Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (Full Version)

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Riffus Maximus -> Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/16/2011 10:02:36)

One more time, quoted from fellow Paxian Leb/Liveman:

So here's my proposal.

We play a game that's sort of like Risk, conquering areas as indicated by the map by the black lines. I gave each clan 3 areas and their own color that indicates the areas they control. The white areas are not owned by anyone at the start of the game.

Battles would happen in the weekend, but it'd be up to the clans to discuss where they intend to attack. There would also be a GameMaster, who's job is to collect the attack plans of each clan, which they would provide to him/her by PM.

After the weekend comes, there's the usual score tally thing. Maybe like... if two clans are going for the same uncontested area, the one who manages to raise their Defense Score more wins the spot. Attacking a clan would require for their Defense Score to drop below what it started as.

As another example, say Dynami is going after B7, but Igneus decides that they will attack owned Dynami lands. At the end of the weekend, Igneus has successfully lowered Dynami's D.S. which will result in their attempted capture of B7 to fail. This is a tad easier to do than to somehow keep score on the Dynami's attempted capture of B7 AND Igneus' attack on Dynami lands, that'd then occur in Dynami possibly capturing B7 but also losing an area to Igneus.

If anyone has better ideas for these, do tell.


The attack plans have ONE little thing to 'em. They will only be revealed AFTER each weekend plan. Sure, the clans can go about diplomacy and make treaties and plans, but for the sake of the game's secrecy and THRILL, we politely ask that they keep such actions a secret. Anyway, after the weekend is over, the map is updated along information being given out who did what, attacked who, repelled who's attack and so on.

The first round will sort of be crucial, as it will give each clan an idea which clan they should focus their effort afterwards, one way or another.

Also, each clan can only take ONE action per weekend. Like attack an enemy clan area or try to capture a free area.

Speaking of which, the free areas are currently labelled as A, B and C.

B currently has a LOT of free spots, but it's sort of a historical area so I figured it would be allright to make it tougher to control. In case people are upset about it, go ahead and say and I can cut down on 'em.

A is the route for Glacius, Nocturu and Geoto to go about in their own corner, primarily for Glacius since they lack any contact to the mainland, just like Aerodu, who have the C area for them, along Igneus and Nautica.

While Glacius really has no chance right now but to attempt capture of either A1 or A2, depending who they wish to go after, Aerodu has the chance of either capturing C2 or attacking Nautica.

I figured the best way to go about the uncontested areas which connect some Paxia areas to the main one is to make it a 2-step thing, so it won't be that Aerodu makes one move and by next week they're ready to invade the mainland.

I figured I might do a summary of the rules explained above in details:
-Monday to Friday, you got to decide with your clan where to attack. Battles for taking control of an occupied area is done during the weekend. The one who has a better rising in points win. For multiple attacks, if the two or more clans manage to beat the defender's score raise, the defending clan lose, and the area is given to the clan who had a better fluctuation of points.
-Battles begin at Saturday midnight to Monday midnight AQ Server Time (GMT-5 Eastern Timezone).
-You have until Saturday midnight to PM your clan's battle plan to the GM (me). If it's not received by the GM until then, the clan is considered skipping it's turn.
-Battles are done in the Adventurer Server (free button on the homepage) to give a chance to every kind of contestants to participate.
-Each clan has a single action during the week.

As to not create any confusion or things that might get this thread delete, THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL SUGGESTION FOR PAXIA IN-GAME!
This will be some sort of contest game for Paxians to play in, to fill the huge gap of inactivity so we can actually do something. It's mostly like an enhanced version of the Battle Contests we've held a few months ago.



Round 1: Dynami obtained B3.
Round 2: Dynami obtained B5.
Round 3: Dynami obtained B7.
Round 4: Dynami obtained B4.
Round 5: Dynami obtained B6.
Round 6: Dynami obtained B2.
Round 7: Dynami obtained B1.
Round 8: No change.
Round 9: Dynami conquered A12.
Round 10: Nocturu obtained A2.
Round 11: Dynami conquered A11 / Nocturu obtained A1.
Round 12: Dynami conquered A10.
Round 13: No change.
Round 14: No change.
Round 15: No change.
Round 16: No change.
Round 17: Dynami conquered C5.
Round 18: No change.
Round 19: No change.
Round 20: Aerodu obtained C2 / Dynami conquered A14.
Round 21: Aerodu obtained C1 / Dynami conquered C4 / Geoto conquered A7.
Round 22: Aerodu conquered C3 / Dynami conquered C7 / Geoto conquered A6.
Round 23: Aerodu conquered B11 / Dynami conquered C3.
Round 24: Dynami conquered C1 / Geoto conquered A1.
Round 25: Ongoing...

drummy -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/16/2011 10:42:12)

Wow Paxia really doesn't make for any decent strategic play. In risk you could always pin yourself up in Aulstralia which had four or more spots that could only be accessed by one other spot each.

