RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/28/2012 7:40:43)

Where is this week's screeshot for before the weekend started?

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/28/2012 8:06:53)

I'm wondering as well. For me the screenshot is the starting sign. Can somebody else post one instead?

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/28/2012 10:05:59)

we could use last weeks screenshot, but unless it would count in the war there wouldn't be much point of fighting.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/28/2012 11:01:07)

I've been called by a friend last night and by the time I came back, which was pretty late in the morning, I just went straight to sleep. Anyways, here's the screenshot.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/28/2012 11:31:33)

Well that's great, we alraedy punched in 2k wins since midnight and you suddenly decide they don't count because the screenshot was 11 hours late.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/28/2012 11:44:47)

Can't do anything about it. I have a life too on weekends.

I recall someone from the PFs volunteered to take screenies in case I wasn't avaiable or was a hour or two late. I've yet to see that back-up.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/28/2012 12:47:55)

Dynami down to 4011. This is probly the luckiest we'll ever get.


EDIT: Dynami's down about 607 points. I'm pretty sure how the rest of the weekend will work out. I'll try to stay loged in and inform you if Dynami's score jumps up.

EDIT2: Dynami jumped up! ATTACK!!!!!

masterwolfie -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/29/2012 14:39:28)

I'm not sure if that was me who offered to help Shadow. Can't remember.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/29/2012 15:09:34)

@ dethhollow: you sure you aren't on the guardian server? Dynami has been at around 4700-4800 the whole time for me but I know they were at 3600 when I checked on the guardian server earlier.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/29/2012 16:36:54)

@Wolfie: I think you offered to be GM for this game before I volunteered to be it and Leb or Diggy pointed out you were often busy.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/29/2012 17:17:31)

yeah, turns out I was on the guardian server. then I went back to the free server and... yeah....

Just so used to clicking guardian.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/29/2012 19:08:02)

Same here. Anyway I'm all capped on both chars and there's still a 500 wins gap. So unless some kind of wonder happens, I'm forced to conclude that the experiment attack Dynami failed.
And that is when they were already severely handicapped by not having 2k wins count do to the round starting later. Not sure what to make of this realization...

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 0:15:23)

And time's up. Let's look at the results.

Weekly Results:
-Dynami moved to attack C7, Nautica's territory.
Dynami gainec 512 points, as Nautica gained 50 points. Dynami successfully conquered C7.

-Aerodu moved to attack C3, Igneus' territory.
Aerodu gained 152 points, as Igneus lost 253 points. Aerodu successfully conquered C3.

-Geoto moved to attack A6, Nocturu's territory.
Geoto lost 25 points, as Nocturu lost 142 points. Geoto's attack on A6 was successful.

-Nautica moved to attack C5, Dynami's territory.
Nautica gained 25 points, as Dynami gained 512 points. Nautica's attempt to conquer C5 failed.

-Nocturu moved to attack A5, Glacius' territory.
Nocturu lost 142 points, as Glacius gained 32 points. Nocturu's attack on A5 was a failure.


Well, that concludes for this week's matches. Let's move on forward with the next round.

On another note, I've been discussing with the others about what would happen if I'm a hour late or absent. I'm asking to any of you if you would volunteer to take screenshots when I'm absent or a hour late.

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 9:06:57)

Not bad, for being the smallest clan. Not bad at all.

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 16:19:13)

ya anther win for the wind!

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 16:41:47)

Well Geoto, I hope your reading this. This is the EXACT reason we need your clan to help fight Dynami. Let's look at the facts:

1. Dynami farms 2,000 waves a day

2. we got Dynami to around 500 points, so over the weekend Nautica and Aerodu farmed around 750 waves each.

3. I capped on both days, so I know I'm trying hard as the last active Nautica member.

well, the only thing I can think of is Nautica needs more members/ allies.

4. Dynami farmed 2,000 waves a day with no fourm activity.

Dynami eather has some dedicated members, they are being PM'd or sent other messages, OR something fishy is going on....


gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 18:22:26)

I would refrain from calling it something fishy. Dynami is really giving it their all which I respect. As things stand now we can only overcome them united with equally strong dedication and (hopefully) some additional supporters.

theosenia -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 18:40:23)

Silly me! I'm gonna ask a silly question,again...


