Stun and Crit Percentages (Full Version)

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DeathSpawn -> Stun and Crit Percentages (6/11/2011 16:16:46)

Aight so obviously somethings up here considering stuns are way too frequent against high support builds. So scenario Merc 45 support lvl 1 Maul, which is 22% chance to stun, stuns Mage 154 support. According to AVA's sticky in Q&A it says the percentage is reduced by dividing the support difference by 4 and cannot be reduced further than 12% so 154-45 = 109 / 4 = 27. If this is correct , which I believe it isn't, then that would put Maul at a 10% chance yet I with 154 support get stunned at LEAST once if opponent uses it twice every single time meaning I get stunned 50% of the time. That's alot for 10%. I've also read up on the crit chances and all that and believe that to be WAYYYY OFF considering people at 2% chance against me crit way too often. So what do you guys think about the whole Crit and Stun rate in your experiences? Also is that sticky out of date? Should someone like Nightwraith or Titan comment on how this REALLY works? This is pretty crucial in a game like this and some peeps who put extra thought into this game would really like to know how the system really works when deciding on what moves to make and how to design their builds :)

Aere -> RE: Stun and Crit Percentages (6/11/2011 16:31:05)

Luck factors > Percentage factor? There's as much of a chance for the roll to land on a 2 then any other singular number.

edwardvulture -> RE: Stun and Crit Percentages (6/11/2011 16:34:06)

I think strength and how hard you hit with the stun actually affect the stun chances. Because when I spammed dex to more than 120 and used overload, it stunned a lot more often then my support mage build. Just my observation.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Stun and Crit Percentages (6/11/2011 17:23:32)

The minimum chance for stun is like 3%? Been using overload for like 20 times and none of them stunned.

charwelly -> RE: Stun and Crit Percentages (6/12/2011 5:23:32)

Without crits and stuns epicduel would be less fun i mean,
when you get that crit it just makes you work harded towards
your goal of winning

Calogero -> RE: Stun and Crit Percentages (6/12/2011 7:57:30)

same could be said about first strike...
my 141 Sup Mage vs a 30 Sup Merc and I still end up second...
not to mention I get deflected way more than I actualy deflect...

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