RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (Full Version)

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Remorse -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 12:21:23)

Luck has become too strong because builds have become too powerful. Because build are too powerful thing like critting is too strong, being blocked is too much of an advanatge to the other person, being deflected has also become alot more anoying and stun has become pretty much a game decider. If the devs realised that they need to adjust luck's power due to the current build's power then luck would be fine but we have most of the same luck stats since the time when a spamming a stat to the max ment 23+30 primary damage(spamming str) or, 20+33 aux dmage (spamming sup) where as now days it's more like , 33+33 dmage (spamming str), and 28+38(spamming support) thats an extra 13 damage average not to mention the brining in of robots , it's no wonder luck had become so inlfuencial.

Who to blame?? My opinion enhacemnts are largely at fault alowwing unnesisary bonus dmage to builds, and the brining of robots and focus follows not long after.
However the soultion providing my hypoth. is right would be to reduce lucks affect but not nessisaily frequency. (eg. slightly lower crits armour ingnoring %)

Epic Pwnser -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 12:36:04)

Cause: Gamma Bot really and partly due to Shadow Arts that made blocking an OPed part of being a BH.
You forgot about strength mages and supercharge mages. Also there's a +5 focus max plasma bolt mage build as well.

Focus, agility, diminishing stats, diminishing skills ALL lessen originality.
Because of focus, everyone starts having <95 hp all 45 in skills. Then you just put all enhancements into tech if you're a merc, or put all enhancements into tech if you are a BH with a Phy armor.
The skill tree becomes unoriginal as well.
Mercs: Max Bunker, max hybrid, some points into intimidate or a max heal.
BH: Max SA, High lvl of BL, some heal, high lvl shields because of support as well.
Tech mages: Well, I think they're the most original by far now. You can do sup, +5 focus tank, str, supercharge, semi-high tech and def armor with assimilation. And plasma bolt, stun. A variety of builds can be made to utilize assimilation, either max, or medium, or semi-high.

PumKing -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 12:40:29)

This game turned to luck WHEN agility and the extra cool down on feild medic was implemented

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 17:19:37)

Focus and Agility didnt ruin this game they where put their to have a limit. Stat diminishing and Stat requirements did. Also yes luck needs to be nerfed. I had a thread like that a while ago.

Clutch -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 20:10:46)

My solution is a simple thing that can be implemented next update. Simply drop the percentages of crit, stun, block, and deflection. My thing is, we all use luck... whether its critting and deflecting for mercs and mages, to blocking and stunning for BH's... So don't tell me that any one class would really be affected more than the other. Don't tell me that High health Str Builds will be overpowered. Agility still hurts those builds and the chance to block would also be reduced so hopefully shadow arts would also stay in check, a str merc relies on his chance to stun and with that reduced also, I feel this game would still be balanced. And lastly to all you support lovers, Support would still affect a crud load of things... The zooka damage, the chance of going first, and skills such as healing, so don't tell me this would ruin the usefulness of support!

**For once, I actually WANT a nerf. Hopefully someone in a very high position will read this and take this into consideration. ;)

Mr. Black OP -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 20:34:26)

agility has minimal affect on my str build -1 res and def so ill just add 4 more dex and im set and agility, focus, stat diminishing, and skill requirements killed off the small amount of creativity we had
and agility does not affect your chance to block

PumKing -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 22:39:17)

@Clutch, dude, that is brilliant

goldslayer1 -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 22:52:21)


Str BH
Focus BH

Str Merc
Focus Merc

Focus TM
Support TM

BH: the 5 focus BH branches out into several types. like spamming support, dex or tech. (imo tech is the best one)
also for str there is smoke cheapshot and smoke mass builds.
theres also str poison builds. (i have seen a few people with it now)
they have max poison and a decent smoke, they poison then smoke and strike the rest of the way.

Merc: theres also support merc.
alot of people would say tech merc but in reality is just another branch of focus. cause lets face it, u would have to be real dumb to spam tech without focus.

theres also heal loop, it still works but not as effective as before.
theres also strength mage with celtic cleaver. i seen some people use it, and it works pretty well. they have a max malf and a decent DA for their physical gun.

and caster mages isn't all that bad either.

