Advanced Hawk V3 (Full Version)

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#13 -> Advanced Hawk V3 (6/14/2011 7:23:01)

Advanced Hawk V3

Name of Mecha in Series: Advanced Hawk, Advanced Hawk V2, Advanced Hawk V3, Advanced Hawk V4, Advanced Hawk V5, Advanced Hawk V6

Level: 30
Price: 360,000 Credits / Advanced Hawk V2 + Level 30 House Star Captain Upgrade Kit
Sellback: 36,000 Credits

Location: House Runehawk Mecha, House Runehawk Mecha Upgrades

HP: 367
EP: 441
EP Regen: 16

  • 60 Immobility
  • 5 Bonus
  • 5 Hit

    Description: Advanced Runehawk model V3 uses the next generation mana-drive technology. STAR CAPTAIN BONUS: Has a unique Mana Shield ability that is only accessible by Star Captains.
    Image: Advanced Hawk V3

    Thanks to Azami for original entry!

  • #13 -> RE: Advanced Hawk V3 (6/14/2011 7:26:08)

    Ghastly Fist V3

    Equip Slot: Front Arm.
    Damage type: None
    Damage: 54-66
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 45
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "System Shock - Halted Energy Regen", stops opponent's EP regen for 3 turns.

    Description: A crushing blow that can knock out your opponent's energy regeneration
    Image: Ghastly Fist V3 , Attacking.

    Thanks to Azami and Twilight Sky 023 for info!

    Halcycon Orb V3

    Equip Slot: Back Arm.
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 54-66
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 45
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
    • Chance for Blue sphere attack.
      • Chance to cause "Energy Leak", 11-19 EP DoT to the opponent for 5 turns.

    • Chance for Red sphere attack.
      • Chance to cause "Inferno", 11-19 DoT to the opponent for 5 turns.

    • Chance for Yellow sphere attack.
      • Chance to cause "Vicious Disks", increasing the chance for a critical hit.

    Description: A sphere orbited by three power crystals. The orb's magic is determined by the alignment of these crystals.

    Halcycon Orb V3
    Blue Sphere
    Yellow Sphere
    Red Sphere.

    Thanks to Azami and Twilight Sky 023 for info!

  • #13 -> RE: Advanced Hawk V3 (6/14/2011 7:27:51)

    Phantasm Shard V3

    Equip Slot: Front Shoulder & Back Shoulder
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 50-70
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 45
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Chance to inflict opponent with "Phantasm Leech <FS/BS>" status for 5 turns. (effect is stackable for both FS and BS) This drains EP from your opponent after your turn, and heals you for an equal amount of HP after your opponent's turn.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: Allows the bearer to communicate with the supernatural world, Spiritual forces may overtake your opponent's mecha.
    Image: Phantasm Shard V3 , Attacking.

    Thanks to Azami for info, Twilight Sky 023 and Selutu for special info!

  • #13 -> RE: Advanced Hawk V3 (6/14/2011 7:30:47)

    Gripping Stare V3

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 48-72
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 45
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • If your enemy is in an equipabble mecha (I.E. PvP or mecha-type enemies), chance for "____ Chained! 2 Rounds Cooldown Added!", forces 2 turns of cooldown on a random weapon equipped to the opponent.
  • If your enemy is in a non-equippable mecha (I.E. monsters and non-playable mecha), each hit has a chance for "Weapon Systems Chained! -50% Damage!", decreases opponent's damage by 50% for 2 turns.

    Description: Calls forth mystical chains. Can cause weapon systems to be chained for 2 rounds.
    Image: Gripping Stare V3 , Attacking.

    Thanks to Azami and Twilight Sky 023 for info!

    Shield Pulse Generator V3

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 46-74
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 45
    Cooldown: 8
    Bonuses: Bonus +5, Hit +5.
    Special Effects:
  • Non-SC: 100% Chance for an energy shield that reflects 44% of the damage done to you back to the opponent, lasts 6 rounds.
  • SC: 100% Chance for "Mana Shield! Star Captain Power Activated!", splits all damage between your HP and EP, lasts 6 turns.

    Description: A mana pulse that can generate a Magical shield that can either reflect damage or convert damage to energy instead of hitpoints. Note: Energy conversion shield is only accessible with a Star Captain's license.
    Image: Shield Pulse Generator V3.

    Thanks to Azami for info, Twilight Sky 023 and Selutu for special info!

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