Dynami farms 2,000 waves a day

Is this A FACT? No! You forget that in the meantime some kind of "opposite activity" must take place at the same time.What I mean is some players (not forumists necessarily) but just ppl who happens to be farming at the area MUST being attacking the clan...ALL other clans have these "random attacks",can't see why/HOW D. would be an exception!

So,NO! For every 2K wins of D. IMO u must add at least a 500+ So 2K +500 (to say the least!)= 2,500 or perhaps even 3K defenses/wins a day...! [;)]

Note: Defending is totally DIFFERENT from attacking...much MORE time consuming due to constantly changing equipment.

Last time I "kept notes" [8D] D's score was @ + 20K

It took around 2 months (ALL Christmass HOLIDAYS included) for the score to drop into the negatives (which is NORMAL if u ask me).

Now,why there was no 2-3 k d farming during THAT interval of dropping,I dunno!

Perhaps pms didn't work well during the christmas holidays when most ppl have more free time naturally but they work fine whenever THIS game is in progress.

IF the screenshots on this thread,on this forum stayed at their place instead of being erased right after the "match" is over;u'd see that what I'm saying is A FACT! :-)

To avoid misunderstandings,I am not saying that up to 2k wins (even defenses!) in one day is not possible.With 20 n NOT 10 chars capped,it can be done!
What I find extremely difficult is to have that result "at will"! Whenever you like. Not all multichar ppl could be available to devote 4-6 hours to cap their chars at approximately the same time; n not all these ppl can "keep in schedule" or even log on,especially on the free server some times.

Ppl who have participated in AQ wars,will know what I am talking about...even the most hard-core war players don't reach their first 1K wins unless a couple of days has passed.

To make a looong story short,I always had a question: Would ppl see the same results IF the game took place on the GUARDIAN instead of the free server...I guess we'll never know as this probably ain't gonna happen! "Rules" say: ONLY ON THE FREE SERVER ( as ALL can play).

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 18:51:03)


2. we got Dynami to around 500 points, so over the weekend Nautica and Aerodu farmed around 750 waves each.

Don't know how it would've ended if Dynami had that 2000 points they managed to get before I officially posted the screenshot.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 18:59:52)

Yes, them outperforming us like that on a regular basis is unusual but I would not go as far as considering it fishy just because of that. It's a friendly contest after all.
One thing's for sure though. Whoever is fighting for Dynami, it's not the chars that DigDog, Tuss and Fishtank have linked. Also, my level 78 char can get in 500-600 wins during the weekend so 2500-3000 wins with ten chars capped minus opposition and general Paxia activity sounds fitting enough for me.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 19:12:59)

I don't like these accusations. This is very rude theosenia. It's insulting. I hope your parents are proud.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/30/2012 19:23:54)

Just to answer for that part about Holidays, why would Dynami even bother raising up their defense score if there was no contest? Since I began my weeks of exams about the 20th of January, so there waas no round for the week that I was studying for my exam. Straight after that week, there was two weeks that I was unavaiable due to me being gone during both Christmas and New Year. I find it just the more natural that Dynami stopped raising their own scores during the period of time where there was no contest, even though everyone is free.

theosenia -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/31/2012 4:52:35)

@Diggy: To try to prove false an argument that a person's making by reffering to the person n not his argument is a well-known (ancient! in fact) method that has no real effect in the long run,trust me! :-)

I am sorry but I can see NO accusations n certainly NO insults on MY agin if u failed to see a series of totally LOGICAL arguments n facts there.

My main argument (which I've stated since day one on this thread) is that for a number of reasons (a few stated above plus the so called "syncghronisation" between free-guardian) the FREE server is NOT to be trusted,imo for such events n I stick to my argument!

..."R my parents proud" Lol! that was a good one,Diggy! [8D] [:D]

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/31/2012 8:05:47)

I assume the servers sync up at around the same time on a regular basis. Even if it synced up a few minutes after the screenshot was taken, because the screenshots are taken at the same time every week, the results and starts are consistent from week to week. If the screenshot was dileberately taken after or before the sync to change the scores, then yes, you can consider it rigged. But because we don't know when it syncs up, we can't do that, so even though it might still be rigged, we don't know how to keep from doing it, even though we might not as well. Make sense?

theosenia -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/31/2012 8:25:41)

^^ At least this is a well put counter-argument/answer to mine.Thanks! [:)]

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