As we look back... (Full Version)

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Clutch -> As we look back... (6/22/2011 20:00:34)

Hi all, just a question out there for my fellow players, as the Gamma phase comes to a close, I thought I'd ask all of you what you thought of Gamma as compared to Beta or even Alpha for those who have been around for that long. What was each phase's strongpoints, what were their faults. And what would you suggest that the game implement and avoid moving on towards Delta?

xxmirxx -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 20:09:51)

beta I had more fun as merc and gamma I had fun as mage but for short while. Gamma I found to costly and beta cheaper but took longer for non varium weps. Gamma was very annoying because for long time they had no robots for non varium. Later on it did but for arcade. Beta there was less complaining because old forums were much less people . The only thing I hate was class change in beta. gamma by far brought me most anger even more then beta.

Mohandas Gandhi -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 20:11:13)

It was truly a disappointment, almost every update sounds amazing but once it came out it sucked. The devs pretty much scammed the players with the creation of Juggarnaut, and now there releasing 2 vs 1 boss battles which is probably going to cost varium again. I for one hate this phase more than anything in my life.

StriderAigis -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 20:15:23)

well IMO I liked beta the best, was more fun nicer people and my random builds worked alot better(like 3 stun grenade and 7 multi shot worked good in 2v2) best thing about gamma for me was...uhhhh i really dont know xD

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 20:35:40)

gamma gave us updates faster but they were less involed then the beta ones which we would wait two or three weeks for a nice full update with many parts now its once a week we get a varium update so i pick beta for better updates

Shadronica -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 20:50:05)

No secret which one I choose [;)]

Beta!! Particularly early Beta before agility, focus and enhancements. Was far easier to make random builds and win without the huge so called "luck" factor running rampant. I could make a build and know exactly how it would work 99.99% of the time. Not only that ... since the "luck" factor wasn't such a huge decider of battles people rarely called you a noob or lucky because it was mostly a good working knowledge of builds and strategy that got your wins.
Also the players were by far friendlier and helpful.

The only good thing that I saw come out of Gamma was the introduction of the player suggestion shop and other non varium weapons also introduced.

I won't discuss the disappointments as I am more than vocal about them in other posts.

Sorry just read the OP and realised that you asked what the dev's should not take into Delta to which I would also like to refrain from saying as I don't want to sound like a parrot. :P

xxmirxx -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 20:54:35)

Shadronica earlier beta was before class change and before 42 dex requirements. I want to see them avoiding bring stuff to us that can't do like founder pass down.

Larcell -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 21:27:47)

Beta, for not having agility.

Gamma, because after Gamma is Delta. :P

Wraith -> RE: As we look back... (6/22/2011 21:37:59)

i liek dleta ;D. Delta sounds GREAT! 2vsNPC with my friends! Just don't have that much ingame friend D:.

Sipping Cider -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 1:54:37)

I am just really excited for delta!!!!!

I do hope to see old items become more powerful so they can be used competitively (especially the armors sitting around getting dusty in Nightwrath and steve 2.0) or new items that are powerful and have similar looks to old items.

Nexus... -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 2:36:58)

Nice thread Clutch :)

I think everyone knows my opinion as of late, but let me get a bit more specific.

Beta: I will go with Shadronica on this one. Early beta was a fabulous time. From the day Alpha ended up until probably around late april of 2010, this game had a very large amount of potential. At the time their were no major requirements on skills, no limitations such as focus and agility, no major skill requirements, no OP +5 builds with Gamma Bot, people were friendly (FLATH!), and best of all, the players were free to do as they pleased with their builds, and to get creative!

Gamma: This stage will in my mind always be the time that killed this game. No matter what you say, the developers had a choice to make, and they made the wrong one. Gamma should have been a time of feature rich updates, full of new Game engine perks and story driven releases. However instead, the Developers chose to go down the road of profit and greed, instead of pride and prosperity. Almost every release was horribly thought out and Varium based, and releases such as the suggestion shop only started coming towards the end of the stage, and can be considered Gems in a very large desert of ruin.

Delta: Although their is a glimmer of optimisim somewhere inside of me, Delta seems to be yet another Gamma. Many of you were not along for the ride a year ago, but those who were probably know exactly what I am talking about. However the game has changed, and so have the players, and yet another decision must be made by the developers of this once great game. Whether or not they will make the right choice this time around has yet to be determined.


xxmirxx -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 2:42:03)


no major requirements on skills, no limitations such as focus and agility, no major skill requirements,

yes there were for merc they add 42 dex.

Nexus... -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 2:45:41)

Not in early beta buddy :) That came later


Mr. Black OP -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 16:16:57)

gamma sucked, passive requirements, agility, bots, stat diminishing, should i go on?

AQWPlayer -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 17:14:46)


gamma sucked, passive requirements, agility, bots, stat diminishing, should i go on?

Maybe you should add encumberance?

TurkishIncubus -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 17:36:35)

In Beta > Creative Builds Win , In Gamma > Luck Wins , In Delta > God Knows who will win :O

altimatum -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 18:04:56)

Hrm beta did have less stats for more creative builds.... how much has the optimum stats from early beta inflated to today's gamma?

PumKing -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 18:09:17)

Beta: enjoyed due to the low level cap, like non-enhanceble stuff, which made it so the beta weps could totally be used in full for near every build XP

Gamma: made me really think, and led to my experimenting with all the original three classes, it turns out I like the BH the best ( I will find the perfect poison build XP)

xxmirxx -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 18:12:12)


passive requirements

Thats because people use to put over 180 strength and up. Simply it was bounty fault in that matter especially the fouders you guys screw yourself in that matter. But soon those requirements will be no use because your weps will requirement those stats.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 18:26:31)

ive never met anyone with that kind of str before requirements and even if i put all m enhancements into str, ignored support and tech i might get 140 but 180 is just unreal unless u ignore health and energy a bit, i had maybe 120 at max before requirements and a merc about 160 is the highest ive seen, and that 160 build kinda failed

Wraith -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 18:46:12)

@TurkishIncubus: Titan will win cuz he can legit hax to crit block and deflect.

xxmirxx -> RE: As we look back... (6/23/2011 18:55:21)

zman 2 I have it was donna and then Epic and then comicalbiker and then Dax and so on. Larcell for first 2 months agility was not on gamma. For those aren't mages you guys actually increase your wins agility made merc and bounty way better. So be greatful because if agility was not here you wouldn't stand chance against us.

WizKalifa -> RE: As we look back... (6/24/2011 9:33:36)

gamma sucked. beta was the best. alpha was probaly good too but most of the players left because this game was getting to boring. I liked beta cus i liked the forums, and this one sucks, also because of the fun nice people in it. Gamma is full of eughduhgduflasdjasmdkladadadmsksdmeinfwedf. Thank you.

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