Happy Medium (Full Version)

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PumKing -> Happy Medium (6/22/2011 20:09:49)

I have made this in response to Soliqe's thread, which went horribly off track. This game has many flaws, many of which I find rather aggrivating. I could easily go into detail on basically all the things which upset me about this game, I have done so on many threads, and done so rather elequently (or at least easily understood without a bunch of crazy vernacular which tries to lead itself into being a flat out jerk). I have put in many hunreds of dollars into this game, I know others have too. BUT, all this negetivity is a cyclical thing, everyone complians, this creates negetivity, then when something changes, either for better(like the awsome balancing of stat progression which becomes less effective the more you put into it) or worse (will not get into, because it is far too easy), EVERYONE complains. I don't mean to be preachy, but you will only find contentment and happiness ONLY if you focus on the positive side of things. I am an invested player, I pay to be a full var player, and I like that, I live in a country where I can actually spend my time to complain (which isn't constructive critism, something I am working on to correct) and not worry about something like having a house or clean drinking water.

So, here and now I make a stand to bring good feelings and contentment back to this game. Here are some of the things which I like about this game, or think are cool:

1. Love the balanced stat system (2 tiered magnificence, making stat spaming a very tricky thing to do, and if someone manages to pull it off for example a str merc, in order for it to be a truely viable build must be thought out to the last stat and skill point which at that point is something to be in awe of and not something to be mad about)

2. The Alien helmet that mages have (I became a bh and am thus no longer able to wear it, but I think it is one of the best looking helms out there for mages, and if worn with founder armor and painted all black but for the teeth, which i believe is dictated by eye color, to be white, you have a perfect alien XD)

3."The Beast Reborn" wristblades (hands down the coolest looking writsblades, to me, because they are the closest thing to gratutitously long freddy claws, love the knightmare series so I am clearly biased, but is still so cool, personally love the fact it has a red fringe AND glows red, whoever thought up that wep deservesa sugary snack of there choice XP)

4. Houses (when all else fails and you just want a place to be alone to either retrain or simply not have to look at other players in a crowded area when you jump out of battle for a few seconds, thanks to the house you don't have to search for some odd abandoned coner in some odd world)

Last bit here---> Even if this game turns for the worst and even thinking about some founder mage walking in full blown alien wear will not even put a smirk on your face, which has even happend to me (more times than I would like or seem healthy for playing a game in retrospect),
Ultimately the game is still in testing phases!! SO even if everything really does suck, and it feels like it is taking forever for this game to make some porgress (or really is), this game is still a continious work in progress as many of you viewers (and myself) can (and will) confirm. It can, and it will get better, because.... (are you ready for it here, this next bit won't be highlted in anyway because it shouldn't be for somethin so simple which even I forget or,but usually, and gloss over).... that's the whole point of going through testing phases.

I challenge any who post here, especially if you are a mod, dev, or have something under their forum name besides member to write 2 things which they sincerly enjoy, like, or think is cool about this game. And once you have done so, if you reply furth down the list you are no longer obligated to coninue to post so, but if you are negitive in any way, I highly encourage you to type out at least 1 thing you like about ED to try and balance yourself out. Yay happiness!

Sipping Cider -> RE: Happy Medium (6/22/2011 21:19:53)

Very Inspiring right there.

I started looking through the forums recently, and although there are many negative threads, you gotta remember the positive ones too (such as congratulations, accomplishments, most funny conversations, and stuff like that).

Very good point on the note that this game is still in the testing phase.

And although it has been voiced many times, i would just like to repeat that you can always quite, so why do something that makes you unhappy?

As for just positive comments however, part of the reason for these forums is for player feed back, so some complaints have to exist. However, some complaints could have been said without so much negativity.

PumKing -> RE: Happy Medium (6/22/2011 21:33:59)

@theSunguardian, first, I would like to say that your comments are rather valid, however, while it is true that you can quit the game, I find that that particular use of a phrase is rather harsh, I personally believe that this game has great potencial to be a great game, and as I stated above it is insanely easy to take for granted that this game is still in the test phases. However, it is much easier, and nicer to say something along the lines of "if you feel this game is not quite up to the par you believe it used to be, try someother games(which could then list some of the other AQ games, but aldo some other onlines games that the devs or mods have played that are also rather good that could be written as a suggestion) and that they could try playing again should the mood take them to try playing again in a few months after a few updates have gone through. And while there is certainly much negativity around, and as you put it, some are said overmuch, however, consider that much of these post gravitate around one particular subject, the merc class, and while I do not want to give much specifics to stere away from as the title of this post, a happy medium in the game, compare howmuch has EVER been said aboutANY of the other class builds, iconically, the mage loop build, now compare this to all that people have been saying for many months now about how they feel about the merc class, on the whole if this many people feel to post about this CONSTANTLY, then there is probably some cause as to believe that there true is a problem. HOwever, most would agree that the way to solve the problem would be an all around nerf of the class, I however am ALWAY in favor of boosting other classes. Also, if writting 2 positive things about this game is too hard, at least try for one, as per my previous examples, it does not nessesarily have to be about interface in the game, but can be about asthetics or art in the game.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Happy Medium (6/23/2011 20:05:09)

