Favourite Moment of Gamma (Full Version)

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The Death Trap -> Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 17:10:41)

Hey guys since Gamma is wrapping up and Delta is gonna start,

I wanna ask you guys what was your favourite time or moment in gamma?

Leave a comment in the section below and tell me your favourite memory of gamma.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 17:17:43)

the moment when it ends so hasnt happened yet

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 18:11:25)

when i won daily juggernaut with 171 wins and i started 7 hours after the reset :D

AQWPlayer -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 18:17:03)

When player suggestion shop came ;)

8x -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 18:20:17)

Favourite Moment of Gamma? Hmm... 5 minutes before Gamma was released. xD

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 19:20:24)

^XD So so true! I was there, Oz world 8. =D good times! good times!

Hiddenblade -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 21:39:39)

when suggestion shop was finally here and when silver skull card came

StriderAigis -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 21:58:22)

nothin really, didnt really like gamma hat much, hopefuly delta will be more promising

elm street -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/22/2011 22:05:59)

over spending in gamma sucked [:@] everything was varium to the point of ridiculousnesss and you could only get offers by buying the retardedly expensive package

Shadow Jester -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 0:16:47)

When i gaved Chubbs a hug! :DD He enjoys hugs from me :3

helloguy -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 0:28:14)

When I discovered my build out some nearly 2 or so weeks ago

xxmirxx -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 0:39:52)

When short while when we had no Agility. Yes it was in gamma believe or not.

Kaiquef -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 0:41:23)

When it ends.i loved that moment [:D]

PenyihiR -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 1:00:24)

When I Become First Non Varium Beat Big Tuna With my TM.,
(N Im number 65 who first beat Big Tuna..,Varium n non varium)

BlueKatz -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 2:11:49)


Suggestion Shop, I don't use it, but in all those fails, it's the best

Nexus... -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 2:51:39)

Favorite? I think what you are really asking, is for me to pick the best of the worst moments? Yeah that makes more sense....

Well lets see...

Five minutes after Bigtuna's release on August 15th 2010 (I think). I had just been the first Tech Mage to beat her, and had no idea that Agility even existed, or what it was for that matter.

That was great, and very short lived.


charwelly -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 2:54:41)

Player suggestion shop came into play

Drakadh -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 2:58:07)

I got the Assault bot! :D


ansh0 -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 3:06:51)

I won an assault bot and a hover bike:p
and gamma sucked

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 9:51:41)


Favourite Moment of Gamma? Hmm... 5 minutes before Gamma was released. xD

So True XD

The Death Trap -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 10:26:17)

Lol i personally liked Gamma but thats my opinion since i was in Beta for like only a 2 weeks or so.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 10:48:31)

my favorite part of gamma was payer i mean player appreciation

becuase it was an update that gave back to the varium users of ED and left the F2Ps with what they had before that udate plus a mission or two

ForTun3 -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 13:27:10)

favorite: when i got my first gama bot... hehe

worst moment: rite now... coz im guna miss out on the stun guns, so sad....[:(]

Deimos... -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 13:35:28)

When it was delta!


Wraith -> RE: Favourite Moment of Gamma (6/23/2011 13:53:42)

^Thats not in Gamma.

My favorite moment in Gamma was when my Caster build actually worked. Well, I did fully enhance low level weapons (stupid me).

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