Wraith -> RE: EpicDuel -- Losing Popularity!? (6/12/2011 17:07:53)
Right now, this game has the best quality of all AE Games, and less team members. In DF, you can: Get a DA + 42200 DCs in 2 years, along with a sword that levels up with you, a helmet that levels up with you, a cape that levels up with you, and an armor that is one of the best for $90/105. 42k DCs last you for years. In EpicDuel, in order to have enough Varium for 6 months, you need $240. With that Varium, I recieved: 2 promo swords, Frostbane non-promo, 2 stun guns, 2 non-promo auxes, the game's best armor and 2nd best armor, 2 limited rare weapons, 8 hairstyles, 4 class chnages, 1 name change, a Gold Skull Card, 3 exp boosts (equivalent to a few days of X-Boost), the new claws, 87 enhancements (10 on FB, 10 on AB, 10 on CC, 8 on Char's Staff, 5 on Stun Cannon, 4 on Plasma ACP, 8 on CHar's Blaster, 8 on Bunny Borg, 8 on WarBot, and 16 on both Eggzookas. AND then a lot more. I think that DF is more worth it, considering that you don't have to worry about being weaker than others, since you just kill Undead and Titan Bosses and so on. I hope Delta changes things for the better. Perhaps the classes are more balanced, so that we won't have to hop around classes wondering about OPedness and UPedness. I hope that the new classes are more equal in power, and solve the 'Im stronger than u noob u suk stupid nonvar tm' thing that happens so much in fights.