u need a lot more farming to get a nonvarium armor.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 10:29:40)

well if they can put hmm vids like FORGING OF *INSERT VERY EXPENSIVE VARIUM SWORD* why cant they just put a few tutorial vids from you tube. idk maybe the devs are to focused in getting cash for ae to support aes new game *cough* hero smash *cough*.

beastmo -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 10:43:18)

This waz my Idea lol

Fay Beeee -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 11:24:41)

Good idea.
If they do not have the time then why not get a player to make it. They can then just pop it in the right place. :)

Luna_moonraider -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 11:30:02)

^ they can use xendran's vids and just make a link to it in game. but the problem wif this idea is noobs wont click that button willingly and who knows if they understand english or the video. Also they can just skip things as it is a vids in youtube u can always fast foward stuff here and there and it defeats the purpose of the video. they need to make a in game tutorial+ attachments to videos from youtube to make the noob community understand this game better.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 11:43:43)

for most players, they dont realise that the endgame is what really counts and spending wisely as you level is the best choice.
i never finished levelling my first character of any class. Instead, once I had a better idea of the path I was gonna take I remade
them. also I'm an ex-wow player so I'm used to using the internet to make sure I'm making the right purchases and also to check
out other peoples builds for advice and the practical application of skills etc etc blah blah most players have no clue about the
forum or the epicduelwiki [which I regularly tell people about]

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 11:51:31)

I agree.

ajs777 -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 12:16:50)

am i the only who reads through the boring parts of the homepage -_-
How to play
i believe this is plenty of education to get anyone going. the rest you just have to learn by trial and error, its what makes this game interesting

beastmo -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 12:19:29)

^ and how many people do u think look at that?

ajs777 -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 12:26:26)

lol, just sayin, they did make a H2P page

MrBones -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 12:59:05)

Maybe when they first pop in the game they have to do 10 fights against a special npc that tells them the basics ?

LunarWarlord -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/1/2011 15:28:15)

i agree with that ^ and luna's idea.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 9:55:41)

Hmm nice idea dbag.

Eg starting npc

light city guard

1st battle: tutorial which teaches wat is block, crit,deflection and heal

light city guard does a crit on ya on purpose

light city guard then say: owies now that is a crit a crit occurs randomly and crit might help u in game if u have more support u might crit more

u atk light city guard and it blocks

light city guard then say: o.O wowzers that is a block a block also occurs at random if u have more dex might block more

Light city guard guns u and it deflects

light city guards say: Aww dang my gun must be faulty. deflection occurs at random and deflection cause the gun dmg to become half.

u use anything on the light city.

light city guard atks u.

light city guard then say: your hp is low u will need to heal up click field medic to heal( note the tutorial will not cotuniue unlss u click field medic)

U use feild medic.

battle contnues as per normal after this.

2nd battle: 2v2 tutorial with exile soldiers and oz

battle starts

oz is beside u while 2 lvl 3 exile soldier are on the other side of the field

Exile soldier1: yayz a 2v2

Exile soldier2; aww man we are battling boss ozy.

Oz: hehehe u boys need training. *instert char name* help me beat the 2 exile soldier.

Oz; this is a 2v2 and 2v2 battle occure when u click the 2v2 button(show some vid with the 2v2 button and the 2v2 button glows)

exile soldier 1 atk oz.

Oz: in 2v2 team work is the key to sucess. oz tell you about ally chat and chat log.

Oz[allies]:lets atk exile soldier 1

Oz throws a stun granade.

exile soldier 2 cheap shots oz and crits.

Exile soldier 2: wooohoooooo.

Oz:* insert char name* it is your turn u can either strike or use an atk skill( u cant click heal because oz asked u to use an atk skill)

u atk one of the exile soldiers

exile soldier 1 atk oz.

Oz: lets end this

oz uses his multi shot an kill exile soldier 1.

Exile soldier1[kO]: awww man i need more training

Exile soldier 2: dun worry i will avange u

Exile soldier 2 strikes and crits on oz.


Exile soldier 2: u r going down bozz

Oz[allies]; U can help me by healing

it is your turn only skill u can click is heal

u use heal on oz and oz has hp

Oz: thank you *insert chr name* now lets win this

oz uses cheap shot and kill the exile soldier 2

battle ends.

well i can think of 2 tutorials for now but i do hope they make a tutorial like my idea lolz it be nice and really helpful.

Synbad Syndicated -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 11:35:58)

i agree as well. but might i add the suggestion of an age limit of 15 16 or older to play. i swear my patience with this 9 10 12 year olds are @ me off. i know they can just lie, but how about requiring a credit card, cell phone number, or even a paypal account. just anything to keep them out. if the mods agree.
i hope you choke etc.
get a life etc.
fugly etc
i want to etc.
i did etc.
......and so on

Firewallblast -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 14:41:20)

Non of the other AE games have age limits and u just have to deal with it and not every1 under 16 is immature. Also adding to luna's idea: A lot of ppl have trouble with what to buy and when to buy it so how about a tutorial and I think it should have a 5 second warmup b4 u can click next it could happen like this.

Ur done with the battles....
Oz: Congratulations!
Oz: U c that circle with 1 in it (underlines the circle with yellow) that represent ur level and if u click on it u will c ur skills and stats
Oz: u lvl up when the circle overfills with yellow
Oz: A good tip is too not spend all ur credits on things every time u lvl up
Oz: For one thing u can buy this really sweet armor(shows picture of armors)
Oz: And these really sweet wepons (show picture of Mjolnir,Cadens Wrath and then.....)
Oz: Well that all for now. Now go and start ur adventure! (teleports)

Aere -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 16:57:56)

Ajs, That hasn't been updated since ALPHA rofl.

endtime -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 18:38:34)

What is worse is when a level 33 with full varium gear doesn't know about defense/resistance!

I had a level 33 varium partner who could have used his very strong physical auxiliary to attack and kill a mage with 10-13 defense. Instead he attacked a mercenary with 27-33 defense + physical armor + hybrid. He hit only 5 damage and said "wth?? that usually hits a lot." This would have been the perfect time for a face palm action feature.

True Story.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 19:09:55)

@Endtime: i get hit for 5 by artillery strike almost every juggernaut battle, after Ive put my defence matrix up :P you just wanna slap them lol

BlueKatz -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 19:12:07)

no offense to them but I don't think noobs watch video [8|]

Synbad Syndicated -> RE: My beloved noobs (6/2/2011 20:51:56)


no offense to them but I don't think noobs watch video

not unless we make them watch the tutorial before they are actually able to play. and to make it more obvious(as in there is no possible way they cannot see it) put a tutorial tab on the homepage right between the create and play tab or under character pages. and to make it simple on everyone. just slap 'em in the face with all the rules, features, guidelines, and etc.

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