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/16/2011 13:39:57)

Hooray, it's back! Now Lucian can finally conquer all of Paxia!

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/17/2011 14:45:59)

Are we actually doing it this time or are we still waiting for something?

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/17/2011 16:29:11)

I don't really know honestly. Something about the rules or lay-out might be changed.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/20/2011 11:02:18)

@Tuss: Nope this time it's for real. Actually, I thought of beginning this thing today, since it's Monday and people have until Friday to decide what to do.

I think I'll go add some rules above.

Wilderock -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/24/2011 15:23:27)

This is a great idea. I love where we are. I think, though, before we begin, we have to do a few things: first, we have to make the rules more clear. I'm a little confused: can you only attack a clan or uncontested area which is contiguous to another area you control? For instance, Glacius, in Week 1 ... could they try to take control of C1? Because if you can only attack areas adjacent to your areas, that will kind of destroy any "diplomacy" and such clans could be "secretly" making (which I think is great as long as it's secret -- it will add more strategy to the game). Second, we have to get people involved (otherwise the game will die or just be no fun), and this is a great incentive for that...if I am correct, this is my understanding:

- Saturday and Sunday are battle days.
- Before Saturday, we must PM the "Gamemaster" our battle plans.
- The Battle Plans will be revealed Monday, AFTER the battle is over. This keeps secrecy and thrill during the battle phase, but will also kind of develop a "plot" or at least suspense and strategy with alliances and treaties and whatnot.

But what if I'm Nocturu and I'm attacking Dynami. But Dynami is also attacking me. If no one is defending, then both defense scores will inevitably decrease. Would we essentially "swap" battle areas, or would the team with the lower decrease ultimately win both areas?

And how do we account for a clan that is being "double attacked", or attacked by two different clans? We can't differentiate between the kills made by each separate clan...if Glacius is being attacked by two different clans for two different territories, they are going to lose. No matter what...any defense would be futile because they cannot outwork two clans.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (6/29/2011 23:05:50)

I was thinking of something like this:

Because of this case of multiple attack and such, I think a change in the attacking rules might be needed. Since it's so hard to tell which clan did the most casualty in a joint attack against another clan, we'll have to change from dropping the other clan's score to raising own clans score. We'll have to do like what we did with the Battle contests. Basically, instead of determined the winner by if the clan have a positive or negative fluctuation, the two clans defend, and the one who has a better rising in points win. For multiple attacks, if the two or more clans manage to beat the defender's score raise, the defending clan lose, andthe area is given to the clan who had a better fluctuation of points.

Now, since I almost confused myself, an example is required.
Igneus, Nocturu and Lucian attacks Glacius. At the end of the weekend, Glacius managed to rise it's defense points by 3000, Nocturu by 1000, Igneus by 1200 and Lucian by 1500. Since the total raise of the three clans exceeds 3000, the coalition of three clans won. However, since Lucian has the highest amount of points gained, the area Glacius had is now under Lucian's control.

Wilderock -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (7/1/2011 1:39:33)

If we don't score using the above format, I'd say the land should become neutral/uncontested after a joint attack, simply because you cannot determine the true winner. Do you think that's preferable to having a winner each time?

If we were to use the above format, I have a couple questions regarding its fairness: why wouldn't Glacius simply keep the land in that instance? Their defense score went up the highest out of all 3. It's not like it's "Attackers" vs. "Defending Clan". Each clan is independent. It's Noctoru vs. Igneus vs. Lucian vs. Glacius. And if it's determined by which teams' defense score goes up most, it should be done on an individual basis. If Glacius had +3,000 forces, they should not lose their land to a clan with a smaller increase. By the score being determined by defense forces, it "incentivizes" or "promotes" defending your clan instead of attacking the enemy clan in a 1v1v1 situation (because if you attack instead of defend, you won't be sure which enemy would have been the mathematically better one to attack come Monday), so I definitely support that ... but only in 1v1v1 (or more) situations.

The tricky thing is, the clans don't truly know when a joint attack will occur or not...but I think that's fun.

Banning them altogether wouldn't be as fun, in my opinion. It would remove strategy from the game. Do you think my above proposal removes too much strategy from the game?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (7/1/2011 11:13:41)


f we don't score using the above format, I'd say the land should become neutral/uncontested after a joint attack, simply because you cannot determine the true winner. Do you think that's preferable to having a winner each time?

Someone already proposed something like that. It could work, but I think it would drag the game for too long.