Hmmm, I enjoy making new builds, even if they fail, my new 5 focus build kicks, brass. (I play trombone in real life XD)

AQWPlayer -> RE: Happy Medium (6/23/2011 20:14:57)


I challenge any who post here, especially if you are a mod, dev, or have something under their forum name besides member to write 2 things which they sincerly enjoy, like, or think is cool about this game

What if under the name it says "Banned"? xD
What I enjoy about this game is that mages have reroute, and that gives us a chance to use different strategies, like heal looping :)
Something cool about this game is that males make up the major part of the game, but the very best players are girls xD

MrBones -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 5:36:52)

The best thing about this game is my beard

Xendran -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 5:43:42)

The stat system is NOT balanced, just so you know.
I have no problem with you enjoying the stat system, but im just informing you that it is not balanced.

Zean Zapple -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 10:48:51)

@Xendran, You're 100% correct. It's not balanced. After hanging around you and SOUP for a while you really do know everything about EpicDuel.


Chosen 0ne -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 11:19:11)

My post really wasnt suggesting the stats are balanced, in case you were talking got me...

I think Titan should listen to Xendran for a fix in balance, I'm sure others players would vouch for him. (i think vouch is the word im looking for lol)

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 12:00:57)

I do think we should look onto the possitive side of things and i am a very negative person but being the lwest person on the totem pole(full F2P for a year) i have seen the game from lets say the sewers i see the slightly neglected side of things for every F2P update there are 4 Varium ones but i am always greatful for what the Devs give us.

Missions a fun way to pass time when i dont feel like fighting
Gear its far and few between but its always better then what we had(even tho i still use gear from Beta)
Factions now this is gonna sound wierd to anyone who doesnt know me but i love all the little faction things they add it makes running my faction much more fun Flags HQ Cannons its all good fun

Sure im not the beacon of light but i do give thanks to the devs for whatever they give us

Remorse -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 12:34:36)

How is the stat nerf thing good??, First off I find it funny how they first release THE WORST FEATURE enhacements (for reasoning see older posts), then all these extra stats created by this posintless rip off feature has left the game with a prbelm and that is too much stats, so what do they do, they nerf the stats... So ulitmatley wat has happened is we've had to pay to get nerfed and if you don't pay your at a disadvantage! gr8!! (sarcasrim). Also not only is the reasoning for this feature dum so to is the effect, it may seem that this stat progression had nerfed stat spammers the worst but in actual fact we're all just as worse off. eg. a str merc loses about 4 damage due to stat progression, but a Focus merc, mage or hunter has lost about 1 str dmage, 1 resistance, 1 defence and 1 aux dmage which =4. Even if you don't agree with the math you should be able to agree with the battlefield, Str mercs still have the exact same anoying power they always had, str BH still rule support mercs and mages are becoming frequent agian, yeh stat prgression sure has stopped spammers...not! and if they did stop spammers what would that result in? I'll tell you all classes left with dum robot focus build ( I use it so i know it's dum) it's dum because focus builds are the most susceptible to luck( apart fromstr mercs) as 1 robot beiing blocked up agaisnt another focus build will result in ur death. This leads to the 3 main biggest problems ED faces, 1.Prcies and getting ripped off, 2.Balance 3. Luck. It's about time the devs realise this and start reversing or fixing mistakes only then will i think about the positive!

Wraith -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 12:43:06)

^Unless your a mage. You can TRY to heal loop.

Remorse -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 13:04:01)

^ Most heal loopers spam support which i mentioned.

Wraith -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 13:05:10)

^Depends on your meaning of spam. Unless you have over 90, its not spamming. Most 5 focus BHs and TMs have decent support.

Remorse -> RE: Happy Medium (6/24/2011 13:28:45)

^ thats exactly right, in a sence focus builds have decent stats in all catgories and are half spamming them which is why they're nerfed just as much as real spammers by the stat progression nerf.

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