RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (Full Version)

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Skiatra -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/19/2011 16:42:59)

These aspects are the ones that I think should be added ASAP.

1.Lairs: Should be like the housing system in AQW. They should all be in diffrent landscapes, on the sea, in the sky or on a volcano etc. Then kit them out with lots of evil....and if you want good...stuff. You should also be able to hire guards for your lair, they might not do much, but they'd be cool, or they could be shop keepers or something.

2.Sidekicks: They should work like pets in AQW, except they acutally fight. They fight for you,level up,you can name them whatever, you can customize their appearence atnd attire at anytime, choose their powers and such.

3.Powers: HS needs more "schools" of powers. Such as dark powers(from super death). or more of a variety of powers to choose from.

4.References: The game is called HERO smash, so, why not more refernces to super hero movies? Such as a take off of spider man could be Arachnid man or the Hulk could be the Incredible bulk.

5:Equidment: Titanium threads and the other shop(gun shop) needs more items in. I know a lot of equidment comes from events, but it'd be nice to have a choice.

And that's about it, there is more, but i'm going on.

PS First post[:)]

Bloody Fist -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/23/2011 17:10:18)

Stats and pvp and even someting like power classes where you can have high damage on a certain powers.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/23/2011 18:11:20)

I expect that soon we can have stats,more powers and PvP. I mean it gets boring with just weapon and powers. We dont have any statistics. We should have them like in AQWorlds.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/23/2011 18:24:19)

Mage: I would prefer the stats to be Like DF/MQ, so you have more customization.

Devastate -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/24/2011 7:15:52)

The ability of sending players messages even though they're offline. (Inbox Style)

Why ? : Let's say you guys are in a middle of a Smashin' conversation and suddenly you got disconnected, thanks to your trustworthy internet connection. Your friend could send you the things you've missed while you were on agony.

Undead zerker -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/25/2011 11:55:00)


Everyone Wants Guilds/clans you can be with IN GAME and have your own Batcave! I mean... Base.

Super sidekicks


Secret identitys! Although I dont know what we could do with that.. "my name is dan" "No ...your the superhero/villain (enternamehere)!"

MONTHLY MAYORS! Once a month a player is randomly selected to be mayor of super city! you get fame, fortune and everything that goes with it! I thank you all.... do do do do do do do doo... Anyway.

Alot, alot alot of good/evil wars, Player v player wars!

Also looking forward to who the storys main hero or villain will be!

piyo911 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/25/2011 12:03:21)

i have really wanted to be able to rank up our wepons and skills

killer_ata -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/25/2011 13:53:57)

Destructible objects
More wars
More quest lines
Level values that actually mean something
Civillians that we can randomly torment/help

OR faction specials: special effects that depend on which faction you are in

SoulfulElk7 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (8/31/2011 4:24:51)


Ok, so i have seen a few people posting in these forums suggesting pets.

Wouldnt it be cooler IF, instead of pets we had SIDEKICKS.

Basically smaller versions of your herosmash character, HOWEVER you can fully cutomize your sidekick (hair, skin, eyes, armour, weapon, helm etc) Rather than just preset pets, this way there will be more diverse pets/sidekicks rather than generic ones.

You could have a seperate inventory system for the sidekick and drops can be obtained through fighting monsters and special shops dedicated to your sidekick.
This would be a much better idea than pets.

Also, you could get particular powers which enable your sidekick to temporarily attack (kind of like necro class in aqw) OR even have set powers for your sidekick or something like that!

Everyone please support this idea so it MAY get implemented in-game!!

Regards, SoulfulElk7

X Yamamoto X -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (9/6/2011 12:11:54)

Houses:Mostly,I need a place to hangout with my friends and to stay AFK!! xD

Clans:Best way to keep up with friends.

Weapon Enchancement:Would be very helpful against enemies.

PvP:Dont have to tell you why! :)

Sidekicks:Like Pets.

Alvarez0430 -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (9/30/2011 21:06:51)

I think that there might be like sidekicks(pets are sidekicks) ,enhancements, lairs, a storyline, like the reasson for hero smash: i think that There should be like a bad guy who wants to just take over the world and of course, the good guys(us) wanna stop the bad guy from doing harm, while the villains are jealous that they didnt think of something this evil and that they're the only evil people, and together they have to defeat commanders that the main bad guy sends to earth.
(made by hero smash's one and only Thunner)

Goukakyo -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (10/1/2011 21:46:40)

I expect to have PVP!