If we were to use the above format, I have a couple questions regarding its fairness: why wouldn't Glacius simply keep the land in that instance? Their defense score went up the highest out of all 3. It's not like it's "Attackers" vs. "Defending Clan". Each clan is independent. It's Noctoru vs. Igneus vs. Lucian vs. Glacius. And if it's determined by which teams' defense score goes up most, it should be done on an individual basis. If Glacius had +3,000 forces, they should not lose their land to a clan with a smaller increase. By the score being determined by defense forces, it "incentivizes" or "promotes" defending your clan instead of attacking the enemy clan in a 1v1v1 situation (because if you attack instead of defend, you won't be sure which enemy would have been the mathematically better one to attack come Monday), so I definitely support that ... but only in 1v1v1 (or more) situations.

Well, that gives me another idea. Unorganized joint attacks would be inneffective as long as the defending clan has a high enough score to keep its territory. However, if two clans plan a joint attack and says so to the GM, it would work if they are able to exceed the defending clan's score.

It's not so bad to have more or less strategy to the game. All we want is a fairly decent game to play and have fun. Your suggestions are highly welcomed as it helps making it more and more complete.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (7/25/2011 15:31:58)

Well, after a lot of "debating", we've finally concluded and fixed most issues.

It's going to be like this for battles:

ecause of this case of multiple attack and such, I think a change in the attacking rules might be needed. Since it's so hard to tell which clan did the most casualty in a joint attack against another clan, we'll have to change from dropping the other clan's score to raising own clans score. We'll have to do like what we did with the Battle contests. Basically, instead of determined the winner by if the clan have a positive or negative fluctuation, the two clans defend, and the one who has a better rising in points win. For multiple attacks, if the two or more clans manage to beat the defender's score raise, the defending clan lose, andthe area is given to the clan who had a better fluctuation of points.

Now, since I almost confused myself, an example is required.
Igneus, Nocturu and Lucian attacks Glacius. At the end of the weekend, Glacius managed to rise it's defense points by 3000, Nocturu by 1000, Igneus by 1200 and Lucian by 1500. Since the total raise of the three clans exceeds 3000, the coalition of three clans won. However, since Lucian has the highest amount of points gained, the area Glacius had is now under Lucian's control.

So now it's Monday, you can now plans your actions for this round.

EDIT: So it's been decided that I will be the GM for this. AS I said above, PM your battle plan to me once all your clan agreed to it. I've also updated the rules above.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (8/16/2011 1:11:25)

To make up for free space, deleting several of my multiposting since no one actualy post in here, and for practicity and other stuff like that, I've moved the weekly results and the war map to the first post. Unless someone else post, I'll keep this post for weekly screenshots and detailed results. So at the end of each week, please watch at this post's edits.

Now that it has been said; planning, planning and planning. As usual, PM your clan's move to me before this Friday.

EDIT: Well, do I REALLY need to make a screenshot? No, 'cause Dynami is the only team playing again.

So far so good I guess... Anyway, I've edited the first post, check it out. Next round begins.

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (8/30/2011 16:59:33)

5 rounds undefeated. I'm worried that when we run out of empty areas to conquer we won't be able to take over anywhere else just from the natural fluctuation of points.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (8/30/2011 20:49:48)

Aye, you better double your efforts when the time will come to conquer other areas, otherwise the whole game will be stuck.

I'm disappointed by the lack of activity from the other clans. I expected more than just Dynami to take part in it.

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (8/31/2011 7:17:42)

Well, I do visit this forum every single day. That might be a factor.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/4/2011 23:19:59)

Weekend's done, results are above and yeah, Dynami moved again to obtain B2.

This week, Dynami moved and successfully took B1. Now, for the interesting part, shall Dynami be able to conquer the other clans? We shall see this week.

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/12/2011 13:10:53)

Now comes the tough part.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/12/2011 18:45:35)

Guess I'll have to take screenshots now until you reach the other empty areas.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/15/2011 3:16:26)

Soon that map will be purple. Everywhere.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/18/2011 22:40:03)

It's a new battle that is beginning. For once, I'm able to put the screenshot now.

Let's see the results:
This week, Dynami went to attack A12, Lucian's territory.
Dynami lost 2292 points.
Lucian lost 4020 points.
Seeing as Dynami lost fewer points than Lucian, Dynami successfully conquered A12

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/26/2011 7:10:14)

You know what a problem is? Editing a post doesn't give the thread a bump, meaning it won't show one of these fancy "new posts" icons.


Hooray Dynami!

We are number one! Everyone else is number two, or lower!

I dare you to oppose us.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/26/2011 10:09:46)

It's because it was troublesome to see me multi-posting 7 times in a row. If people would post more, I wouldn't have to edit.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/26/2011 22:43:32)

It's a vicious circle, I see.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/27/2011 6:43:33)

With inactivity in big letters at its center.

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (9/27/2011 7:44:29)

Why don't you just delete your post and repost instead of editing?

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