[DF] The Mirror Realm (Full Version)

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Highlord Sendai -> [DF] The Mirror Realm (6/19/2011 15:21:36)

The 13th Hour

Location: Falconreach > Travel > Scarab Pyramid > Enter!
Level/Quest/Items required: Requires completion of Sneevil Civil War: Confrontation

Objective: Slash Scar Pyramid, a Pyramid built years ago has been unearthed.
Objective completed: And so it begins!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(3) Desert Lizardman
(3) Sandstorm
(3) Sandstone
(2) Sunspike
(3) Light Elemental
(13) Sneevil
(5) Ice Elf Warrior
(7) Snowball
(2) Mummy
(3) Frost Mummy

Highlord Sendai
Lord Steve
King Komodo
Saiai Bokussu
Ice Elf Warrior
Sneevil Acra

Valencia: We have to enter the Pyramid, the other party's have already started exploring...
Valencia: ...We have to find the treasure.


Highlord Sendai: Men, today, we become explorers, Scarab Pyramid shall be conquered by us.
Sneevils: *Cheers*
Lord Steve: And many many Boxes!
Sneevils: *Huge Uproar of Cheers*
Highlord Sendai: Now, let the expedition begin.

*The Sneevils run into the Pyramid. Meanwhile...*

Ace: Soldiers, it is time, to march upon the Pyramids...
Ace: ...The Sneevils have entered Scarab Pyramid, they are trapped inside.

*A human explorer raises his hand*

Hunte: Um, Ace, Sir, should we not just leave the Sneevils be, they've done nothing too us.
Hunte: Who's with me on this!

*A small amount of the crowd answer*

Crowd: Ai!
Hunte: The army has spoken Ace...

*Ace casts a spell on Hunte and he turns to Ice*

Ace: Let that be a warning to you all, now as I was saying...
Ace: ...Scarb Pyramid! Attack!

*The army runs out and clamber onto some Ice Dragons, they fly into the sky and the screen turns black then it shows them landing in front of Scarab Pyramid. The screen then fades back to you and Indie Jony*

Valencia: Strange thing is, nobodies left yet.
You: Let's go investigate then eh.

*You run in and face all the Monsters except Sneevils and Ice Monsters. Eventually you reach a door, it slides open to reveal a battle between Sneevils and Ice Elves*

Ice Elf Warrior: You spiky haired freak, surrender now or die.
Sneevil Acra: No! I live for Box, gimme Box!!!

*You run in and have to fight your way through, eventually, it ends and shows you holding your weapon to a Ice Elf's neck*

You: What's going on here!
Ice Elf Warrior: Fine, I tell you, if you move that <Weapon Name>.
You: Fine.

*You sheath your weapon*

You: Now what do you know?
Ice Elf Warrior: Well.
*The screen changes to the Sneevils standing at a door, the one you entered through and trying to work out the puzzle*

Highlord Sendai: When the Royal Star is visible, the Sun hides away, a eternal Night Time appears. What is this star calledd?
Ace: Heh! The answer's Knight.

*The door opens, another room is visible, the one your in now*

Highlord Sendai: Hey thank-ACE!!!!
Ace: Kudos to you, now, you know why I'm here...
Ace: Men, kill the Sneevil!

*The Ice Elves attack and the Sneevils and Ice Elves start to fight.*

Ace: You ruined me Sendai, your petty Civil War ruined me, but it's time I served some Revenge...
Ace: Bon Appetite.

*Suddenly a portal opens in the middle of the room. Sucking in every body inside. It then closes, leaving a small handful of Sneevils and Ice Elves, the scene shifts back to you and the Ice Elf*

You: Why did you keep fighting then?
Ice Elf Warrior: We are bound by oath, we must fight or die a coward.
Valencia: <Character's Name>! Look at this!

*A Sundial appears.*

You: It's a Sundial, but what's it doing in here?
Valencia: More importantly, hows it telling the time?
You: To add more to the mystery, why's they're a 13th Hour?
Valencia: We're about to find out!

*The Shadow creeps over to 13 and suddenly a portal opens, every thing gets sucked in. You look about and find yourself on Desert Ground, being spit out by the Portal, meanwhile, back at the Pyramid a army of Lizardmen, Flying Eyeballs, Zombies, Bugs and Mummys stand where the portal was. Leading them is a Huge Lizardman wearing a crown and a Mud Covered Robe.*

King Komodo: VALENCIA!!!
King Komodo: Oh, it's been a while since I've seen you.
King Komodo: She has entered the Mirror Realm!

*A robed figure appears*

???: As planned, now, it's your turn to attack Komodo!

*The robed figure raises his hand and the Shadow on the Sundial meets the 13th Hour again, the Portal reopens*

???: Upon the first strike of 13, the Portal opens, upon the second, legends enter and upon the 3rd...
???: ...The battle begins!

*The Portal sends out Purple Rays. The screen zooms out from the Portal and to a image of Lore from Space. It zooms into a grave in Doomwood*

Necromancer: The 13th Hour has begun, command the army to divert from Amityvale...
Necromancer: ...We are setting course for the Pyramids!

*The screen then changes to Guffer and the Yagas*

Guffer: Ladies, it is now, the hero is in the Scarab Pyramids. MOVE MOVE MOVE!

*The screen changes to Osprey Cove*

Captain Rhubarb: Set sail to the Pyramids, those scurvy land crawlers will see they're last day.

*The screen changes to Shadow of the Wind Village, a Spy runs up to Thyton*

Ninja: The Pirates have set sail for the Pyramids.
Thyton: Good, then we attack them in the Shadows, move in!

*The screen changes to the Scarab Pyramid, it shows creatures and humans flooding in, it shows Zhoom observing!*

Zhoom: The Mirage Pyramid! NO!

*Zhoom runs in. The screen changes to the Robed Figure keeping the Portal open, he approaches the Robed Figure*

Zhoom: FOOL!
???: Oh, Zhoom, nice to meet you. What are you doing here?
Zhoom: You know why!
???: Oh I do of course, to collect back what is mine!
Zhoom: Well then, *draws bow* call them all back out, if they are in they're too long!
???: The Universe will collapse, well that's what I'm here for!

*He releases his hood to reveal a old man*

Paradox: I am Paradox. Ruler of Time!
Paradox: You know my brothers, we've needed to feed for so long.
Paradox: And by locking them into the Mirror Realm, they become unattached to they're parents.
Paradox: No parents means no one to give birth to them, a Perfect Paradox!
Zhoom: You're mad!

*Zhoom fires a arrow at Paradox and he flies back into his portal. It closes, in it's place lies a Hourglass and a Note, Zhoom translates them...*

Zhoom: The Fabled One shall start his quest, a Hourglass to mark his death, while a almighty war shall threaten the rest.

*A sand falls from the top of the Hourglass, the sand starts falling rapidly and a number appears, the Number 24*

Zhoom: One day to save the whole world, it's up to you now <Character's Name>.

Next Up: The Mirror Fort

Highlord Sendai -> RE: [DF] The Mirror Realm (6/19/2011 15:24:42)

The Mirror Fort

Location: The Mirror Realm

Quests Available
None (As of now)

Highlord Sendai
Lord Steve


Dialogue (if applicable)
None (as of now)

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