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (10/11/2011 14:24:43)

I would like to see:

1) The most important one - A good, customizable PvP system

2) The ability to customize our character's stats

3) Tails and maybe claws/paws/fins to match the available head morphs

4) Enhancements for the powers

5) The ability to customize the background on our character pages

6) More friend spaces

guilhermebright -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (10/15/2011 16:00:12)

Olá , meu nome é Guilherme W , mais conhecido nos jogos da AE como '' LADY GW '' .. sou do BRASIL , e queria los parabenizar pelos jogos incríveis que todos vocês fazem . Realmente digo isso por que lógico eu jogo eles , principalmente agora HS , que é um jogo com um jeito diferente de ser ele é fantástico , mesmo . Minhas expectativas do jogo HS são bem grandes , quero dizer o jogo já começou bem por causa de sua criatividade e tal , então não coloquem nada referente aos outros jogos por que se não irá ficar muito igualzinho ( se é que me entendem ) ,, adorei esse negócio de eventos baseados em filmes isso com certeza me agradou muito , bem surpreso , amo demais animais de estimação eles são realmente fantásticos , sei que ainda o jogo só está começando , mas queria lhes pedir muito mesmo pra que vocês já colocassem ( eu sinto falta disso ) , sei que irá ficar muito Lag , mais ao longo do tempo sei que todos vocês ai da Equipe AE vão conseguir transforma-lo em um jogo mais fantástico do que ele é . Todos vocês revolucionaram o jogo apenas colocando poderes de formação , quero dizer , sem classes como warrior , berserker , mage , rougue , enfim vocês fizeram poderes onde nós mesmo jogadores pudéssemos montar nossa fonte de poder, isso pra mim foi incrível ^^ . Agora como no AQW é um jogo muito jogado por nós brasileiros ( como vocês já devem saber ) vocês até fizeram um server para nós , estava pensando aqui que lá para o futuro vocês também poderiam fazer um server no HS baseado em nós brasileiros ( isso iria me confortar muito , ainda estou fazendo meu curso de inglês ^^ ) ah mas é claro , eu também adoraria que houvesse mais moderadores que falassem português , isso iria ajudar bastantes amigos meus , que realmente adoram o jogo , até um dia desses um deles me disse que um dia poderia haver um HeroMart aqui no BRASIL , ou pelo menos colocassem mais formas de pagamento especialmente para nós , por que a maioria de nós jogadores somos menores de idade e não possuímos cartões de créditos e isso complica muito , pois como nós somos muitos viciados em seus jogos , queremos camisetas , jogos de carta , brinquedos , bonecos ,calendários ( e principalmente as Badges em nossos Char Pages ) , enfim essa deve ser a milésia vez que peço isso pra vocês , é que eu e mais de 20.000 brasileiros queríamos que isso fosse possível ,MUITO MESMO ! ( não sei se vocês vão entender minha língua , mas espero que o Daimyo traduza pra vocês ou algum moderador que fale português ou entenda português ) Agradeço por lerem , e quero que pensem no que eu disse e transformam em realidade , isso iria alegrar tanto a mim , mas como vários vários , e VÁRIOS Brs ! Smash On !

Lord Nub -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (10/15/2011 17:07:52)

They absolutely MUST bring things that makes this game more addictive.

HeroSmash is a lot like AQW but there missing many key features that AQW has successfully been utilizing.

Stats - If a player is unable to fully customize their character there less entertained by the game.

Drops - How many times have you seen parties of peeps going for those tough drops on AQW and enjoying every minute of it even though there complaining because it will not drop?

Same goes for HeroSmash but we don't have enough rare drops. Rare drops increase gameplay which increases everyones experience because that increases the chance of a player rallying with others to obtain something.

Content - Where's the developers? AQW is established am I wrong to state this? Bring EVERYONE from AQW to HS for about 2 weeks, just like when the devs take a vacation, and just slam it with updates to bring the players back.

Once the player base is there then go back to AE's brand game AQW and allow Yergen to continue his awesomeness alone since that is apparently what is occurring.

NEVER do another 30 days of suggestion items again! HORRIBLE IDEA! What did the players get experience wise from that? It basically killed us with nothing added to the game but some (Arguably) junk items.

Players want to go on quests and adventures while hanging with their friends and customizing there characters for tough battles.

HS could be so much more and lets hope they figure something out soon :)


Well noone has said anything so I'm forced to edit this lol and considering we are incapable of creating our own posts to respond to certain aspects of HeroSmash here goes...

Yergens DN's today EPIC!!!! Outstanding man and I wish you luck. HeroSmash mixed with ED with a membership deal instead of the constant overpriced weapons ED currently uses which will bring a much larger group of players here!

This will obviously take quite some time but if done right, EpicDuel with heroes and membership will make for an outstanding game!

fighuasss -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (7/18/2012 12:48:39)

vehicles, titles, stats and enhancements! (And sidekicks)

Jorath -> RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations (7/18/2012 15:33:22)

Since this thread has gone inactive for more than six months, I shall be locking this thread up.

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