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 22:56:04)

Just a reminder they're going to upgrade all classes. So in other words you're wasting your breath. thanks Zman

Mr. Black OP -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 23:03:37)

Just a reminder they're going to upgrade all classes. So in other words you're wasting your breath.
i know english isnt your 1st language so im just correcting you
and some ppl cant change if costs varium or a high amount of credits (by hi i mean 100k+)

Wraith -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 23:13:24)

@goldslayer21: Turkish made a good STR build with Cryomancer Staff, and I made a decent one with Serpent Warder, and Lotus made a decent one with Celtic War Staff.

v: Sorry.

goldslayer1 -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 23:15:44)

its GoldSlayer1 not 2 -.-

anyways, there are good str mages with staffs. but IMO the 7% connect is better specialy for BH.
speaking of BH, i just got mopped around by a focus BH.
im a support merc with 129 support.
just goes to show how OP focus BH really is.
she started with a crit smoke then robot spam.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 23:27:29)

sounds like u lost cuz of luck she goes 1st when u have 129 support and crits, that just means she was lucky not OP

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 23:52:33)

Are you guys try tell me you can't figure out there weakness on 5 focus builts. Come on guys its not hard just think of your weakness when you try 5 focus built. You know robots have 3 cool down system. they feed on technology and they need there energy to do there attacks. If you guys get 94 or up you must by now though of there weakness.

Wraith -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/14/2011 23:59:40)

^Um...I got that a LONG LONG time ago.

I actually LIKE being blocked by BH.

Gets my rage up not to mention I have extreme support, and my strike does 3, not that much of a difference.

PenyihiR -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 0:10:03)

All we Can do is Waiting when Delta come n Class upgraded.,
Stop Complaining cz it cant change everything

Clutch -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 0:23:51)


All we Can do is Waiting when Delta come n Class upgraded.,
Stop Complaining cz it cant change everything

Okay I'm sorry but this is just not right. Firstly, classes aren't being upgraded, 3 newer classes are being added to the game, so there will be a total of 6 classes to choose from. To your point of complaining, instead of peacefully complaining we just shut up and take it? No. We constructively criticize and offer solutions. You don't see anyone pointing fingers or flaming, this is a discussion to see peoples opinions on my view and to offer their own two cents on the topic. If you have nothing to offer to the table, maybe you shouldn't post.
K thanks.

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 0:38:23)

Its upgrade of class not 3 new class cindy already told us.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 0:41:57)

its 3 new thats y they have different names, cyber hunter, war master and blood mage
they are alterations of the classes
think of it like AQ like wizard and mage classes they are not the same class but they are similar

We’re bringing new evolutions to our current classes in the form of three new classes, that will be available by using the Class Change feature!

taken from design notes

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 0:48:05)

Yah I am sorry it is new class.

goldslayer1 -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 0:53:28)


sounds like u lost cuz of luck she goes 1st when u have 129 support and crits, that just means she was lucky not OP

yet it seems like they always go first.
70% of the 5 focus BH i fight, crit me once or more per match.


Are you guys try tell me you can't figure out there weakness on 5 focus builts. Come on guys its not hard just think of your weakness when you try 5 focus built. You know robots have 3 cool down system. they feed on technology and they need there energy to do there attacks. If you guys get 94 or up you must by now though of there weakness.

they have weakness, but they can only be so effective.

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 1:03:30)

I myself can beat 5 focus bounty and merc. I am not talk about xxmirxx. goldslayer mages are best to kill 5 focus bounty and merc.

goldslayer1 -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 1:12:32)

u fought a 5 focus BH that spams 93 tech with energy shield?
i used that build just a few hours ago. there was this tech mage with like 100 support and he couldn't win.

xxmirxx -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 1:38:22)

Support mages aren't so good you need tank mage. you would also need physical sword and good stats engry aux and gun. Then you need to malf them and use physical gun as well. Your malf should be at 5 and tech shield should be at 6. you need 88 tech or higher and you need 77 support built and high tech it should fair even.You know what next you find that person sceen shot his built and have better idea how to beat it.

altimatum -> RE: So... when did this game turn into all luck? (6/15/2011 8:38:08)

^ for 5 focus tech i prefer a dex alternative for a high tech shield resulting in one turn of huge robo damage when an opponent's malf is over [:)]

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